for those times when you don’t see a happy ending to your story

October 13, 2015 | 21 comments


For years, I have kept a little slip of paper tucked between the pages of my Bible. It says: “Keep reading. It’s not the end of the book.”

I found that piece of paper again the other day, somewhere in Isaiah, and it brought me a great measure of needed peace.

Because there’s so much turmoil right now, almost everywhere I look.

The world has been filled with so much ugly, so much sad, so much pain.

We’re gripped by the threat of terror, by the horrific images of people being driven from their lands, by gun-wielding people who have no regard for life in schools and on campuses.

And people all around us are struggling, grieving, aching. Dying.

But I held that slim scrap of paper between my fingers — a reminder that we are mid-story. 

There really is a Happily Ever After. 

And that Happily Ever After was most assuredly secured with three nails, two beams, and one astonishing Son of God who loves us so much.

The story isn’t over. Not your story. Not the story of your wandering child. Or your cancer-weary mama. Or this busted-up world. Or the story of God. That story? His story? Stretches out into forever.

And there are things we cannot yet see.

We’re moving toward a grand and glorious finale. God is reconciling everything to Himself. And He is not an absentee landlord of Earth. He is here. And He sees.

I read these words in Ephesians this week: “It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone” {Ephesians 1:11-12, The Message}.

He’s working it out. Even if it isn’t making any sense right now. He. Is. Working. It. Out. In everything and everyone.

One of the greatest joys of being a Christ follower, is reminding each other that for all the brokenness we’re living under, a remedy exists. The Happy Ending is coming. We’ve got to remind each other that the story isn’t over:

“It’s not the end of the Book.”


Hey Tell His Story crew! It is a joy to gather here every week with you. The linkup goes live each Tuesday at 4 p.m. (CT). If you would use the badge on your blog, found here, that would be great! And if you would visit at least one other blogger in the link-up and encourage them with a comment, that would be beautiful! Be sure to check the sidebar later. I’ll be featuring one of you over there! Our featured writer this week is Renee Ann Smith. She wrote a wonderful, thought-provoking post on delayed answers to prayers and what it might mean when Jesus doesn’t come right away. Find Renee Ann here. To be considered as our featured writer, be sure to use our badge or a link to my blog from your post. 🙂 xo Jennifer

by | October 13, 2015 | 21 comments


  1. Lauren Gaskill

    I love the idea of keeping a slip of paper in my Bible that says, “Keep reading. It’s not the end of the book.” Going to start doing that!

  2. Ally | The Speckled Goat

    Oh, how I needed this today.

    Today, my story has a lot of fear and a lot of the unknown. But I’m clinging to Him who was faithful before, and will be faithful now and faithful forever. Because this isn’t the end. Thank God.

  3. Devi Duerrmeier

    It’s a huge story isn’t it?! Thanks for that reminder today. It’s so easy to take the Bible in pieces, but so rewarding to see it for the full, beautiful, redemptive story that it is.

  4. Brenda

    Praise God, it’s not the end. Makes me imagine for a minute…picture…the actual end. The peacefulness of heaven, His glory…which I can’t even consider fully. 🙂 Love your poetic line: “His story stretches out into forever.” So blessed to be His. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for the linkup this afternoon. ((hug))

  5. Anita

    Yes! If I focus on Jesus, I don’t get pulled into the mire of worry. Because worry, well, it never changed anything. I’m so glad he has the story and is the story teller.

  6. Kristi Woods

    A remedy does exist. Yippeeeeee for happily ever after! Thank You, Jesus. Good reminder today, Jennifer. Thank you.

  7. Lois Flowers

    Yes and amen, Jennifer! This is a powerful and comforting truth (even for someone like me who normally always reads the end of the book first).

  8. Carly

    It reminds me of a quote from the movie “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel”- “Everything will be all right in the end. If it’s not all right, it is not yet the end.” That’s a line I kept clinging to in a situation earlier this year and it’s so true with God.

  9. Candace Creates

    I love your little bookmark, Jennifer! I need to copy that slip of paper and post it on my bathroom mirror to see every morning. What an important truth to be reminded of every day.

  10. sue

    I’ll need to get one of those slips of paper for my Bible (so far all i have is a fortune cookie paper that says, “You will have a party.”) My niece, Allison’s husband was in a tragic car accident a year ago May – still not well, things very bad this week (again.) Trusting in God’s goodness. Knowing the story will never be over – the good parts version, I mean. you can follow her at if interested. blessings from HOT calif.

  11. DeanneMoore

    Great reminder, Jennifer…it’s a story that ends well and then, never ends. Love that you have that note in your bible.

  12. Caryn Jenkins Christensen

    Such an encouraging post. I’ve sure needed this reminder recently, “The Happy Ending Is Coming.” Thank you. <3

  13. Michele Morin

    I love this truth about the Bible — every story, every prophecy, every miraculous deliverance points to the some day Deliverance-with-a-capital-D of Jesus’ return and our forever home in heaven. We need this truth before us to give us perspective and hope! Thank you!

  14. Christina McFarland Hubbard

    God’s glory is all that matters and it’s our purpose, in hardship and good days. Thank you for the reminder He is working it all out for good.

  15. JViola79

    Such a great reminder, Jennifer, truly. It’s not over till it’s over. And He is constantly at work, working it out. Perhaps we all need a reminder just like yours in our Bible!

  16. Susan

    And, the wonderful part? We Know How It Ends!!! We are but pilgrims yearning to “go home.” Praise His holy Name.

  17. Tara Ulrich

    Love this reminder: “The story isn’t over. Not your story. Not the story of your wandering child. Or your cancer-weary mama. Or this busted-up world. Or the story of God. That story? His story? Stretches out into forever.” I am so glad that the story isn’t over yet!

  18. Ellen Chauvin

    Amen! I know this truth in my heart, but I love being reminded of it! Thank you Jennifer.

  19. Karrilee Aggett

    Oh friend… how He uses you more than you know! This right here, today: “He’s working it out. Even if it isn’t making any sense right now. He. Is. Working. It. Out. In everything and everyone.” So much Amen!

  20. Elizabeth Stewart

    These words made me remember to lift up my head for the day of redemption that is drawing nearer with each passing day.

  21. bluecottonmemory

    Oh – this scripture liberates – long before we knew him – He knew us, planned for us – sweet, quiet wow!



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