Over the Moon About the Moon (& a Video For You!)

November 29, 2012 | 37 comments

I’ve been over the moon about the moon this week.

It started with that full moon rising, and the striking realization that a young Nazarene named Jesus would have beheld that very same moon we see.

And then, a friend told me that Buzz Aldrin served himself communion on the surface of the moon on July 20, 1969. I had no idea. But sure enough, it happened. Eric Metaxas wrote about in his book Everything You Always Wanted to Know About God (But Were Afraid to Ask).

An excerpt:

“In the radio blackout, I opened the little plastic packages which contained the bread and the wine. I poured the wine into the chalice our church had given me. In the one-sixth gravity of the moon, the wine slowly curled and gracefully came up the side of the cup. Then I read the Scripture, ‘I am the vine, you are the branches. Whosoever abides in me will bring forth much fruit. Apart from me you can do nothing.’… I ate the tiny Host and swallowed the wine. I gave thanks for the intelligence and spirit that had brought two young pilots to the Sea of Tranquility. It was interesting for me to think: the very first liquid ever poured on the moon, and the very first food eaten there, were the communion elements.” (Read more here.)

I know, right? I cried when I read it.

All of it makes me know how God loves us to the moon and back. So … in honor of this Moon Week, I asked a few of my favorite photographer friends if they’d lasso some moons for me. And they did.

Turns out, the moon’s pull is more than gravitational. We are drawn to its beauty, and thus, to its Creator.

So, then, this video, with a few moon songs. 🙂

(Still photos and links to my friends’ amazing blogs are below. You’ll love these photographers and writers.)


Duane Scott of Scribing the Journey

Patricia Hunter of Pollywog Creek (To whom Patsy Clairmont once said: “Your photos take my breath away. Can a woman my age afford that?”

Sandra Heska King, who inspired this post

Cindee Snider Re of Breathe Deeply

Tim Miller, High Calling Photo Editor

Kelly Sauer, High Calling Contributing Photo Editor

Laura Boggess of The Wellspring

Tina Howard, of SpaghettiPie

S. Etole of Just a Moment

Simply Darlene 

Christopher Gannon, a professional multimedia photographer whose work regularly appears in USA Today, The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times and The Des Moines Register.

by | November 29, 2012 | 37 comments


  1. Laura

    There, and back again, my friend. And again.

    • dukeslee

      This was such fun! I’m so glad you gave me your moon smile. So.Very.Glad. And Cindee’s photo? Did you see it? From Laity Lodge. … Laity is right here in this — a place that has connected so many of us.

      • Sandra Heska King

        Maybe you need to do the sun next. I have a Laity Lodge sunrise…

        • dukeslee

          Gasp! We could. Wouldn’t this be fun? Let’s start thinking of sun songs. 🙂

          • Sandra Heska King

            😀 😀

            Wake up, wake up, wake up you sleepyhead. Get up, get up, get up, the sun is red. (Momma D will know that one.)

          • dukeslee

            Good morning, SHK! I’m singing it with you. And Mama D would be FOR SURE!

        • Patricia (Pollywog Creek)

          Oh….I have way more sunrises. Our God is an awesome God…and how He reveals Himself in Creation? AMAZING!

    • dukeslee

      So fun! And Sandra …. Your photos are stunning! Thank you. And thank you for alerting me to the whole communion thing. I will never, ever, ever forget that. xo

  2. S. Etole

    Love the moonshine that you’ve shared and the different views of those involved.

    • dukeslee

      Such a joy, Susan, to have you a part of this … and I was so last minute about the whole thing! I appreciate you.

  3. Joe Pote

    Nice post and nice pic’s, Jennifer!

    I love watching the moon! …and drawing parallels between the moon’s reflection of sunlight and our reflection of Christ’s glory…

    Night before last, the moon was bracketted by Jupiter to one side and Mars to the other side.


    • dukeslee

      I missed the Jupiter/Mars/Moon trio, but a friend sent me a photo. Marvelous. Thanks for jumping over the moon with us, Joe. 🙂

  4. Abby

    Beautiful story of communion on the moon. I hadn’t heard that. My husband who was raised by his grandparents was able to show his grandfather on television, man walking on the moon. His grandfather’s life spanned seeing the first automobile to man on the moon. Phenomenal. Thanks so much for sharing the beautiful pictures and video. ~ Abby

    • dukeslee

      I had not heard that story until Sandra Heska King shared it with me earlier this week. I was in awe, and really couldn’t keep it myself.

