What I Learned From a Rival, a Borrowed Sled, and the Power of Being Kind
I love the competition of the Olympics, and many nights you’ll find me curled up on the couch for hours taking it all in. But what I love even more than the games themselves are the stories behind the athletes, because they point to our shared humanity. They speak into the palpable ache we all have for what is true and right and good.
This is one such story. It’s a story about two men who, on paper, were supposed to hate each other. It’s the story of kindness prevailing in a world where competition is king.
Maybe it’s a story for us, in times like these.
Photo: Eric Seals, USA TODAY Sports
A month ago, American luger Chris Mazdzer was in a slump. He wasn’t finishing well in any of his races, and his competitors from around the world were baffled. A luger from Russia thought that a different piece of equipment might make the difference. So last month, after a race in Latvia, a Russian rival did something highly unexpected: He offered up his own sled to the American.
“This goes against every Russian-USA stereotype ever, but one of the Russian athletes actually wanted me to use his sled because he didn’t think he would come to the Olympics and he wanted to know what it could do,” Mazdzer told reporters this week.
Mazdzer tried out the sled. In the end, the Russian’s sled was too small. Mazdzer went to the Winter Games with his own sled.
But the point of the story isn’t the sled. The point of the story is the kindness offered.
“It shows we care about each other and there is this human connection which crosses countries and cultures and sport is an amazing way to accomplish it,” Mazdzer told reporters.
Mazdzer went on to win the silver on Sunday, becoming the first American man to win a luge medal at the Winter Games.
Photo: Edgar Su, Reuters
The sled didn’t work for Mazdzer, but maybe the kind gesture did. Maybe it’s what Mazdzer needed — someone unexpected to stand in his corner and say, “I believe in you.” I can’t say for sure.
But maybe it’s what I need right now. Maybe it’s what you need, too. It’s easy to look around the world these days and see all the cracks and fissures. It doesn’t take much effort to hear the bickering and arguing online. You can’t miss all the heartbreak and angst in our world. Sometimes, you’ve got to look a little harder to find the places where the light is still shining through.
It’s still there. The light is still there.
That’s why I curl up on the couch every night to watch the Winter Games. I am looking for the light. I am looking for it when skaters glide and twirl on the ice, and I feel my heart thump a little harder inside my chest. I am looking for the light in the stories of people who endured great injury, only to fight back and come back stronger than before. I am looking for that light whenever two athletes get lost in an embrace, with a million sets of eyes trained on them, but for a moment, it’s just the two of them, alone together.
So let’s go looking for the light, but let’s do more than that. Maybe we could go out of our way, like the rival luger, and share our light. Maybe today, we could all do something a little unexpected for someone else.
Maybe your little light … will help someone else shine.
Photo: Eric Seals, USA TODAY Sports
The Kindness Olympics
Spread some happiness today with one of these Random Acts of Kindness. Let’s call it the Kindness Olympics! Let me know in the comments which one you’ll try!
Learn More In The Happiness Dare
To learn more about the happiness-inducing act of giving, check out pages 145-148 in my latest book, The Happiness Dare.
Each week, I host an encouraging community of bloggers who are telling their stories around the web and across the world. The linkup goes live each Tuesday at 4 p.m. (CT) on my blog. If you are a blogger who loves to encourage others with stories of faith and hope, you are welcome to link up with us.
Each week, I feature one of the writers in our #TellHisStory community. Our featured writer this week is Laura Rath. Friends, do you need encouragement that God is at work while we wait patiently for spring? I know I do! Laura’s words are full of truth and hope for us today. Find Laura here.
To be considered as our featured writer, be sure to use our badge or a link to my blog from your post. That badge can be found here. xo Jennifer
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I’m gonna get out of my chair right now and make that phone call. Thanks for the push (kinda like a luge going down the track!)
Yay! I love that, Michele. You are a ray of kindness, my friend.
What a cool story! I always enjoy the human interest stories more than the actual events–my favorite of all time was a Summer Olympics story about a competitor from an African country that had to train in a small hotel pool (and learned how to swim at the same time). It took him so very, very long to finish his first heat that some people were getting impatient. But he just kept swimming. He came to the Olympics to compete. The people who stood around and cheered for him–those were my heroes!
