how are you … *really?*
“How are you?”
You know we’ve got a major problem when our answer is so often, “I’m crazy busy!”
We’ve all said it.
We are doing so many things for so many people, but at the end of the day, we feel drained and empty. We don’t know what to let go of, so we keep doing it all. We are asking ourselves questions like:
– If I’m so busy, why am I not more productive?
– How can I leave behind this frazzled life, when so many people count on me?
– How can I find the peace and purpose I’ve been longing for?
It’s time to take back our schedules and our lives from the tyranny of “crazy busy.”Enter: The Busy to Best Challenge!
Remember when I told you I’ve been dreaming up new ways to serve you? I’ve poured myself into this project. I soooo needed this, and maybe you do too?
Grab your girlfriends, your book club, your Bible study sisters. For one week in September, I will lead you through The Busy to Best Challenge.
It’s a nationwide event, but you can take part from the comfort of your living room, your favorite coffee shop, or your church sanctuary!
Click here to find out more. I’m so excited to be your Surrender Mentor! Will you join me?