A Short Story About Hope, Humanity and a Baby Deer

May 28, 2015 | 10 comments

Hey friend,

Do you need a reason to have a little hope in humanity right now? Then, this one’s for you. I shared this short story on my Facebook page last night. But I didn’t want you to miss it, so I’m sharing it right here.

It’s a story about this baby deer — minutes old in the photograph.

Our family had just sat down at a restaurant in northern Minnesota, when a young couple showed up with that sweet spotted fawn in their arms.

The couple had been driving along a highway, when a car in front of them hit a large deer. The couple felt moved to do something. So they stopped at the side of the road.

When they stopped, they found a mama deer, dying.

But that’s not all they found.

Inside the mama? Two fawns, just beginning to emerge. The mama deer was about to give birth, and who knows where she was headed when she was struck by that car.

But labor set in, and this couple was there to help. One fawn died. But this baby deer lived.

They wrapped the fawn in a coat, and brought her to a restaurant.

That’s where we met her.

When we were met her, she was minutes old, just learning to walk. She was hungry, scared, wobbly. And she was a bundle of adorableness.

The young couple was looking for a way to keep the fawn warm and alive. Right then, people did what people do best. They helped. They stopped everything and helped. A whole bunch of people began calling veterinarians and doctors and farmers and animal lovers — all of them trying to figure out how to keep one little heart beating.

So we know this for sure — There’s a lot of crap in the world right now. There’s a lot of evil. Humans are making horrible decisions every millisecond that hurt someone else. But for every awful thing unfolding right now, there’s good. There’s hope. There’s someone stopping at the side of the road. There are people doing what people are supposed to do.

There is always love, always hope, always faith. Always. And the Bible says virtues like that always persevere. Don’t give up on the world. There’s good all ’round.

I knew it for sure last night.

~ Jennifer

Where did you spy hope this week? Share in the comments. 

by | May 28, 2015 | 10 comments


  1. Kathy

    What a wonderful experience to see people connecting to help the baby fawn. I applaud the efforts made to give this little animal a chance to survive. Maybe we should open our eyes to see many people desperate to survive difficult situations and treat them with the respect and help they deserve. This story touched my heart and I pray the little deer will continue to minister to others as it struggles to live a full and productive life.

    • dukeslee

      It was a hope-filled moment, for sure. Thanks for stopping by, Kathy.

  2. Leah Adams

    “for every awful thing unfolding right now, there’s good. There’s hope.” You have no idea, Jennifer, how that speaks into my heart. The past few months have served up days that seem dark and hopeless. Yet, each time it happens, Jesus shows up with a dose of hope. He is good like that. Thanks for the reminder.

    • dukeslee

      My heart is heavy knowing you’ve gone through some dark days. Please know that I’m praying for you this morning. xo

      • Leah Adams

        Thank you for your prayers, friend.

  3. Bev @ Walking Well With God

    Ahhh…in a world wracked with evil, what a breath of fresh air!! It is indeed encouraging to see people link arms and come together for good! Little glimpses of heaven here on earth. Lately, I’ve been trying to grasp life and hope even in the small things. I’ve been cutting flowers from my garden and bringing them indoors. I’ve enjoyed watching their unique and individual blooms break forth and their lovely aromas remind me that God leads us always on a path fragrant with His lovingkindness. Thanks for an uplifting post to start my day!
    ps. Finally got your link to appear on my my blogsite – little victories 🙂

    • dukeslee

      Good morning, Bev! So glad these words encouraged you.

      Like you, I’ve been looking for hope in the little things. And, Bev, aren’t fresh flowers just magical?

      Have a great weekend, and thanks for including me in your links. 🙂

  4. Michele Morin

    Thank you for sharing that little bright spot coming into the weekend. There’s just something about a baby animal . . .

  5. Nancy Ruegg

    How refreshing to hear about the gracious kindness of people in a time when selfishness and evil seem to assault us from all sides. I’m trying hard to remember a moment of hope this past week and nothing comes to mind. The problem, no doubt, is my lack of attention. You’ve inspired me, Jennifer, to not only keep my eyes open for God’s blessings but also his signs of hope!

  6. Allison Stadler Hendrix

    precious precious precious. Just shared this with my daughter and her 13 year old friends. There was a collaborative group oooh and awe. Thank you for sharing and reminding us to see hope around.



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