When You Don’t Feel Like You Belong

September 22, 2010 | 6 comments

You’ve felt it, too? That you don’t fit in or measure up with your mismatched life?

Friend, this one’s for you. Will you join me over at High Calling Blogs today? (I’ve got a batch of burned brownies to tell you about.)

Photo: Out-of-place pig on this Iowa farm.

by | September 22, 2010 | 6 comments


  1. A Simple Country Girl

    You talkin' to me sister? I think so.

    (I read it already and it is grand.)


  2. elizabeth

    LOVED this post. I'm on the blog role at High Calling but don't know how to get more involved. You seem like just the person to ask! I believe I've seen others who read through a writing book together and did writing assignments, etc? I'm clueless on how this works, so maybe you could help me?
    Love to you, one of my very first blog friends!

  3. thesavingmomparents

    I read it over there before I came here. Great post! ~Jessica

  4. elizabeth

    Thank you so much Jennifer for your help with my questions about High Calling Blogs and how to get more involved. I look forward to getting to know this blog community better!

  5. Charity Singleton

    That picture is awesome! And I loved the post over at HCB, too!

  6. gretchen

    This concept goes far beyond the pan!


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