Cheeseburgers, a #1 New Release, and a Fun Giveaway for YOU!
A few days ago, my book and Bible study were released into the world, and you guys SHOWED UP IN A BIG WAY! Almost immediately, the book was listed on Amazon as the #1 new release for Christian Bible guides, and the Bible study was #2!
Would you believe that I celebrated with a cheeseburger? Yep, I drove across the Iowa/South Dakota border, and ordered a cheeseburger to-go from The Black Angus. And then, I ate that cheeseburger in the parking lot. ALONE. It was totally worth crossing state lines for. (True story: Book Launch Day was also National Cheeseburger Day, so it felt like this cheeseburger was ordained by the Lord.)
I know what you’re thinking, “Jennifer sure knows how to party.”
Sitting there in that parking lot, I thought about you. I thought about the conversations we’d be having if we were sitting together in a parking lot in Small Town, South Dakota, eating our cheeseburgers.
And I thought about the questions that naturally come up when women hear that I’ve written another book. “What’s the book about, and who did you write the book for, Jennifer? Is your book for control freaks, or for people whose lives feels out of control?”
The answer: Yes and yes. I wrote it for all y’all. (I’m not Southern, but it felt right to say that in this instance.)
I wrote It’s All Under Control for the misfits, and the “all-togethers.”
The try-hard girls. And the hot messes.
The ones who LOOK like they have it “all under control.”
And the ones who don’t.
The achievers, and the procrastinators.
The ones who tell you, “I’m fine.”
And the ones who rarely are.
The women who can lead a Fortune 500 company,
but can’t find the missing sock in the morning.
This book is for the “both/and” women. Because most of us are not “either/or.” We are both/and.
So here’s to that kind of woman.
The kind of woman who loves Jesus,
AND sometimes forgets to pray.
The kind of woman who tells you “it’s all under control,”
AND secretly thinks she’ll mess it all up.
The woman who sings loudly to praise music,
AND sometimes says bad words when she stubs her toes.
This book is for the woman who loves her people with all she’s got, would lift a bus off your kid, would give you a kidney, would stay up all night meeting the deadline — not because she’s a control freak, but because she is DANG AWESOME.
You are a wonder, and I wrote this book for YOU.
In celebration of this awesome launch week, my publisher went all out. They are offering 36% off exclusively to you guys for being so wonderful! So snag a few copies at the reduced price!
Go to Tyndale.com. Pick hardcover, or softcover. And then, at the checkout, type in “Jennifer36” (be sure to capitalize “J”) to get your special discount.
There’s more! My publisher partnered with me to give one of you some fantastic prizes — just because you’ve been so awesome! One of you will get a tote, clutch and earrings from Vi Bella Jewelry, an awesome business that provides jobs for women in Haiti. The winner will also receive a gorgeous wood-framed sign from SmallwoodHome.com. I chose the sign with the words, “it is well with my soul,” because that song so perfectly encapsulates the message of this book.
Enter the giveaway below. No purchase required. This is for anyone!
(Email subscribers can click here to enter.)
ViBella Accessories and SmallWoods Decor Bundle
Tyndale will contact the winner by email.
Thanks for supporting me and the message of It’s All Under Control.
With love and cheeseburgers,