When You Need to Get Away … (And a Friend I Want You to Meet)

November 9, 2012 | 5 comments

I’m away on retreat in Texas this weekend, with friends from TheHighCalling.org.

But I have someone special for you to meet today over at FaithRadioNet.com. I’ve written about Almarie, an amazing and beautiful woman who wakes up every night at 3:30 a.m. to pray and read Scripture. She’s gorgeous. And she’s 91 years old. Come on over here to say hello to Almarie.

And while you’re over there, check out Faith Radio’s giveaway of Ann Voskamp’s book, One Thousand Gifts!

Have a blessed weekend, dear friends.

~ Jennifer

by | November 9, 2012 | 5 comments


  1. Jillie

    Almarie…I can tell she’s beautiful. I can tell her faith is real by the ‘good deeds’ she still does…like rising every morning at 3:30 to read and pray, because God deems it so for her. I have always been a ‘hands-noticer’, don’t ask me why, but Almarie’s hands are a true sight to behold.
    I want to be Almarie when I grow up.
    Loved this post, Jennifer. Thank you.

  2. ro.ellott

    My dad who is getting ready to turn 88…does the same thing…goes to bed…wakes up for an hour or two..to be with Jesus…then goes back to bed…isn’t this how we want to go through the aging process…thanks for sharing…blessings on your trip…I sent you a FB message…a quote…one that made me think of you~

  3. Lynn Morrissey

    Oh Jennifer, God has bountifully blessed you, both to be able to meet such a wonderful prayer warrior as Almarie and to have the wonderful ability to capture her amazing essence in words! I LOVE elderly people who know the Lord. Their faith is so strong and they have experienced a liftime of tangible proof of God’s faithfulness. I know you just basked in her radiant presence and felt closer to Jesus. I knew one such watchwoman and her name was Myrtle. I wrote about her here: http://nourishsoul.blogspot.com/2012/09/thrilling-guest-thursday-lynn-d.html
    My life was enriched by Myrtle beyond measure, and to think now she is praying face to face with Jesus, a prayer-partner in heaven’s great cloud of witnesses. Your writing about Almarie reminded me of Myrtle all over again. I am so thankful for your sharing. Bless you!
    Love, Lynn

  4. Marty

    What a lovely woman! May God bless the fruit of her faithfulness.

  5. Christina M

    I want to be her when I grow up. 🙂


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