when you’re feeling small this week, pray big

October 11, 2015 | 6 comments

It’s a big week ahead, and I’m guessing you’re keenly aware of your great need for Jesus.

I have my prayer journal open right now, and the list is long. People I love are sick, dying, confused, feeling hopeless. Our family has a big unknown looming up ahead. There’s a funeral tomorrow, and the loss for the family seems overwhelming. Beyond our borders, people are fleeing on rafts for their lives. Tomorrow, 805 million people will wake up hungry. The headlines frighten us, and the prognosticators distress us.

Where do we even begin?

With God. In prayer. THIS IS NO SMALL THING.

We see only a piece; He sees the entire picture. We can see on the next step; God seems the whole, winding road.

Let’s pray big this week.

We have access to the heart of the living God, sovereign and good.

You will not shock him by the boldness of your prayer. You will not surprise him with your super-sized requests. You will not bug him or interrupt him or annoy him. You will not wake him up from a nap, or take him away from some other sacred assignment.

“And this is the boldness which we have towards him, that if we ask him anything according to his will, he hears us.” 1 John 5:14

Not “some” things. Not the prettily-worded things. But this: “If we ask ANYTHING according to his will.”

Let’s pray so big, and so often, that when God meets us at Heaven’s gate, he says with a smile, “Kid, you kept me very busy.”

by | October 11, 2015 | 6 comments


  1. karen

    LOVE that last line! Praying big with you this week!!!!!!

  2. Tara Ulrich

    I’ve been feeling the weight lately. Thanks for this beautiful reminder. So much THIS: “Let’s pray so big, and so often, that when God meets us at Heaven’s gate, he says with a smile, “Kid, you kept me very busy.”

  3. joni

    Feeling weighty these days; little work, little income, big bills and trying have big faith. Just like Jesus told the seven churches in Revelation to Stand firm, be faithful and gave many promises to the overcomer who continues to be faithful.

  4. Devi Duerrmeier

    We are 10 days away from moving to Australia, and there is so. much. to. be. done. And there’s the regular life stuff that seems so overwhelming. I listened online to Christine Caine’s preach at Catalyst last week, and she said, “Impossible is where God starts.” That and your post today has brought me back to the simple things.. pray without ceasing, for this is the will of God, he can do what he says he will do. Thank you for the reminder, Jennifer.

  5. Deborah Will

    Great post Jennifer. We started “The Battle for Prayer” Bible study at church this Sunday based on the War Room movie. It is awesome. So touched by the first video and teaching.

  6. Pam Ecrement

    Thanks, Jennifer! So on point with the seemingly overwhelming realities of most days living on this planet. Nonetheless, we have all been called to occupy until He comes an that occupation requires more of us than we might first realize when we come to know Him.



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