It’s Release Day for The Happiness Dare! Prizes Galore!
Two years ago, I never would have spoken this sentence aloud:
“I want to be happy.”
I would have thought it, and secretly, I would have wanted happiness. But I would have been scared to admit it.
I would have told you that I wanted joy instead. I would have told you that God cared more about my holiness than my happiness. And I would have believed that happiness was selfish.
But then I took a fantastic God-made dare—a dare that made me feel warm and bright on the inside, like I swallowed a star.
Friend, maybe you’ve wondered the same things. Maybe you’ve wondered if God cares about happiness. And if He really does care about happiness, where do you go to find it in this busted-up world?
Maybe you’re asking these questions:
Do we dare seek happiness when there’s so much despair in the world?
Do we dare seek happiness when it feels like this busted-up world might just shatter into a million pieces?
Do we really dare to be happy with so much heartbreak all around us?
Yes, we dare.
If ever this world has needed a book on happiness, it is now. A.W. Tozer once said that people who know God “ought to be the happiest people in all the wide world! People should be coming to us constantly and asking the source of our joy and delight.”
Let’s give them a reason to ask.
It’s Release Day!
The Happiness Dare releases today! And yep, that makes me all kinds of happy! But I won’t lie: It’s a little terrifying. That’s why the first sentence of my new book goes like this:
“This book scares me.” (I know. Not the opening sentence you’d expect in a book on happiness. 🙂 )
But I took the dare to chase hard after happiness. And now I’m daring you to do the same!
Clearly I mean business, especially with a sucker the size of my head!
Where to Find The Happiness Dare
I hope you’ll consider buying The Happiness Dare — and maybe buy a few for your friends, too! (The book is now shipping from all online retailers including Amazon, B&N, Dayspring, and more.)
Party Favors – Free, for You!
A Happiness Book Club Handout
Are you considering hosting a Happiness Dare Book Club? Already, people are gathering up groups of friends, taking The Happiness Style assessment, and going through the book together. So fun!
We’ve got this little handout for you, with discussion questions, snack ideas, and more. (The book also includes discussion questions after each chapter.)
Click here to print out the “Host a Happiness Dare Book Club” PDF.
Dare of the Day
Sign up here to get 10 days of exclusive happiness dares (free!), delivered straight to your inbox.
The Ultimate Happy Playlist
Click here to find The Ultimate Happy Playlist. It’s such a great playlist!
The Happiness Style Assessment
Click here to take the quiz. In just five minutes, you’ll discover what truly makes you happy. And you’ll also learn your life motto!
Share your daily moments of happiness on Instagram and use the hashtag #TheHappinessDare. We have been making Instagram Insta-Happy for several months now. Get in on the action, and track your happy! (I’m @dukeslee on Instagram.)
You have 20 chances to win with 20 gift prize packages!
Books Signed by Me
Five people will win signed copies of The Happiness Dare.
Katie Terpstra, Kim Redmon, Audra Krell, Michelle Faile, Julie Field
Ten “Be Happy” canvases from Dayspring.com + Signed Copy of the Book
Ten of you will be winning these canvases + signed copy of the book!
Kristin Smith, Candi Dickerson, Lyli Dunbar, Katie Reid, Beth Werner Lee, Ruth-Anne Hayes, Terry Felix, Robyn Kelderman, Amy Tilson, Marina Bromley
Print + Signed Copy of the Book
One lucky winner will receive this gorgeous print created by my friend Jennifer @ StudioJru + a signed copy of the book. This print makes my heart happy!
In celebration of the release of The Happiness Dare, Jennifer is also offering 15 percent off of any print in her shop. Use code HAPPINESSDARE15 at the checkout. Offer expires Sunday, August 7th.
Winner is Kate Moutang
Print + Signed Copy of the Book
One lucky winner will receive this adorable print from the talented Ruth of GraceLaced + a signed copy of my book. I think this print is just perfect. In The Happiness Dare, we talk a LOT about how happiness takes courage.
In celebration of the release of The Happiness Dare, GraceLaced is offering 15 percent off any product in the shoppe. Use code HAPPINESSDARE15 at the checkout. Offer expires Sunday, August 7th.
