Because Parties Were God’s Idea

November 2, 2012 | 15 comments

Go ahead. Let loose this weekend. Put on your dancing shoes. Grab your air guitar. Celebrate life. Celebrate God!


by | November 2, 2012 | 15 comments


    • sharon

      I think I am following you around tonight!! Seems you’ve been where I am going. 🙂

  1. sharon

    I totally need this reminder right now!

  2. Shelly Miller

    Of course, I can’t help but think of Deidra with that picture. You’re so creative!

  3. Linda Stoll

    … celebrating with you at Still Saturday and the Sunday Community!

  4. Kris

    ahhh! I love this, Jennifer. Makes me want to kick up my heels and dance in praise–David style! 😉

  5. Christine Wright

    I like any verse with “raise the roof” in it! : ) How cool.

  6. floyd

    Funny… I was going to take my wife out to dinner tonight. She made an old favorite the kids call “Mac and Chili” for our youngest, the only one left at home. Our oldest decided she had to come over for the old favorite, and the second in line posted that she was homesick due to missing her mom’s favorite. The little one is bringing kids home from her school play to enjoy the simple feast and we decided that… well… it just doesn’t get much better than mac and chili so we stayed in… After all… I did light put lights around the old umbrellas in the backyard and it’s perfect outside… It’s the best kind of party… The one from the heart.

  7. Marty

    Love your title! If He has indeed come to give us life, and that life more abundantly, then no one should know how to celebrate each and every moment better than His children 🙂

  8. Mary

    I LOVE this!! I’ve heard so many talk about you in recent weeks (always good!) I had to find you and check you out. Just followed on twitter and liked your FB page. I can see why people are telling me I should check you out!

  9. Jean Wise

    Dancing with God. How uplifting! Great message today.


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