The Principle of Good Enough

June 10, 2015 | 2 comments

So then one day, I lived a perfectionist’s worst nightmare. And it all happened on live radio.

It might have been the best thing that happened to me.

You can read about it over here, at (in)courage. (I’ll be the one hiding under the desk. Not. Even. Kidding.)

Read “The Principle of Good Enough” (click here).

by | June 10, 2015 | 2 comments


  1. Courtney Misener

    I am taking a break from preparing for our Women’s Ministry kick-off on the 24th. This Sunday it will be announced that I am taking over it’s leadership. Naturally, I am excited. Naturally, I am scared. Because I have already considered if I was good enough for such an assignment. Thank you for this post. Looking forward to giving my good enough self to the ladies of our church. And to Jesus.

  2. Marian

    Hey, Jennifer. I read your post over on incourage last week and had your quote “Authenticity trumps perfection every time” up on my white board all week afterward. Tuesday morning, I sat down with a group of military spouses to talk about Lydia opening her home to Paul and how we can practice hospitality even in our transient lives, and I shared just that little snippet I’d gotten from your post. I could see the concept connecting with women all around the room. Thank you.


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