Look What You Did! Just … Wow.

November 1, 2012 | 28 comments

Because sometimes, you’ve got to let your kids dream a little — or a lot.

And you were a HUGE part of this. We are so grateful…

Lydia and Anna have something to tell you about Lydia’s big dream to build a $5,000 playground in Haiti.

I’ll let them tell you…

(Apologies … They wanted to tell you themselves, by video, but it’s a bit hard to read some of the signs we made!! So sorry about that! You can watch the girls’ video, or scroll down to read the short version. 🙂 … Email subscribers will need to click here for the video.)


So the short story is this:

God did a really amazing thing. (He’s sort of famous for that.) And we want to thank you for the ways you made this possible!

The scoop:

— More than $6,000 was raised for the playground! And more than $10,000 of ViBella Jewelry was sold in this fundraising project!

— And, after much prayer, Scott and I purchased tickets for the four of us to visit Haiti for a week in January, when the playground will be installed. I already know this: It will be life-changing. Will you pray for us?

— When we go to Haiti, you go with us. You really do. We simply could not have done this without you. Over the last few weeks, we’ve watched your orders for ViBella Jewelry pour in. It brought us to tears again and again. Lives are impacted by what you’ve done. You’ve made a real difference for those women who make the jewelry, while also giving these children a gift beyond their wildest imagination! Most of them have never seen a slide or swing in their whole life!

— We love you. More than I can express in a little blog post. We all do. Just … thanks.

Love from the Lee Family …


Video transcript :

You don’t have to be a grown-up …

To make a difference.

To spread joy.

To  change the world.

All you really have to do is …

Love your neighbor as yourself.

We found some of our neighbors in Haiti.

And you helped us do an amazing thing for our neighbors.

(Drum roll please)

We raised enough $$$ for a new playground in Haiti!

Thank you.

And Thank God!

Boys and Girls in Haiti will love their slides and swings.

This was our prayer.

And in January, when the playground goes up…

Our whole family will be there!

by | November 1, 2012 | 28 comments


  1. Carol Hulin

    Count me in!!!!!!! I`ll be praying for all of you!!!
    Thank YOU for letting me help in some small way….

  2. Cheryl Smith

    How exciting! The thought is really so incredible, isn’t it? (and you, with these videos…girl, you are so gifted. Really!)

  3. Deidra

    We love you back!

  4. Diana Trautwein

    I am actually weeping here. This is wonderful!!! God is wonderful. These girls are wonderful. And SO ARE YOU. I have a birthday in January and your trip and what you share about it will be a most wonderful gift. Thanks so much.

  5. ro.ellott

    How awesome…I love that I can pray when I wear my necklace…a sweet reminder it is:)

  6. Christina

    Truly amazing! How great is our God! And a great experience for your family to do together. I can only imagine the deep impact this will have for your girls.

  7. Lisa Auter

    Wooo hooo!! Celebrating with you all! Lydia, that is AWESOME! And Lee Family, I am so excited that you all get to go to Haiti. What a prayerful dream come true! I can’t wait to hear all about it. Lydia, I hope you take copious notes. After all, you are a journalist-in-the-making! Love to you all.

  8. Sheila Seiler Lagrand

    Ooooh my heart has swelled up so big with love for you and your precious, beautiful, godly girls that it won’t hardly fit in my chest right now!

    I love this. God is SO good.

  9. Jon

    Say hi to a special little fella while you are there!

  10. Linda Worden

    This is truly a marvelous example of faith and trust building for children and all who are reading and hearing about this. Thanks for your bold encouragement and exuberant celebration with 2 beautiful, creative sweethearts.

  11. Jen

    Yay! Way to go. Such a fun video. I love the drum roll. So excited for you all to be there! God is sweet and tender and mighty!

  12. Laura @ Pruning Princesses

    Hadley and Kassy will probably want comment themselves but until then, dear girls, we spent several weeks one summer working at an orphanage in Honduras. And as a mom, I noticed two things that were missing that make mothering better: libraries and playground. The joy this playground will bring is immeasurable. Praise God. And we will pray for your trip.

  13. Lyla Lindquist

    So cool. What God’s doing in your girls’ hearts, through their hearts. Very cool. 🙂

    Anna and Lydia, you’re still my heroes. Heroines. (Something like that — I don’t like to use the girl word for hero because I always think I’m going to spell it wrong and you’ll think I favor mainlining drugs. 😉

  14. Linda

    Rejoicing with you Jennifer! What beautiful lessons the girls are gleaning from this.

  15. Jennifer@Adam's Rib

    God is so awesome, moving the hearts of many to help! Thrilled for you.

  16. Sandra Heska King

    I’m. Going. To. Explode!

    I think I’ll just go blow my nose.

    Our God is amazing–and so are you, Lydia and Anna. So are you. xoxo

  17. Lorretta

    I am overwhelmed by the beauty of this. So wonderful! So proud of my Sisters in Christ!

  18. sharon

    Oh. My. Goodness. This is so beautiful.

  19. Kerry

    This is so awesome!! God is so good!!

  20. Megan Willome

    This is so wonderful! And now your girls are personally invested in this trip, which will make it so much more meaningful than if they were dragged there.

    You are showing the rest of us the way, Jennifer.

  21. Dayna DeLaVergne

    What an incredible story, Jenn! Your trip will be the perfect ending. Can’t wait to visit Haiti through your eyes!

  22. Mary Runneberg

    Such wonderful news! I’m already looking forward to hearing about your trip. God bless you and keep you safe in your travels!

  23. Dolly@Soulstops

    God is SO Awesome, as are your girls…did you get Jeff’s book, Wrecked? I mailed it over a week ago…Blessings 🙂

    • dukeslee

      I did get it, Dolly! Thank you so much! Love you.



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