six words that can make all the difference today — #TellHisStory

October 6, 2015 | 27 comments

I don’t talk about the devil much. I hate to give him too much press or too much credit.

But some days, there’s no way around it. He’s got to be called out for who he is: liar, liar, pants on fire. 

Today is one of those days.

Today is a day when I might be tempted to believe wrong stories about me. You too?

Yeah, it happens from time to time, to all of us. It doesn’t matter how many initials you have behind your name, or how big your office is, or whether you’re a life-long Christian, or if you just met the Lord for the first time yesterday afternoon. It doesn’t matter if you wear yoga pants or three-piece suits or your pajamas all day long. If we are in Christ, the devil is prowling around wanting to whisper crazy-talk in our ears.

Here’s one lie that I sometimes believe: I’m not smart enough or capable enough to write books and blog posts and keynote addresses for you. When that happens, I have learned to call a friend, the kind of friend who will speak the truth into the darkiest dark parts of my heart. We all need friends like that — the kind of straight-talking friend you can get honest with, the kind of friend who won’t let you believe your own false narratives.

I used to start those phone conversations like this: “Hey friend, Can we talk? I’m feeling like I’m not (_____) enough today.”

And that friend would help me see things differently. Which was great.

But then, one day, I was on the phone with my friend Deidra. And she asked me two questions that changed things for me: “What’s the lie that the devil is telling you? What’s the lie that you are believing about yourself?”

That completely changed how I framed my not-enoughs. No longer did I see them as my feelings — “I’m feeling like I’m not enough today.” But I began to see my not-enoughs as actual lies that I was believing about myself.

So the other day, I got to feeling out of sorts about a few things, and I began to walk down that bumpy road of self doubt. But instead of telling someone how I was feeling, I reminded myself what the devil was saying.

When we are faced with our own not-enoughs today, these are the six words that can make all the difference: “The lie that I’m believing is …”

Because when we realize we’re listening to actual lies, we are one step closer to making a world of difference, right where we are.

And that’s what my friend Deidra Riggs is helping all of us believe.  I’m so grateful that she’s been a phone call away during my personal melt-downs. But, guess what? She’s one book away from you. 

Today, Deidra’s book releases to the world. It’s called “Every Little Thing: Making a World of Difference Right Where You Are.”

Reading her words? It’s like sitting down with your wisest, kindest friend. It’s like sitting face-to-face with a truth-teller, who won’t let you listen to the lies you’ve been believing.

Deidra has never been afraid to call out the devil for the liar that he is:

“Lying, for the devil, is not a second language he’s trying to master. Lying never gets old to him. He is not bilingual. He knows no other language. When he speaks, he speak his native tongue,” she writes in Every Little Thing.

Back in April, I told Deidra how terrified I was to speak at a conference in Indiana. I was believing all kinds of lies, and she helped me push past the lies, and step onto the stage. She spoke words to me that I’ll never forget:

“You get to be terrified, so God can be glorified.”

I had shaky knees, but through Deidra’s words, God gave me the courage I desperately needed to make a difference that day.

And that’s the brave hope that she’s holding out to you today:

“The language of the enemy is insipid and vile and vacant and void,” she writes. “It will kill your dreams, it will drench you in shame, it will steal your hope, and it will destroy your peace. … Don’t be taken in by the destructive voice of the enemy of your soul. … Jesus tells a different story.”

And that’s the story we were all made to hear: His.

Go ahead, #TellHisStory.


#TellHisStory #EveryLittleThing

About The Book:

Everyone has had that moment–we see a need in our church, our school, our neighborhood, our family, or our world and we think, Someone really should get to work on that, never imagining that we might be the answer to that need. We don’t have the time, the expertise, the money. We’ve got careers to manage, bills to pay, meals to prepare, and families to attend to. Besides, who are we to think we can change the world? In this encouraging and empowering book, Deidra Riggs calls readers to accept God’s invitation to join him in making a difference right where they are, regardless of their current life stage. She shows readers that they were created with a purpose and with the capacities to fulfill that purpose. And she reminds them that it’s not up to us to fix the world, but it is up to us to join God–and the rest of his people–in his redemptive work. For when God calls and we look over our shoulder and answer, “Who, me?” God always emphatically answers, “Yes, you.”

Buy on Amazon by clicking here.



