#TellHisStory: Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?

May 29, 2013 | 5 comments

With regard to the question in the headline up there?

Um…. I’m still trying to figure that one out. Let me just say, I know some pretty smart fifth-graders. And let me also say that I do get easily get sidetracked in Bible study, especially on those Sunday mornings when my study partners are a handful of inquisitive 11-year-olds.

I’ve got a fun story to tell you….

Join me at The High Calling today, by clicking here?

(But only if you like hanging in a Sunday School room with some fifth-graders and their easily sidetracked teacher. 🙂 )

So, what’s your Story? A #TellHisStory is any story that connects your story into the story of God.

For details on the #TellHisStory linkup, click here. Be sure to find someone (or two) in the link-up to encourage with a comment. Come back on Friday to visit our Featured #TellHisStory, in the sidebar.

Your words matter to God. They matter to people. And they matter to me!


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by | May 29, 2013 | 5 comments


  1. theperkster

    I learned as my daughter passed through fifth grade that I was not smarter than a fifth grader! Your Sunday school story was great (comments were not working for me over there). Sometimes the best conversations and most memorable for the kids are not planned. It is great how you are showing them that their thoughts are valuable by letting the detours happen.

  2. Jillie

    Wonderful story, Jennifer. I didn’t feel I was ever smarter than my own fifth-graders.They were learning stuff I’m sure I didn’t ‘learn’ until much later in my schooling career. And now that they’ve reached the wise ages of 27 and 34, they STILL remind me that I’m not as smart as they are. Little pukes.
    You sound like a wonderful Sunday School teacher–a position I know God holds in high esteem. You obviously go with the flow and I’m sure they learned more that day than they might have learned about Lazarus. Kids want rubber-meets-the-road knowledge today, honestly spoken. Bravo!

  3. rachel lee

    what a wonderful story! I wish I could have had a woman like you as my Sunday School teacher when I was growing up.

  4. lynndmorrissey

    Great post, Jennifer, and I loved the friendly banter between you and Lydia. Like He did with Lazarus, Jesus brings us back to spiritual life and then gives us a job to do, and each job glorifies Him. I, personally, though thank Him that He has not called me to be a plumber. Though, come to think of it, I’m grateful for them! I loved how you went with the flow and showed children how they too can answer God’s call, even if you didn’t manage to talk Lydia into joining you at the kitchen sink.

  5. Mai Bateson

    Great story Jennifer! 🙂 Oh well, fifth graders are really smart young people… you can’t outwit them. I can’t help but miss my Sunday school teacher with your story… oh those days (sigh).. wish I could bring the memories back..



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