Winner is Monica Snyder
Necklace + Signed Copy of the Book
This “Be Happy” necklace was created exclusively for The Happiness Dare by Vi Bella Jewelry artisans in Haiti. Vi Bella is a j0b-creation ministry, and every sale of this necklace helps women in Haiti live lives of freedom and true happiness. The copper plate is hand-stamped with the words, “Be Happy.” You can find the necklace here!
Winner is Rita Schau
Bracelet + Signed Copy of the Book
This “Be Happy” silk bracelet was created exclusively for The Happiness Dare by Vi Bella Jewelry artisans in Haiti. Vi Bella is a j0b-creation ministry, and every sale of this bracelet helps women in Haiti live lives of freedom and true happiness. The copper plate is hand-stamped with the words, “Be Happy.” You can find the bracelet here!
Winner is Stacie Aamlid
Vi Bella Bracelet, Vi Bella Necklace,
Signed Book,
+ A Happiness Life Coaching Package with Carey Bailey
Details about the coaching package, “In Pursuit of Happiness:”
Journey with Life Coach Carey Bailey across the bridge from stuck to unstuck. In two life coaching sessions, talk through the obstacles blocking you from happiness, participate in a Life Balance Survey & Personal Identity Worksheet and uncover the patterns that keep you from pursing a satisfied life.
Special discount for Happiness Dare readers: 20% off on any coaching package using the code: HAPPINESSDARE
How to Enter
Entering is easy. Simply leave a comment below, and let me know where you’ve shared this post: on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Every share is worth an entry in the drawing! We will draw winners on Friday, and the winners’ names will be posted here. There will be 20 winners in all!
Thank you!
I want to thank each and every one of you, dear friends, for your support, love, and encouragement over the years. When I write my books, you are the people I imagine reading the words. You are the ones who’ve been with me the longest — some of you since the first blog post in 2008! You’ve shown up. You’ve prayed. You’ve shared my words with your friends. I love being in community with you.
Now, go get your happy on!
Love, Jennifer
Hey Tell His Story crew! It is a joy to gather here every week with you. The linkup goes live each Tuesday at 4 p.m. (CT). If you would use the badge on your blog, found here, that would be great! And if you would visit at least one other blogger in the link-up and encourage them with a comment, that would be beautiful! Be sure to check the sidebar later. I’ll be featuring one of you over there! Our featured writer this week is Bettie. Oh my goodness, friends please take 3 three minutes to read this story! The personal and specific way God showed His love in this story is beautiful. Find Bettie here. To be considered as our featured writer, be sure to use our badge or a link to my blog from your post. 🙂 xo Jennifer
- It’s Release Day for The Happiness Dare! Prizes Galore! – Purpose Belles - […] Source: It’s Release Day for The Happiness Dare! Prizes Galore! […]
- To be, or not to be - Happy :) - The MOAT Blog by Kay Wyma - […] better, she offered to share a little about her trek with us today. So here you go. PLEASE link…
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- When You Need a Rescue - True and Faithful - […] to be linking with Purposeful Faith, #TellHisStory, #Intentional Tuesday, WFMW, 3 Word Wednesday, Coffee For Your […]
- What I Learned in July 2016 - […] reviews. I thought I was. I’m getting better and reading is a very good thing! I was not on…
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- Then Jesus Wept Shelby Spear - Connecting Heart-to-Heart in the Beautiful Kaleidoscope of Motherhood - […] Thank you, Jennifer Dukes Lee, for the #TellHisStory link-up opportunity at Jenniferdukeslee.com ! […]
- Then Jesus Wept Shelby Spear - Connecting Heart-to-Heart in the Beautiful Kaleidoscope of Motherhood - […] Thank you, Jennifer Dukes Lee, for the #TellHisStory link-up opportunity at Jenniferdukeslee.com ! […]
- Fight for Your Happy - […] minutes lingering over an entry in your favorite devotional. Sign up for Jennifer Dukes Lee’s Happiness Dare Challenge and…
- Whose Life Matters? Only or Too? - […] sharing at Coffee for Your Heart, A Little R&R, Tell His Story […]
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- HAPPY Anniversary Five Minute Friday! - Katie M. Reid - […] Linking up with Jennifer Dukes Lee for #TellHisStory, come on […]
Thanks for the opportunity Jennifer! I am one of your facebook happiness dare girls! Your books have impacted my life deeply-so deeply in fact that I will be leading a happiness dare Sunday school class this quarter for the women in my church. So excited! I’m sharing this book every chance I get! ♡
Really excited about the book and love the give aways. I shared on FB, Twitter and instagram. (Do I need to comment separately for each one?)
