The Y Scar

December 14, 2009 | 28 comments

I see them everywhere these days — Y-shaped reminders of God. I see them in tree limbs and sidewalk cracks. I see them resting in shadows and suspended in feathery clouds. And if the world gets in the way of my Soul-Eyes, my girls find them for me.

“Look, Mommy!” Anna bursts through the kitchen door, cradling a stick half as tall as she is. “Another Y!”

They know what the Y means to me:


We even made Y-shaped Christmas cookies at our baking party Saturday.

For the last 11 months — ever since another driver and I collided in a crush of steel on a wintry highway — the letter Y has become more than just a letter to me.
It’s His name.

The morning of the accident, on Jan. 17, 2009, I awoke to howling wind and white ribbons of snow blowing across corn-stubble fields. I had an all-day planning meeting for a spiritual retreat, and despite the bad weather, I decided to go.

On the way there, I listened to one song, over and over: “Exalted (Yahweh)” by Chris Tomlin.

It’s a song with a repeated refrain:

Yahweh, Holy is Your name.
Yahweh, Holy is Your name.

As I drove, I thought about the name, Yahweh. It’s a name composed of four Hebrew consonants — YHVH — called the tetragrammaton.

Believed in Jewish tradition to be too sacred to be uttered aloud, the name is often referred to as the “Ineffable.” But on that Saturday morning, I remembered how the veil was torn and how Christ paved a way. And I pondered anew how He lets us speak the beautiful and sacred name of God audibly. Yahweh.

And then an oncoming car careened toward me with little warning. We hit, nearly head-on at highway speeds, and both survived.

The worst of my injuries — minor, really — happened when the emergency brake jammed into my left leg. Doctors stitched the wound up, and sent me home the same day.

The scar left behind was formed the shape of a Y, and nearly a year later, it has begun to fade. But Yahweh doesn’t let me forget Y. He doesn’t let me forget that I’m a miracle, or that He spared two lives that day, or that He is my shield and my fortress.

No, I don’t forget Y. Because I see His name everywhere.

And — I pray — this Y-shaped scar won’t fade anymore than it already has. For I want this forever-reminder on my left shin of the One who has His hand on me, the One who pieces me together, the One who is Exalted.

A friend of mine, Pastor Dave, created a Power Point to the song “Exalted (Yahweh)” and posted it on YouTube. The Power Point, which you can play below, includes a 30-second silent introduction to the name of YHVH. (Email subscribers: Click through here to see the video and hear the song.)

Holy is Your name: יהוה

by | December 14, 2009 | 28 comments


  1. elizabeth

    As usual, your post is beautiful, encouraging, thought provoking.

  2. Tony C

    An awesome testimony Jennifer..and a blessing to read.

    The PP is also very powerful, and I will be sharing that with others.

    Thank you for sharing His love with others…

  3. Shirley

    I don't think I'll ever look at a Y-shape the same again! And I love that Chris Tomlin song!

    And you know, when I started reading this post, my mind started going in a totally different direction. I saw the 'Y' scar as meaning a fork in the road…the two paths we must choose from when something happens. How we allow that bad spot in the road to affect us.

  4. Denise @ A Sacred Longing

    Yahweh – tangible and profound.

    Sacred, yes.

    Too sacred for our everyday moments, may it never be!

    Thank you for reminding me to see Yahweh in my now.


  5. Doug Spurling

    From scar to scar, hands to feet he hung on the tree. The perfect Y to answer why we can be set free.

    As always – beautiful. Thank you – Merry Christmas.

  6. Rose

    Oh my goodness, I am like Shirley, I will never look at a "Y" the same. What a wonderful story of God's divine protection and a gentle reminder of YHVH! I think it is great how your children have become involved in seeking the "y" and I must say I enjoyed the photos of all the "y"s you found in nature. No surprise there. God just leaving his signature all over the place.


  7. Lyla Lindquist

    At last. I've looked forward to this one.

    The pumpkin is particularly telling, by the way. Not much room for interpretation there, not unlike the inscription that graces your leg.

    You already know how I feel about this; I won't go on and on about it in your box. Thank you for your courage and humility in letting God work this way in you. You make me smile. Often.

  8. jasonS

    So good. There are reminders everywhere of His love, commitment, and NAME. I love that your kids are trained also to look for it. Tremendous!

  9. Victoria

    Faded or not, you my sister, are marked for His use and His love and His purpose and His delight! I loved this and will forever be seeing Y in all things!

  10. Freddae'

    This is simply an awesome story. Very powerful and beautiful. I'll be looking for the Y now. Thank you for giving me the gift of this story.

  11. PJ

    Jennifer, That was a wonderful testamony. I have had several instances where I have called out His name and He saved me. He is so wonderful. Not only that, He has brought me from some Very Dark places in my life. I magnify and exalt Him. Thank you Jesus!


  12. mom2six

    Hard to believe it has almost been a year – I remember reading and praying just after the accident. What a wonderful reminder – if one is looking God can be found everywhere!

  13. Alleluiabelle

    Dear Friend,

    I remember reading your postings about the accident and praying. What a powerful testimony you are. As Victoria said, "Faded or not, you my sister, are marked for His use and His love and His purpose and His delight!" I so love her comment and I stand in sweet agreement with her Jennifer. He uses you in such powerful ways and you are so obedient to His commands.

    I love your testimony and you!

    Peace & Gentle Hugs,

  14. Kay

    So glad that indeed He spared your life and your health. What a blessing you are to those who read your words. Thank you for this reminder of our mighty God.venef

  15. Kelly Langner Sauer

    I'm scrolling through my blog list to get my head out of my own circumstances tonight. Thank you for this, for the reminder of who He is, how He cares for us, how far outside our circumstances He is.

    Wish I could sit down and hang out with you for a while. Just listen to your stories. Listening would be good tonight.

  16. Jennifer

    Wow, what a powerful reminder! Beautiful story. I am so glad you were alright!

  17. Epiphany

    What an awesome story Jennifer!

  18. Angie Vik

    That's so cool. Because all those Ys are there whether anyone notices them or not. But to you they have great meaning. To him who eyes to see…

  19. Anne Lang Bundy

    Jennifer, you KNOW I love this post, and this song. We've sung it in church two out of the last four Sundays. I'm thrilled to have this video. I trust you don't mind me using it on my blog one of these days. I need to plant it where it's near to me.

    Thank you. Thank you for the post. Thank you for seeing His holy name in a scar—a scar which I trust, like the nail prints of Jesus, speaks pure love.

  20. A Simple Country Girl

    I read that post last January. It was my initial visit here. I was fairly new in Blogland and someone had a link to pray for you. Since then you have richly blessed me with your words…

    May God continue to shine His light on you.


  21. Karen

    Awesome testimony…very inspiring!

  22. Missy

    What an awesome, inspiring post. Powerful.

  23. Vanessa Renee

    Beautiful reminder of how evidence of the existence of God is everywhere. He has and continues to reveal Himself to His creation in beautiful ways. Thank you for sharing.

  24. Amber

    Wow. beautiful. Thank you for sharing. 🙂

  25. Keith Roghair

    I love all your Y photos! Another great post

  26. ~*Michelle*~

    What an amazing testimony to Our Amazing Creator! Thank you so much for sharing.

    I will now be searching for Y's around me myself….

  27. annkroeker

    I love this, and now, like so many who commented, I'll be looking for Y's.



  28. Connie Mace

    praising as I read for GOD breathed words…praising for the miracle of a Y scarred leg…face to the floor tears as I join the chorus…thank you dear friend for sharing…all for Yahweh


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