Not Everyone Will Like You

March 26, 2017 | 18 comments

One of the really weird things about being an author is the fact that your approval ratings are very public. With a few keystrokes on Amazon, anyone can share with the world whether they think you’re lovely, awful, or … meh. 

I would be lying if I said I didn’t want everyone to like me. But the reality is, not everyone will.

Recently, I checked out the latest reviews on Amazon. And I had to laugh at the stark difference between the most recent two.

Bridgett gave The Happiness Dare five stars and wrote: “One of my favorite books EVER!”

Hours earlier, a different reviewer gave the book one star and wrote, simply: “This book wasn’t for me.” Womp, womp. 

This was a black-and-white reminder that not everyone is going to like me. Not everyone is going to like my writing. BUT MANY WILL.

Some will like my writing. Some will NEED my writing. Some will grow from my writing.

And some WON’T.

Where are you today?

Are you afraid they won’t like you, your style, your work?

Is there a person in your life who consistently behaves like she can’t stand to be around you?

Is it hard for you to step out in community, because you fear rejection?

Do you avoid putting yourself out there, because you’re certain that someone won’t like it?

The reality is, not everyone WILL like it. Not everyone will like YOU. Even Jesus had people who didn’t like him — even his family!

“For even his own brothers did not believe in him” (John 7:5).

You are in good company.

Keep going. Keep loving. Keep being the YOU that God created you be. We need your style. We need your You-Ness.

In this life, you will have people who criticize you. And you will have people who adore you. (And honestly … why wouldn’t they? Just look at you, baby. You are rockin’ the YOU thing. Five stars, my friend! Five stars for you!)

Truth is … your worth isn’t found in the number of STARS you get. Your worth is found in Jesus. And if you’re not everyone’s cup of tea, just remember, Jesus wasn’t either.

by | March 26, 2017 | 18 comments


  1. Rebecca Presnell

    Yep, been there, felt that! I struggle with this a lot actually.

    • dukeslee

      Big hugs to you, my friend!

  2. Susan

    I have twenty years on you sister and you know? THAT is a fact of life that never goes away! When EVERYONE likes you – there may be a problem!!! LOL!

    • dukeslee

      Good point, my friend. Thank you.

  3. Trudy Den Hoed

    Inspiring message, Jennifer. I’m afraid I’m often not very assertive out of fear of rejection. But the more I learn of my worth in Jesus, the more I realize I am pre-approved by Him so it doesn’t matter if others approve of me. This really encourages me – “Keep going. Keep loving. Keep being the YOU that God created you be. We need your style. We need your You-Ness.” Thank you! Love and hugs to you!

    • dukeslee

      So glad that encouraged you, Trudy!

  4. Nancy Ruegg

    Wow. Your conclusion nails the barrel shut on the lie we have somehow failed if everybody doesn’t like us. Even Jesus had his detractors. Such a valuable observation to remember. I’m also reminded of some advice you gave in The Happiness Dare about lingering a few moments over the positive comments of others, not the complaints. (Of course, criticism given in a helpful, heartfelt manner is a different story.) Thank you, Jennifer, for helping us celebrate who we are!

    • dukeslee

      “… the lie we have somehow failed if everybody doesn’t like us.” <— Yeah. That. Thanks, Nancy.

  5. Jody Ohlsen Collins

    I was having a conversation with Jesus yesterday, I believe, about this very thing….sounds like a sacred echo to me (and a necessary reminder). Keep spreading the word, Jennifer. People need it.

    • dukeslee

      Grateful for you, Jody. Thanks for being here.

  6. Elizabeth Morgan

    Jennifer, so many people need to hear this truth! Our minister once said that a Born Again Christian has the Holy Spirit living inside him/her, and this is an offense to a non-Christian. Christ was an offense to the Scribes and Pharasiees, because He was the Son of God, and they were living a ‘religion’ of works. They didn’t even know God. Jesus wants Christians to be salt and light in a dark world. He said if they persecuted Him, they will persecute His followers. Thanks again!

    • dukeslee

      You are so welcome. And thank YOU for your added input and perspective.

  7. Nancy

    Wow, wow, wow! You nailed it! I love you and I’m glad that you’ve been in my life… for how long? Many years! You keep putting yourself out there, we are behind you! Love you, my sweet 5 star friend! ❤️😊

    • dukeslee

      I so appreciate you, Nancy!

  8. Lisanne

    I call these people pushers of my “insecurity buttons” The ladies who remind me of being a poor child when they notice my purse doesn’t match my shoes or the ones who find negative things to make feel less than they are. I’ve learned to identify them, to be prepared and to also remind myself it is they who are truly insecure.

    • dukeslee

      Smart, Lisanne. Very smart. I appreciate your wisdom.

  9. June

    Love this! I was such a people pleaser in my younger days. I was always worried that people wouldn’t like me. It led to me not being true to myself and people taking advantage of me. It took me too many years to get here but I can honestly say that I really am okay with this fact of life.

  10. Kelly

    Gee! Thanks for bringing a tear to my eye. It’s so easy to let the opinions of others feed your self-confidence. It’s exactly what satan wants us to do – become discouraged, so we can’t be used for God. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for the reminder. YOU are rockin’ it! 🙂


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