The Waiting Room

March 16, 2011 | 9 comments

They said it would be a “routine” procedure. But when it’s your husband on the operating table, routine feels scary.

I’m telling our story over at The High Calling today. But first, this photo here is a post all its own. Check this out:

And that’s just a few of the texts I received while sitting alone in The Waiting Room. There were many others, all of them praying for something “routine.”

This photo is a testament to the power of Christian community. And it was a reminder to me to be available for others — just as they have been available for us.

Today, I tell another part of the story today over at The High Calling — the part about fear and worry … and a Forever Love. I’d be delighted if you’d join me there.

by | March 16, 2011 | 9 comments


  1. Shirl

    Nothing is routine when it comes to medical procedures…and especially when it involves someone we love. I know the blessing of those prayer hugs from friends. They are what kept us going during Mom's long illness and after her death a few weeks ago.

  2. Andrea

    Prayer request at arise 2 write.
    thanks, andrea

  3. Joan Davis

    Great photo! What a blessing!

  4. David Rupert

    why do they always call it a "procedure?"

  5. RCUBEs

    Just glad to be reminded that in everything, even the "routines", God is in control. Awesome pic and reminder of what prayers can do! God bless you sister.

  6. Kaye - SandwichINK for the Sandwich Generation

    Isn't technology wonderful for sharing long, simple, and inbetween prayers! I remember the first time my husband saw me praying out loud over the phone – 30+ years ago! I can still remember the shocked look on his face. But he got used to it 🙂 And now – we text prayers, email prayers, facebook – blog – and tweet prayers. So many changes on our end – and NONE on GOD's END – He was, He is, He will always be IN CONTROL – even over "routine" procedures. Joining in the prayers – via comments 🙂 🙂 🙂

  7. lynnmosher

    Praying for your precious farmer that he recovers quickly and fully. Blessings to you both!

  8. Rosario

    Praying for your husband to recover. Your post brought back memories of the day my daughter was having surgery. In our case we waited 7 hours to see her again. And she spent a week in the hospital. Five months have gone by and I still remember every little detail of that day.

  9. Gleenn

    I read your post at The High Calling and left some thoughts there. Thank you for sharing your story, it's an inspiration.

    Offbeat Marriage


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