Sorry-I forgot to list my shares: facebook, pinterest, twitter, google +, instagram. 🙂
Wonderful!! I wrote a review on Amazon just this morning.
So proud of you!!! Happy to be a part of the launch group and I’ve shared on facebook and instagram. 🙂 Keep the faith and keep your eyes on Jesus!! 🙂
Wahoo! Exciting day. Shared on Twitter & Facebook! 😄
Yay for launch day!!! 🎉🎉 I feel like you wrote this book for me and I can only imagine how many others feel that same way!! Thank you Jennifer for your courage and determination! 💗 I shared on fb and Instagram!
shared on pinterest!
I just figured out how to post this on Facebook and I offered my people to have a book club discussion.
It’s gonna be a great launch day!!! Shared the happy news on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest 🎉🎉🎉
Shared on Facebook & Pinterest- wish I was techy enough to share on twitter & instagram 🙂
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I shared this on ye olde FB and the twitters. So happy for you! 🙂
Oh happy day! Yay!
Shared everywhere and tossing up confetti for you (and I think there is a unicorn in there somewhere. Wink Wink)
I shared on Instagram, Facebook, and two separate posts on Twitter. So excited!!!
Feeling very privileged to have been able to be on the launch team and read this book …..it has been a great experience and I feel like I have some new friends albeit virtual 🙃 My nickname as my children were growing up was the Funpolice now they may have to find me a new nickname. Shared on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Looking forward to taking more Happiness dares in my life and encouraging others to do so too.
It’s a great day for your book launch! Shared on FB, Pinterest and twitter.
Shared on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Everyone needs to hear about your wonderful book and praying it will change lives like it has mine!!
Yay!!! Happy release day sweet Jennifer!!! Facebooked, Pinned, Tweeted and Instagramed!!!
Shared on Facebook. Took quiz and mine is Giver.
Sharing on all my media outlets (I just pictured a plugin as I wrote that…) and wrote about it today on the blog. LOVE the lollipop photo for real. I am so HAPPY for you and for all the people everywhere who will be helped by the dare! I know I have! If I could overdo it with smile emoji’s on here I so would. =)
Happy birthday Happiness Dare!!!! What an amazing book and author. Thank you for the honor of being part of your launch team to read the book. It is making a lasting impact on me and I am praying it reaches many others too. I am sharing on Facebook and Twitter.
Happy release day!!! I’m sharing the joy on Facebook and Twitter. As soon as I find a good picture…I’ll share the news on Instagram too.
It truly is an amazing life changing book. To be happy is a necessity, to share that happiness with others is crucial.
I’ve loved every minute of being part of the launch group, I’ve been so touched and moved by the love & vulnerability shown by all.
I’ve shared all over facebook, twitter and Instagram.
Can’t wait to read this book! Shared on Fb several times! Instagram too!!🤗🤗
Hello! I took the dare & posted on Instagram! My oldest son & first born twin came home for a night & it made me beyond happy + I allowed myself to be happy even knowing he was leaving in the morning! Savor the moments! Instagram @MaryBilliter
Can’t wait to read this! I shared on Google+, Pinterest, FB and Twitter!!
Since I’ve already been reading the book I’ve been sharing EVERYWHERE. It’s so good. Happy Launch Day!!
I shared it on FB,Twitter and Pinterest. Thanks for inspiring me to take the Happiness Dare.
Shared this post on Facebook and Twitter – and, of course, posted quotes and pics on Instagram! 💗
I am so excited about this, my life has been in transition over the last year and this is just what I needed!
I’ve shared all over… FB (3 accounts!), IG, blog, Twitter… and am leading a group study this fall!! I LOVED the book, and can’t wait for this group of women to gather together to overcome the negativity in the world and take hold of the HAPPINESS God has for us!
