That Was Then, This is Now

March 19, 2010 | 20 comments

Exactly one month ago, my favorite farmer was pushing snow from our driveway by bucket-loads. He’d come in at night, stamping snow from his boots, saying he’d run out of room to put it all. Where could he push another bucket-load?

And I looked at the stacks and the piles in our white-blown world. It reminded me of my sin — all stacked up and piled up. Sometimes, I run out of room for all this sin. I hold on to it, piling it up and pushing it to the sides by bucket-loads.

The Son beckoned: bring it to Me.

So I ran for the cross.

Oh, how He melts me.

“Wake up, O sleeper,
rise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you.”

— Ephesians 5:14

A month later, I look out the window. The piles are almost gone.

And here in the middle of my 40-day Lenten-look-within, I feel a stripping-away, too.

I’ve been taking things to the cross, leaving them there.

At the foot of the cross, I pause to find beauty. Behold, last year’s roses. They are, indeed, like beauty from ashes.

Christ loved us and
gave Himself up for us,
a fragrant offering
and sacrifice to God.
— Ephesians 5:2

May you find beauty
when you pause
at the foot of the cross today.

Photos: End of winter at the Lee home.

by | March 19, 2010 | 20 comments


  1. Julie

    Aww! How beautiful!…..
    Oh, how He melts me.

  2. RCUBEs

    Simply beautiful sister Jennifer! I don't see those nails that kept Him on that cross. My heart saw love…because of love…His awesome love. I love your pics! Have a great weekend and God bless.

  3. Laura

    Oh…these roses. So fragile, so beautiful. Yes, stripped away–that's how I feel looking at them.

  4. Warren Baldwin

    Beautiful pictures; encouraging message.

    Note: we are getting snow right now in Kansas.

  5. mom2six

    Your words, your pictures, your reminder – "at the foot of the cross" – Christ shines!

  6. Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife

    I'm feeling at "melting" coming on! Praise my Savior!

  7. S. Etole

    Oh, yes …

  8. Beth E.

    I love the pictures and your analogy. I'm so glad to see the Sonshine!

  9. Lelia Chealey

    I just stumbled onto your blog tonight and so glad I did! Love this post. Nice to "meet" you. 🙂

  10. elizabeth


  11. Karen

    Wow…this blows me away…you find words for the indescribable…this was a blessing…

  12. Jennifer

    Beautiful Jennifer… simply beautiful!


  13. Kristen @ Moms Sharpening Moms

    Wow! This post blew me away! I love the picture you paint of sin piling up 'til there seems no room for more.

    Until Christ comes and melts it to nothing.

    Beautiful encouragement!

  14. Beth.. One Blessed Nana

    Oh, my friend. Stopping and kneeling at the cross today. I am knee deep in agape love this weekend!

    You have blessed me once again with your amazing writing from God's heart to your hands.

  15. Stephani

    Another inspiring post. Beautiful.

  16. Sara

    You always encourage and inspire! I also have read such joy and zest here in the past. Will you help me spread the joy?

    I invite you to come and get a bit joyful with me. There has been a serious lack of enjoying life in our home over the past few years. I'm busting out, and wanting you to join me, share your ideas, help me start something for others to join in.

    Learnin' Livin' Lovin' life,

  17. Andrea

    Jennifer, it is such a joy to visit you! Your analogies inspire me greatly; yes, they move my soul, and I need that!

    God is so amazing! I love to study the names of god, though I truly have much to learn and know so little. I never knew much of Jehovah Shammah, but it just fit. The Lord is there. And you are so right, His timing is perfect!

    Have an awesome Sunday!



  18. Nichole

    Look how fragile those roses are, yet they held on all winter! amazing!!

  19. Annie

    And like the roses, our hearts will bloom as Jesus lives out His promise of eternal life. Annie


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