Oh wow, Anita! Great story. Thanks for sharing it here.
My favorite part of the Olympics are the stories about the athletes. I love knowing they are real like you and I. The story you shared gives me hope that kindness can still be found in our world.
So glad I ran across the story, so I could share it here. Thanks for being here Mary.
Thank you Jennifer! What a pleasant surprise!
It’s my pleasure, Laura. So grateful for your words on the World Wide Web! 🙂
The Kindness Olympics–LOVE it! Now there’s an event in which even a non-athlete like me can participate. I love the way kindness suddenly charges the atmosphere with good cheer, because it ushers our precious Holy Spirit into the moment. (Where his fruit is manifest, there He is also.) It’s so much FUN!
You get the gold for the Kindness Olympics, Nancy. You are a treasure.
Wow–my first gold medal! Thank you, Jennifer!
What a wonderful idea – kindness olympics! There are several that I want to do this week – like visiting an elderly person and overtipping a waitress. I think I’ll go for the gold! 🙂
Go for the gold, baby. Love it!
Jennifer, I so enjoy watching the Olympics, but this year, all we’ve caught was the opening ceremonies. 🙁 Just busy with life right now. I am so glad you shared the beautiful story about Mazdzer’s sled. So touching. We’ve been trying to teach our boys to look beyond themselves to those around them. I need to be more intentional about doing this too. Thank you for the list. I’m copying it so I can hold onto these ideas.
So glad you liked the list, Jeanne. 🙂
Love this! I enjoy watching the Olympics too. I’m more of a Summer Olympics fan than Winter, but I’m still enjoying the Winter Olympics. This story truly does capture our humanity.
I love the skating. I think Scott’s ready for the Olympics to be over, because I keep commandeering the remote. 🙂
This story, whaa??!! So inspiring. I want to live like this. Against the grain, grounded in love.
I know! I ran across it really randomly, and hadn’t seen anything about it at all, except one Reuters and one other outlet. I love it!
Thank you for the encouraging post, Jennifer. May our Lord uplift you with joy unspeakable! Enjoy watching the Olympics.
Did you see last night’s skating, Lela? So, so amazing.
I did watch a bit of the women’s skating ☺️ thank you
Hey Jen! I absolutely LOVE this list
Tape quarters to candy machines?! That’s got my name written all over it! Thanks for sharing this great story and getting our acts of kindness motors jump started. Blessing to you!
I totally did that one, Tiffiney! I have no idea who was on the receiving end, but I sure had fun plenty those coins. 🙂
#11 is a great one I try to do. I know I would want some encouragement after spending the day cleaning the restroom. Great list.
The Kindness Olympics! I love it! Such a beautiful story that illustrates how to show love.
Jennifer I’ve been so bad fast forwarding through the stories. I need to slow down. Today I’m keeping three grandkids to give my daughter and DIL a break.
As a mama of triplets ( toddlers) who doesn’t have family near, this kind gesture of yours touched my soul.
Blessings , enjoy and spoil ur grandkids today
Jennifer, I absolutely loved this story when I heard it on TV! The back stories are my favorite part of watching the games. Thank you for reminding us all #KindnessWins every time!
♫ This little light of mine – I’m gonna let it shine. ♫
Thanks for sharing this behind-the-scenes story! And the reminder to let our light shine for Him.
I have enjoyed watching the Olympics and especially hearing the stories of the athletes. I didn’t know about Mazdzer and the sled. Thanks for sharing this kindness, Jennifer!
Thank you for sharing that story. It touched my heart and reminded me what life is about, caring and loving others.
Thanks for hosting!
I love all the behind-the-scene stories behind the Olympics! My athlete boys know I’ll always tune in when they have a story from one of the athletes in their basketball world, as well! It is so encouraging when kindness has an opportunity to speak louder than all the noise. Thank you for sharing this one!
It’s great to be back here today soaking up your words ♥
Blessings and smiles,