I love you Jennifer, and am excited to see what God is birthing next for you!! Thanks for inviting me to be a part of this team, and praying for this day and the ministry of The Happiness Dare!
Love, Aunt Deb “The Giver”
(Good thing I glanced up while texting and before I pressed SEND….I laughed when I saw that it read, “The Guber” Goober? Ha!)
Shared on Facebook! Hope you sell tons! ❤️ -Aunt Deb, again.
I need this, been trying to figure out how to move beyond going through the motions. I shared on Facebook, Twitter, google and Pinterest.
I’m sharing on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Hoping to win but better yet that someone may see this and become happy people 😊🙏
Shared on FB and twitter
I shared on Twitter:
Shared it on Twitter. 🙂
I shared on Facebook:
Hi y’all. I shared it on FB, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest! Prayers going out for a terrific launch day!
Shared on FB and Twitter! Lots of love and prayers to you, JDL!
Sharing on FB. Sounds like an interesting book!
Jennifer, I couldn’t be happier for you with your new release. Abundant blessings and unending joy to you and those you love,
I shared it on Twitter and FB <3
Congratulations Jennifer!! Shared the happy news on twitter and Facebook!
Sounds like a great book – Congratulations. This was just what I needed today – thank you! Sharing via old school email. 🙂
Congratulations, Jennifer! May God bless it to many! I shared on Twitter. Thank you for the generous prizes!
Just shared on Facebook. I’m only a few pages into the book and it’s awesome !
Such beautiful prizes to accompany a lovely book. Tweeted.
Congratulations Jennifer! I shared on Facebook, and I hope that the Lord brings great Blessing to His work that He has accomplished in you! And thank you for featuring my blogpost! Your giving heart touches so many of us as you invite us all in to share the JOY and HAPPINESS of the Lord!
I would love a copy of this book! I am facing trying times and I am trying to find ways to be happy even in the little things. Shared on FB. I want to experience both JOY and HAPPINESS. Thank you for your book & your encouragement!
Hi Jennifer! Congrats on a job well done! I was on your launch team BUT I would really love a hard copy of the book to mark up!
I’ve posted multiple times on FB the fabulous graphics you’ve made available. I also left book reviews on Amazon & Barnes and Noble, trying to figure out how to leave one on Goodreads!
Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of your launch team and for this opportunity to win any manner of ‘Happy’ gifting!
Alana Sue Morgan
Excited to take the assessment! Spied your book on Shannan Martin’s IG feed!
Shared on Twitter.
And on Pinterest! https://www.pinterest.com/pin/198369558566429185/
I shared on Facebook! This book is such a gift to anyone that reads it! Thank you for putting your heart out for us to see.
So much happiness! Shared with my fb world! 😊
So happy to have friends soon reading this! Shared on FB!
Happy Release Day! Jennifer Dukes Lee, you are so generous. What a lot of nice prizes. I signed up for the 10-day challenge. How uplifting! Thank you so much.
Hello! I signed up for the challenge. I won’t be sharing anywhere except email, as I don’t do facebook or any of the other social medias.
I love the opportunity to be part of your contest and blog!
Heather H, Idaho
I shared on facebook.
I shared on pinterest
Friend, So crazy excited about this heart and life changing book. I posted a blog post today with my own giveaway and shared on facebook and twitter. I need to get back on the instagram train. I’ll be sharing all month. LOVE.
Just shared on Facebook:) Love all the giveaways!!
Congratulations, Jennifer! So HAPPY for you! 😉 Shared on Facebook!
Also shared on Pinterest!
Shared on Twitter, too! (Apparently I really want to win a signed copy!) (And also I’m just really thrilled to celebrate with you!) 😉
Shared on Twitter, Facebook, and pintrest.
Shared on Twitter and Facebook…so excited this book is out in this not-so-happy world!! 😀
I shared on fb, Twitter, Google + and Pinterest!
Oh happy day!! So happy for you and the release of your new book!
Shared on FB, Insta, Twitter, and Pinterest! 🙂
Congratualtions Jennifer! I shared it on my blog today.
