When The Time Had Fully Come

December 24, 2010 | 11 comments

You could have come in 2010.

Television producers could have broadcast your birth via the CNN ticker. “This just in: Reports of Bright Lights over Bethlehem!”

Newspaper editors could have run headlines in 72-point type:

“Angels declare: Savior is here!”

Like modern-day shepherds, we could have spread the news of Your birth over Facebook and Twitter and via cell phone: “Gr8 news 4U! BFF is Born!”


Or …

You could have been born tens (or hundreds) of years earlier, in the middle of the silent age. Your people bent over — face to ground — begging for You. The prophets spoke of a coming dynasty, a forever King, a triumphant Prince of Peace, whose name would be Wonderful. They foretold of You.


But You were neither too late nor too early.

You came with the dawn of redeeming grace. On a starry night in Bethlehem, “the time had fully come …”

Love came down at Christmas.

Bread of Life was birthed in a feed trough.

Forgiveness came in a wooden cradle, fulfilled on a wooden cross.

Unto us, a Savior …

Merry Christmas from our home to yours.

“But when the time had fully come,
God sent his Son,
born of a woman, born under law,
to redeem those under law
so that we might receive the full rights of sons.”
— Galatians 4:4-5

by | December 24, 2010 | 11 comments


  1. A Simple Country Girl

    And a Merry Christmas to you and yours, miss Jennifer!

    Your words, your heart, your sharing, your caring, all reflect His love. I thank you kindly ma'am for all you have given me.


  2. Deidra

    Merry Christmas, Jennifer!

  3. Debbie

    Merry Christmas Jennifer! So thankful for God's love for us. May we keep Jesus at the center of our celebration.

    I also wanted to tell you that I wrote a post on a Norwegian American Christmas on Heart Choices at http://www.heartchoices.com/2010/12/vr-sa-god.html.

  4. Jake and Nikki Boden

    Thanking and praising God that he sent his son for us! Thank you for the reminder of his infinite love. Wishing you and yours a very Merry, Happy, Blessed and Wonderful Christmas time together!

  5. Jeff Jordan

    "Neither too late, nor too early." For sure. Love your words and encouragement. Merry Christmas!

  6. Stacey

    Like! Merry CHRISTmas!

  7. Brock S. Henning

    "Gr8 news 4U! BFF is Born!"

    Awesome! Merry Christmas to you and your family, Jennifer.

  8. Linda

    Yes – He is always right on time.
    Merry Christmas Jennifer.
    You have been a gift in my life this year. Thank you for your kind words and inspiring posts. You bless.

  9. Shaunie Friday--Up the Sunbeam

    Merry Christmas sweet Jennifer!

  10. Sarah

    Merry Christmas … may we continually find bits of hay from a manger clinging to our lives. Oh the goodness. Oh the love. Oh the rejoicing going on in our lives today and for eternity.

    There is A WAY in a manger,

  11. Laura

    Smiling. Perfect headline, Ms. Journalism professor.

    But…you get the story just right. Enjoy the remainder of this beloved season, Jennifer. Blessings.


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