      Thanks for sharing about your grandfather’s life. That’s a really interesting perspective, when we match up our lives to the cultural and historical frameworks behind them.

  5. Patricia (Pollywog Creek)

    So honored to be included here, Jennifer. I LOVE how you see. We’re “moonstruck” because we are GODstruck…and we can’t help but be in awe of His amazing creation and what He shows us about Himself in His creation. God is so, so good to His people.

    • dukeslee

      And I’m pleased you said YES! What a last-minute project. You were all such good sports. And then, when I received so many good photos, I couldn’t pick just one from each … thus, the video. 🙂

  6. Lori

    I am a lifelong moon watcher…..I see God reflected in His moon all the time, moon gazing has gotten me through some tough times, because I know as long as the moon is up there, He is too. And everywhere else. I feel like He created it just so we could gaze on it, because He knew we couldn’t stare at the sun!

    • dukeslee

      I read your comment earlier this morning, and then went outside to take the girls to the bus stop at the end of the driveway. As I saw the moon, suspended over my country church a mile away, I thought about your comment, Lori. What a blessing. To know that He is everywhere.

    • Jillie

      Never thought of the moon this way before, Lori. “As long as the moon is up there, He is too.” And that we cannot stand and gaze at the sun, but we certainly can the moon! Thanks for these thoughts today. I shant forget them.

  7. Nancy Franson

    I’ve caught myself, several evenings this week, gazing up at the moon and thinking about many of my sisters drinking up its same beauty from wherever they are.

    And here’s a cool thought–the same baby who was born underneath that same moon, also created it!

    • dukeslee

      I know, right? That was the thing that had me all giddy in my post earlier this week (the baby made the moon.)

      Thanks for howling at the moon with us this morning, Nancy!

  8. Marlys Etter

    Way cool!

  9. ro.ellott

    Thanks…holy wonder indeed…the next night…I got a picture of the sky as it looked like it was on fire(posted on FB)…the skies tell of the works of His hands. love…love…

  10. SimplyDarlene

    That bit about taking Communion on the moon? Wowzer.

    It’s not about the man in the moon
    or the man who landed on the moon,
    The One Who Created the Moon!

    Thanks for including my moonset image.


  11. Carol J. Garvin

    Wonderful moon shots! I also get goosebumps thinking about God being the same yesterday, today and forever.

  12. Marcus Goodyear

    Paper Moon. One of my favorites. I believe in YOU, Jennifer Dukes Lee!

  13. Dave Vander Laan

    There’s line from the song ‘Labor of Love’ by Andrew Peterson about a moon that just gets me. Every. Time.

    “So he held her and he prayed
    Shafts of moonlight on his face
    But the baby in her womb
    He was the maker of the moon
    He was the Author of the faith
    That could make the mountains move”


  14. Lynn Morrissey

    I have so enjoyed this stroll down Moonlight Lane with you, Jennifer. In a world that is filled with madness, you have just paused to allow His light to be reflected. I especially loved the moonlight serenade. I was waiting to hear “By the Light of the Silvery Moon” and “Moonlight Bay,” which my grandmother used to sing to me. And how about moonlight melodies by the masters, Debussy and Beethoven?
    We mustn’t forget them! 🙂
    Thank you for this delightful light-orbed interlude.

  15. Diane Bailey

    I see the moon and the moon sees me,
    God bless the moon and God bless me
    Grace in the Cottage and Grace in the hall
    And the Grace of God over us all

    ~An Irish Song by P.W. Joyce

    I love your moon series, Jennifer!

  16. Jillie

    This has been fun today Jennifer, without missing the amazing point that The Babe who lay in a manger created the very moon that hung over Him that night. The very same moon we gaze upon to this day. Awesome thought.
    Enjoyed your video–‘Blue Moon’ by Ella F.! Love that song.You are so much fun!
    Yes, just recently I saw old video on T.V. of Buzz Aldrin taking communion on the moon! I was amazed at his boldness–this probably wouldn’t be shown today–and the sacredness of that moment. The sheer holiness of it! I cried. And marvelled at the testimony to the world below.

  17. Cindy Hamilton

    There’s just something about the moon that draws us in. Love the moon pictures!

  18. floyd

    Awesome pictures and history of man on the moon. Beautiful…

  19. Sylvia R

    Oh, wow, I feel like laughing and crying joy both at the same time! I never knew. What a wonderful post!

  20. Betty Draper

    Great post about the moon so beautiful created for our light at night and enjoyment to sit under.

  21. Dayna DeLaVergne

    Great post! I didn’t know about the lunar communion–am forwarding to family and friends!


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