Wretched Woman That I Am

September 30, 2009 | 11 comments

It’s not the sort of thing you’d ordinarily scratch onto your life résumé.

But there it is in bold, crimson letters on mine: WRETCH.

My husband knows it. My best friends know it. My children know it. Even my pastor knows it.

Because here’s the raw truth: Jennifer Dukes Lee is a wretch.

And today, I’ll tell you more about it over at Katdish’s blog, “Hey, Look a Chicken.”

Katdish describes herself as a wife, mother and painter who loves Christ and enjoys connecting with people. She’s a blogger and small business owner who is active in social media. And she’s hilarious. All of that made it seem a pretty safe place to “Get Down to Truth” about my wretchedness.

Katdish asked me to guest blog for her today. Would you follow me to Katdish’s place?

by | September 30, 2009 | 11 comments


  1. Bina

    Beautiful, beautiful you are in allowing your heart to remember that you are nothing more than a sinner saved by grace.

    Loved this: "And so tonight, when I go to bed, I'll bow low once again and marvel at grace. And with a lump in this throat, I'll whisper my thanks to the only One holy enough to cover my wretchedness. Someone once said that the only thing of our very own that we contribute to our salvation, is the sin that made it necessary."

    Today has been a very hard day for me…I had to borrow David's words in order to blog today…I had to force myself to look up when I feel pulled to look within. Your blog came at just the right time…and I praise Him for His use of you in my days.

    Many hugs to you, my fellow wretch who is His treasure!

  2. Steve

    So true. I pray that I never forget
    this, that Jesus forgave this old wretched man,and there is still nothing good about me, if not for Him. It still humble's me to know that Jesus died while we were yet sinners. His blood was shead for you and me, and yes, I'm still a wretched old sinner, just saved by the grace of God.

  3. katdish

    Thanks again, Jennifer. That post just blew me away.

  4. Tony C

    Amazing post!

    I'm so glad Kathy introduced me to your blog. I look forward to reading more.

    God bless,
    The Wretch Tony C

  5. Deborah Ann

    Jennifer, head on over to Heavenly Humor, I have a s'prise for you!

  6. elaine @ peace for the journey

    Great post, Jennifer. I commented over there. By the way, I passed on your piece about the "for sale" sign at the local Methodist Church to my retired father (Methodist preacher). He LOVED it and wanted you to know.

    Please try to put that somewhere; maybe even with a UM website/agency somewhere. I might have some contacts along those lines.


  7. Red Letter Believers

    in our self-esteem, self-loving, self worshiping your post is very offensive.

    Keep it up.


  8. A Simple Country Girl

    Me too.

  9. ~*Michelle*~

    All I can say is that I am BLOWN away with this post….wow! So happy that God led me to your world this week.


    ….a fellow wretch.

  10. Warren Baldwin

    I left a message over at Catdish's. I really liked your post. Wretched vs. Righteous … I need to remember that!

  11. Tea With Tiffany

    I need to pop over there and read about me too.

    I am a wretch.


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