The Breakfast of Champions (Dining with Jesus)

January 25, 2010 | 20 comments

Our furnace died Saturday, and no amount of button-pushing or breaker-switching would bring it back to life.

Here we sit, two days later, with a corpse of a furnace in the basement as we brace against a ferocious wind whipping our white, wild world. Walls and windows rattle.

The furnace repairman can’t make it up our drifted-in driveway until tomorrow. So we seek warmth in cups of hot tea and feet pajamas. We press in ever-closer to find heat in the presence of a sister’s torso and a shared blanket.

It’s not so bad, really. We’re not shivering or turning blue. (This morning, our thermal-skinned Lydia even refuses to wear socks or long sleeves!)

Church friends loaned us an electric-heater that we’re using to warm the girls’ bedrooms. And with a push of a button on the wall, we have a fire raging in the living room. For now, it’s enough to keep us warm until the repairman resurrects the dead.


Photo: Tipped snowglobe, against backdrop of tipped snowglobe.

I woke this morning to crisp air and creaking floors and flying flakes in God’s tipped snowglobe.

I turned on the fireplace, and thanked God for modern inventions. (Were I to begin with complaints on this day, I would have been stopped short during morning prayers for Haiti. The hurt in our shared world puts our minor inconveniences into sharp perspective.)

School is canceled — again — and I set out trays for breakfast near the fire. I find a place near the flames and wait for the girls to wake.

I open the Bible to John 21 to read a story of a Jesus-made campfire. The Word is kindling.

I tuck my cold toes under my legs — (I’m not wearing socks either!) — and I read from leather-bound Word about some fishermen who’ve had a cold streak of their own. They couldn’t catch any fish.

Someone shouted warmly from the shore:

“Good morning! Did you catch anything for breakfast?”

They answered, “No.”

He said, “Throw the net off the right side of the boat and see what happens.”

They did what he said. All of a sudden there were so many fish in it, they weren’t strong enough to pull it in.

Then the disciple Jesus loved said to Peter, “It’s the Master!”

— From John 21, in the Message

The story says they raced for the shore, where the Risen Jesus waited near a warm fire He’s made.

“Jesus said, “Breakfast is ready.”

And I savor those warm words on this cold day. I eat them. And they satisfy the hunger and cold within me. I find Risen Jesus near the fire during my cold streak.

I find He is the very fire, and I bow low in reverence and awe.


The girls with mussed-hair wake late on this morning, trudging up the stairs from the basement in their jammies and blankies. They see a fire roaring, with breakfast trays ready.

This isn’t a four-course meal — just bowls of cereal, and apple juice.

But this is how we beat back the cold.

We gather by the fire, and remember the stories, and start our day with Jesus. We find shelter in His wings.

This is our Breakfast of Champions — fortified with vitamins and minerals and the warmth of an Unseen Guest who daily calls to us:

“Breakfast is Ready.”

Dear Jesus,
Let us begin each day with You, who daily invites us to dine with you on your very Word — a breakfast of λόγος. Let me never skip breakfast with you. You satisfy every hunger. Amen.

by | January 25, 2010 | 20 comments


  1. Wylie

    AMEN Jennifer!!!! Praise the LORD!!!

  2. A Simple Country Girl

    This post marches to the top of my favorite list! In the midst our lacking, we always seem to find Him easier. Is it because His Truth shines brighter when unobstructed?

    And the snow globe photo, how that speaks with gentleness.

    Blessings, dear friend.

  3. jasonS

    Great thoughts and I love that picture of them eating breakfast. Thanks. 🙂

  4. Solveig

    We're experiencing a blizzard today, too. Although our furnace is working, the raging winds seem to isolate. This post brough joy through a connection of sorts. Thanks.

  5. Bina

    You just blew warmth into the inner rooms of my heart and mind …the places where it has been so cold as of late… You just touched me with this.

    Thank you…

  6. Red Letter Believers

    This is why kids love Snow Days (waiting for Billy C.' novel!)

    I always imagined the pioneers and what their mornings were like.

    The Jesus breakfast is part of my routine too. The best part of waking up….

    Great post

  7. Corinne

    Your outlook is incredible. That photo is the portrait of a beautiful morning 🙂

    (thank you so much for your comment on yesterdays post!)

  8. Rose

    Jennifer, my goodness, I hope you get your furnace fixed soon, but I love the way you find joy and fire in the WORD! The kids look so cute sitting by the fire. All is well in their world!


  9. mom2six

    Jennifer – Yes, breakfast with the one who fills completely. Your words always bring me to Yahweh's presence.

  10. Jennifer

    You're right–looking at any image of Haiti right now puts everything–even breakfast and broken furnaces–in perspective. Thank you for listening to Him in the wee hours of the day.

  11. Beth E.

    Yours is the second post I've read today based upon that scripture. I love it when God confirms His word to us!

    Praying your furnace will be repaired very soon.


  12. Carol

    You always amaze me…finding joy of your own in the midst of the struggle. I am glad you are staying warm with your modern conveniences. "When I was a girl"…..really, we only had heat from a wood burning stove. Our bedrooms were icy!!! What we did was run to the stove, camp out by the stove, stay warm together by the stove…some of my fondest childhood memories…together with my family, no better place to be. We have been blessed. Love-

  13. alicia

    The days just are better when we dine with Jesus at breakfast! Thanks for the morning warm up!

  14. Lori

    God is everywhere. Thank you for seeing and sharing.
    Keep up the God work.

  15. elaine @ peace for the journey

    Breakfast on the beach with Jesus is always a good way to start the morning.

    Hope the repairman made it past the snow today to warm your exterior. It's obvious the interior was burning nicely.


  16. RCUBEs

    What a wonderful way to start each morning…with Jesus. God bless. Stay warm. In His love. 🙂

  17. Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife

    Stay warm! I'm so glad you have a fire place to snuggle up to. Pretend you are in a cabin!

    What an adventure your children will remember.

  18. Karen

    What a beautiful way to start the morning and I know you all will remember this morning (I know I will=)…

  19. Jackie

    Wonderful posting Jennifer! It warmed my heart!!

    Hope your furnace is repaired by now!

    May the warmth of His Spirit fill you and yours this day!

  20. Julie

    Hey Jennifer, Loved seeing your day displayed here today… How precious to see Jesus meet you face to face with a kiss on this day.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and your words. I am always thankful for visits. They always bless me! It's great to meet you!


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