What Real Friends Do

July 26, 2010 | 6 comments

I’m a former mat dweller, paralyzed by the mess of sin. Once upon a time, friends took me to the feet of Jesus so I could walk.

I’m a miracle, walking now on my own spiritual legs.

But are these able-legs willing to do the hard work for someone else?

My jagged story of faith started on a mat with friends who willing to carry the load of me. Will I to carry my friends to Jesus — at any cost?

I’m sharing my thoughts today at Internet Cafe Devotions. Will you join me there by clicking here? We welcome your voice and input on what it means to be the most important kind of friend.

by | July 26, 2010 | 6 comments


  1. Apron Senorita

    Hi Jennifer,

    What a beautiful and important topic. I was reflecting on my friendships some time back. I looked at friends that have come and go. Friends that really didn't have my best interest at heart. And then I looked a friends that have never left and have always been there. I have to trust in God to send me the the friends I need, just as he sent his son Jesus Christ.

    Yoli 🙂

  2. Missie

    Heading over 🙂

  3. Karen

    Just beautiful…and profound as always….

  4. Tina aka forrestina vintage

    Just where I have been lately with my in-laws…and I needed this as usual. Thank you.

  5. rashida

    Wow, thanks for the recognition, and for introducing me to some new blogs to check out. Honored just to be considered. Thanks a bunch!


  6. Jennifer

    "So often, I give up." I've done this all too often. And it weighs on my heart, several of them whom I've tried to find over the last few years but have failed. Still praying God puts them back in my life, and thankful for the few He's giving me a second chance with.


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