WOW!!! i have done some sharing — can’t get enough positive reading and especially if it helps us uplift our spirits <3
Congrats on your new book! Shared on Twitter & Pinterest
Jennifer, I’ve been sharing all day and I’m NOT on your book launch team. LOL. But, oh yeah, I’m a doer so I’m doing!!! I do plug the book and YOU tomorrow (Wednesday) in my blog. I’ve tweeted. IG’d. FB’d. Google’d. Getting my HAPPY on with all of you.
AND, Pinterest!!!
I LOVED Love Idol and am really enjoying The Happiness Dare. Thank you so much for the encouragement you give! 🙂
(Thank you for this great contest. I shared it.)
shared on facebook!! <3
Would LOVE to read this…will certainly check it out…and am sharing on Facebook – don’t have the other ones!!! Thank you for your contest and give-aways and other wonderful stuff!!!
Woot! Woot! Congratulations! I shared on Facebook and Twitter :).
YAY!! For launch day!! I shared your “Happiness Dare” post on my blog. Posted on my personal Facebook page and my blog Facebook page many times…bought copies to give away in my own “Happiness Giveaway”…would love to be included in the drawing 🙂
All the best and love to you,
Bev xo
Your book looks amazing! I’m on a 90 day social media fast so I know I likely can’t win but I wanted to thank you for your ministry! By the way- I’m an Experiencer! Your quiz was right on!
Love! I shared about your book on my Facebook page today. I also shared this post on Twitter. Love all these prizes. I’m so happy and excited for you too. I feel like I’ve swallowed a star too! 🙂
The day has finally arrived when your faithfulness to receive and write out the message so many hearts need to hear has been rewarded. A fantastic answer to prayer and reward for all your hard work. Yay for Jennifer and ‘The Happiness Dare’!! So excited for you as you get to share your wonderful book with the world. Although I’ve come a bit late to the book launch party, I’ve shared the news on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. Praying for you as this kicking and screaming ‘baby’ is birthed into the world and more souls get to see and read about what they have been longing for. I loved reading it and look forward to introducing others to it, too, once I return from my blogging break. Blessings and love. Xo
YAY!!! Jennifer! So excited for you on this release of happiness day!:) Seriously, really ecstatic to see what God will do with these words you have released in the form of a book full of dares to step into the promise that He has already prepared for us to live in. I received my own copy a while ago and I am grateful that you were obedient to say yes to His invitation to share these lessons with us. Praying God will multiply the blessings and the opportunities for you to pour this truth into others exponentially.
Blessings and Congratulations!
I shared on twitter and on Facebook. Excited for launch day!
I’m so excited for you, Jennifer and the thousands that will be challenged to pursue holy happiness!
I shared on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
I shared on FB and Twitter! http://www.pattimiinch.com
Congratulations! I shared on FB, Google, Pinterest and Twitter. Hope your release day is an awesome one 🙂
Excited for you, Jennifer, and hope that many take the Happiness Dare too! Shared your post on Facebook.
This is soooo awsome and comes at a time I really need it. I was laid off work first if June and my cousin passed away this weekend. God led me to this post. Shared on FB
So happy (ya see what I did there?) for you, friend! I shared on Twitter and G+… xoxo
Congratulation on the release of this important book. I am sure it will touch many hearts. I shared on Facebook
It’s a happy day! Shared on FB, Pinterest, and Twitter!
I have shared this on Facebook. At this time in my life I’ve been seeking answers about what is right and good for God’s children to expect of our life here on earth, and how to meet with Him and not treat Him like a wish granter who’ll do everything I ask because I’m a Christian. So I’m really interested in this book! Thank you for taking the time to write it. 🙂
This is super exciting and I can’t wait to get started. Sharing with my Facebook friends!
Love this book!!! Shared on Facebook, Twitter, Google, Pinterest, SnapChat, and I sent via text to those of my friends who don’t do internet. 🙂
I’m so excited for you and for us too who will be on this Happiness Dare journey. I have tweeted, posted on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram.
Excited about the book and the assessment. Love this! I am sharing on FB!
Jennifer, I”ve been sharing about your book for weeks w/ family and friends in a # of my email groups and on FB again today and on Twitter. The way I see it, sharing is multiplying HAPPINESS. And your book has made me so happy. It is simply a delight, and especially because I know you wrote it so authentically from a heart of delight. I LOVE. THIS. BOOK!!!!!!!!!!! Yay, God! Thank you for giving Jennifer an abundance of happiness to spill over into words and action. My joy to share it, Jennifer.
