One Mother’s Search for True Christmas (Or How I Got Stuck in the Snow)

December 22, 2010 | 9 comments

This is where I found myself on the Great 2010 Search for the True Meaning of Christmas: stuck flat on my back in two feet of snow, caked in white, 100 yards from the house.

Did my Lilliputian daughters rescue their Gulliver mama from the snow? Did I find what I was searching for out in an Iowa blizzard? And what’s up with the flushed Mastercard?

I tell my crazy, snow-covered tale today, over at The High Calling. Will you join me there?

ALSO TODAY, I am guest-posting at BibleDude’s place as part of a group-writing project. Together, we’re journeying through “The Story of God, the Story of Us” by Sean Gladding. (The book was listed on the Top 10 Books of 2010 by Relevant Magazine this month.) You can join me there, by clicking here.

Photo Illustration: Jennifer’s glasses in Iowa snow. 🙂

by | December 22, 2010 | 9 comments


  1. alicia

    This is a story I can relate to! Thank you for your honesty. Your daughter's comment at the end did leave me teary though.
    Merry, merry Christmas!

  2. LisaShaw

    I appreciated your sharing!!!

    I pray a peaceful and joyous Christmas for you and your family!

    Much love!

  3. Jennifer @ Getting Down With Jesus

    Merry Christmas to both of you as well, Alicia and Lisa! You both radiate Christ's love with your words. My love to you both …

  4. RCUBEs

    Passing by to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May 2011 bring you with His awesome surprises! God bless.

  5. deb

    I just loved this Jennifer.

    I am sure you "do" Christmas just perfect every time.
    We are so hard on ourselves.

    My kids usually call me out on my over the top efforts now that they are older and have enough history to go by. 🙂

    ( I tried a few times to leave the comment at HCB, but that set up still makes me crazy . I've registered, do I register again, sign in …ack it's kind of too much for this going crazy mom sometimes. )

    Peace to you , Jennifer. You bless me,
    in all of your honest real love filled ways.

  6. Jennifer @ Getting Down With Jesus

    Deb — Thank you so much for your comments! You bless me so…

    I'll be sure to pass on your sign-in concerns with the others at The High Calling. We're still getting adjusted to the new setup over there. Thank you for grace, and for continuing to come back.
    You're an important voice in the High Calling community, and we're so grateful for your participation there! Thank you for your nice comments. You make me smile.

  7. Jennifer

    Imagining you rolling across the snow bank–what we don't do for our children. Good to know I'm not the only mom who questions my approach to Christmas. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas.

  8. patty

    loved this–laughed out loud as I pictured you splayed out in the snow–be blessed as you continue your quest for Christ-mas! love you!!

  9. Ann Kroeker

    You are something else, lady! Crazy, I tell you, heading *back out in the snow* to get that photo of the glasses.

    It's a beautiful picture, too–you are so fun! Thank you for sharing your antics with all of us THC!


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