When You Want to Know that Freedom is Possible, that You Aren’t Alone, and that You’re Preapproved in Christ

March 28, 2014 | 9 comments

Did you know that freedom has a sound?

It sounds like the smashing of idols, shattering into a thousand pieces. It sounds like the clatter of chains, falling at the foot of the cross. It sounds like this giant sigh of relief, this squeal of delight, this chorus of praise.

It sounds like hundreds of women, standing shoulder to shoulder, to say it out loud to the world, and out loud to themselves: “We’ve had enough of the not enoughs.”

And it sounds like our Savior, whispering over us: “You are already proved. You have nothing to prove. You are PreApproved!

Freedom Sounds Like This:

I used to go into debt seeking approval. Turns out, what I sought wasn’t for sale: it was already mine for free!

I’m Cheri Gregory, and I’m #preapproved!

Janis Van Keuren

I’ve always hungered for approval when it was being handed to me freely by God. “My whole life I have lived this way, in a breathless scamper for significance and the approval that comes with it,” says Jennifer Dukes Lee in her book, “Love Idol.” Those describe my life as well but I’m on a new journey to rest in my Savior’s approval and crush the idols in my life begging for my bended knee.

My name is Janis Van Keuren, and I am #preapproved.

Michelle DeRusha

The truth is, I’m still working at believing in grace. I’m still working at believing and knowing in my heart that God loves me and forgives me, no matter what. I’m still trying to wrap my head and my heart around the fact that he loves me before I mess up bad, and he loves me after as well — just as much, no questions asked, no strings attached.

My name is Michelle DeRusha, and I am #preapproved.

Most of my life I have struggled with the #loveidol of wanting to have the #perfectfamily. Now as a mom, I am realizing I need to let go od that idol and enjoy the moments.

My name is Jen and I am #preapproved.

I’ve known Jesus since I was a little girl, but I still didn’t “get” grace. Because I am choosing to believe what God says about me in his Word, and because I want my kids to know in their own broken and grace-glued hearts that they are approved, dearly loved children of God, I will lay down my idol of working for perfect and embrace the broken.

I am Alyssa Santos and I am #preapproved.

I am not a measure of what I wear or who I know. No. I AM valued and loved because I’m clothed with Christ and known by Him, loved today and all my days, NO. Matter. What.

I am Jacque Watkins, and I am #preapproved.

When I compare my gray-haired image in the mirror with the beautiful young faces I see on FB, it’s easy for me to conclude that I’m not young enough or pretty enough and therefore not valuable enough. It’s a lie I refuse to believe.

My name is Patricia Hunter and I am pre-approved for every season in life.

Sometimes I believe I’m unworthy for not preparing everything for every meal from scratch. The truth is, that’s ridiculous! My worth is in Christ, not in my cooking, or lack of some nights.

My name is Kris, and I am #preapproved.

I measured myself by comparison and labeled myself in the category of “could not”s. But through all things, God could and would. Pre-approved is identifying my value in the one solid Rock of Christ.

My name is Tammy, and I am #preapproved.

It’s time to take back the voices: The ones that lie.

Because the truth is that HE gave me {and you} a brave, strong voice capable of compassion and empathy. A voice to speak love and truth and grace into the day-to-day of mothering or ministry or mountains of problems. We own courageous voices of encouragement made solely to carry HIS message to those around us.

I’m Amy, and I am #preapproved.

For too long the desire to be loved and approved by others has been my idol. But idols are crashing down all around me.

Because I’m Darlene Collazo, and I am preapproved!”

I have wasted far too much time seeking affirmation from the people around me. I’m through with all that.

My name is Karin and I am #preapproved.

My worth does not hinge on a marked-up Bible nor on how well (or not) I stand in front of a group. My standing is in Him alone.

My name is SHK, and I am preapproved.

Working harder, filling the calendar, completing chores and multi-tasking doesn’t make God love me any more than he already does and shouldn’t define my day. Worshiping Productivity has distracted me being used for God’s glory, so I’m laying down the idol that for too long has replaced Christ’s love.

I’m Kristin Hill Taylor, and I’m #preapproved.

For too long, words spoken by others and to my own self have tried to define my worth. No more.

Because my name is Jen Ferguson, and I am pre-approved!

As a Single Mom … I dedicated my life to the Gift of my children and often the Giver of life was not the center of my life. HIS words speaks … “I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten— the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm— my great army that I sent among you. (Joel 2:25)

My name is Sonya, and I am preapproved.

For Lent this year I will not be giving up ice cream, sweet tarts, soda, or sugar cereal. I will be giving up on the lie that more is more. No more thinking that numbers prove my worth …

Because my name is Carey Bailey,
and I am #preapproved!

I’m Jody Lee Collins and I am Preapproved …

because of the great I AM. All this and more….Beloved, Known, Cherished, Free. The list goes on and on.

For too long, I have worried about what people think of me, if they like me, or what I can do or say or be to make them if they don’t. Those days are over.

My name is Karrilee and I am#preapproved.

You are invited to join us. Here’s how.

* Dozens of people are sharing their own Love Idol testimonies over here.

* Nearly 1,200 of us are on the journey here, at our Love Idol Movement Facebook page.

* Use the #preapproved hashtag on Instagram.

Find out more about the Love Idol Movement here.



Click here to print the preapproved cutouts. Place these where ever your Love Idols have lurked, and where you want to reclaim your status as  PreApproved! You have nothing to prove. You are already approved!  

Preapproved printable: to frame, to put on your refrigerator, to give to a friend. Click here to print. My gift to you, brave soul!

We are the Lee Family. And we are preapproved.


by | March 28, 2014 | 9 comments


  1. KristinHillTaylor

    I love, love, love how you’re taking this message that God gave you and making sure women everywhere hear it. You’re pour truth into lives in a way that will leave people (me included) changed forever. Talk about telling of His story … you’re doing it bravely, friend!

  2. Sandra Heska King

    This all makes my heart swell. Love these sisters. Love you!

  3. Sarah

    Just beautiful.

  4. Beth

    Beautiful! I just love this. Lives are being changed. Praise God!

  5. Jen Ferguson

    How long did this ever take you to do? But it’s worth it — such beauty and courage here. Love it!

  6. Megan Willome

    I am filled with joy, reading these! Wow!!

  7. Darlene Collazo | {In Pursuit}

    This was beautiful! Love to see women coming together behind the greatest cause… Jesus Christ. He loves us! And so, we too, walk out that love!

  8. VanessaCHooper

    You’re pour truth into lives in a way that will leave people (me included) changed forever. Talk about telling of His story … you’re doing it bravely, friend! http://qr.net/rtcX

  9. Lisa-Jo Baker

    This. Is. So. Good. Like a long pull of oxygen – it’s life giving truth. Thank you – thank you all for being brave and reminding us that we are enough because HE is enough.


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