I am LOVING the book so far! I shared on Instagram and Facebook!
I’m sharing on facebook!
I also tweeted!
I would love any of the prizes! I shared on twitter, facebook, and google+!
I shared on Facebook.
I shared on Twitter
Have HAPPILY shared numerous times on Facebook! Blessings to you!
Happily shared it on Facebook.
Have been waiting for this book to release! So excited to read it. Thank you Jennifer! Shared on Facebook and Instagram.
Shared on Facebook and Twitter!
Shared on Facebook and twitter
Shared on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Shared on Instagram 🙂
I promoted it and shared the link on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google Plus. 🙂
Hooray for Release Day! Shared on FaceBook!
Shared, Jennifer! Shared on twitter, fb and G+. I also shared a photo on IG! So, so very happy for you and for this book to launch into so many lives. Well done.
I just got the book & can’t wait to get started! I shared on FB & Twitter.
Can’t wait to read this book. Shares in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest
Shared on twitter. I was impressed with the Happiness quiz and can’t wait to read more about that. I’m an Experiencer, which has been my goal while our boys are still at home, to make as many good memories together as we can in between the busyness of life.
Shared on FB! Hoping to read this soon!
Shared on Twitter and Pinterest! So excited for you and this book!
Sharing on FB, Google, Twitter and Instagram now 🙂 Excited to start the book club!
Am loving the book! Excited for you and for all God will do in the lives of those who read your message! Blessings!
Shared on Twitter and Facebook- Already scheduled a date for 1st book club meeting : ) What a blessing you are, Jennifer!
Shared in Facebook
Shared on Twitter (michelejj)
I’m truly excited. Would love to win. Been struggling with this being happy thing for awhile. God is with us and keeps is strong, but nothing is guaranteed, so we press on and look for the little sparks of happiness wherever we can!!!
Sharing on FB and Instagram.
What a great thing to be happy! Can’t wait to read your book!
The book looks great! Can’t wait to read it!
I shared on Twitter and Facebook!
Shared on Facebook. Can’t wait to read the book!
Looking forward to this! Xoxo
Shared on Facebook…loved the book!
Well I didn’t know about theprizes, but I’ve been sharing the quiz and the articles and the emails. Facebook and email, and text. Just what I need to read right now
Congratulations Jennifer!! I shared on Twitter & Facebook.
I intend to order the book. I will share with my friends on facebook.
I look forward to reading it….we all can use happiness in our lives.
Jessica Van Roekel recommended this and I totally trust her judgement.
Have an “Awesome, GOD Blessed Day”!
Congratulations Jennifer I shared on Twitter and Facebook.
Congratulations! I shared the post on Facebook.
Thank You for the opportunity to win your Happiness book Jennifer!
I shared on Face Book!
Got my copy! Can’t wait! Congrats and blessings!!
Just shared on Pinterest, Twitter, and FB!
Shared on Facebook & Pinterest
Congrats! Once I’m off my social media fast, I will definitely share about your book 🙂
Jennifer, congratulations on launching The Happiness Dare! Sharing on Twitter! : )
I shared on Facebook!
So, so fun! I shared on Twitter.
I’m so excited about #TheHappinessDare and have been seeing friends posting about this for weeks. I’m sharing on Twitter (@spreadtheshine) today!
Marva | sunSPARKLEshine
Love, love, love this! How exciting. Shared on my personal and blog Facebook pages as well as Twitter and Pinterest!
I shared on all 4 sites! Yeah!
Shared on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest
FB and Instagram! 😀 Looking forward to reading this book!
Yay!! Thank you!!!!
Thank you so much, thrilled to be a winner! And so fun to see some familiar faces among the other winners as well. Happy day! Celebrating all this Happiness with you Jennifer. 🙂
Thank you so much, Jennifer!! I am so happy to have won the book and canvas!! Many blessings to you and everyone who reads your book!!
I’m beyond excited – thank you Jennifer! I have been so honored and blessed to spread the news of the Happiness Dare!!