Hey Tell His Story crew! It is always a joy to gather here every week with you. The linkup goes live each Tuesday at 4 p.m. (CT). If you would use the badge on your blog, found here, that would be great! And if you would visit at least one other blogger in the link-up and encourage them with a comment, that would be beautiful! Be sure to check the sidebar later. I’ll be featuring one of you over there! Our featured writer this week is Joy Lenton. As we all continue to write about the changing seasons, I love how Joy shares, “God reminds us there is always work going on in the background of our lives. Each day we are becoming more defined and refined into the image of Christ.” Find Joy here. To be considered as our featured writer, be sure to use our badge or a link to my blog from your post. 🙂 xo Jennifer


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by | October 6, 2015 | 27 comments


  1. Michele Morin

    If only our hearts could embrace the long-term benefit that could come from a short term “yes” to discomfort — or terror! What a great encouragement!

  2. Pam Ecrement

    Wow, Jennifer! Thanks so much for this encouragement today. The enemy is indeed very good at his efforts far too often. I can very much identify with some of the lies he has tried on you. So often when I sit down to write and put a post on my blog, those whispers can come. It seems a very ripe target for him since when we do this sort of ministry, we do it alone and put our heart reflections out there for strangers to read. Sometimes they may comment, but most often they do not and the silence after hitting publish can be almost palpable. I know the Lord is in charge of what we offer others, but in our humanity it can be easy to wonder if it mattered, if it was good enough. I am so grateful for your words and your friend. I look forward to getting Deidra’s book.

  3. Devi Duerrmeier

    Yes I’m right there with you. Five years ago I went through the freedom in Christ course (based on Neil Anderson’s book Victory Over the Darkness). It was a spiritual game changer for me, realizing that I can feel my feelings, but I have power to change my beliefs. What I believe forms my feelings, not the other way around.

  4. Tara Ulrich

    Jennifer, thank you! It is so easy to get caught up in the lies the devil is teaching me. I need to add Deidra’s book to my all ready growing list of books I need to read. I love the words she said to you “You get to be terrified, so God can be glorified.” I need to remember that because it really is about glorifying God, isn’t it?

  5. Anita

    What a beautiful set of words to file away and pull out all the time! The devil is full of lies and I’m going to use these with myself, my family and my students (especially my students).

  6. Lyli Dunbar

    Thank God for friends who see us through the meltdowns.

  7. Mary

    Amen! As I am participating in Armor of God bible study by Priscilla Shirer, we are learning to call out the devil for who he is. It is empowering to overcome those lies that I have always believed. Can’t wait to read Deidra’s book!

  8. Kathy/

    Love this Jennifer, how easy it is for these lies to slip into our lives, and what grace when friends help us remember who we really are — children of God. Of course the truth is you are wonderfully made, and for His glory! You bless me with each blog, truly.

  9. Mary Bonner

    I guess we all believe those lies at times & when the devil starts speaking, well, too often I listen. And when I listen I also think I’m the only one that feels that way. When I finished Deidra’s book I believed that what I did matters. Truly matters. Thank you for being honest about your feelings and sharing them in this space.

  10. Bethany McIlrath

    So appreciative of these words tonight, Jennifer! I’m excited to get and read her book (hopefully soon!) and so blessed by your example of friendship and so honestly admitting that the devil puts those bugs in our ears -it’s not pretty, but it’s true!!

  11. Sue Donaldson

    I love that line. I need that line. Maybe early this afternoon I needed that line. Thanks for sharing – her book looks great and YOU are Great (so there.) sue

  12. JViola79

    Wonderful post. Deidra’s book is on my “to read” list. May we remember to fight the lies the enemy would look to whisper in our ears each day. And may we be reminded this morning to be the friend who helps others expose the lies. We all need one another. Blessings!

  13. Pam

    I see the Lord in every word you write, Jen! And I have to admit, sometimes I so want to emulate your beauty and style in wordsmithing! “Greater is He in us” is what we need to wield back to those lies we all have coming against us and the work of our hands in His! 🙂

    Seems like so many of us are hearing the Lord whisper about these lies, taking our thoughts captive, speaking His heart into our hearts… He is reiterating to me how much our worlds are voice activated and how we have the choice of choosing what He says unto us. His Glory is rising on you, friend! ~ Pam, apples of gold,

  14. Kristi Woods

    So true, there’s always a root. Those pesky lies, they are such stinkers. Ummm…and you question whether you’re smart enough to write and speak??? Banish that lie. The skillz are there, beyond there. Praise God for His work in and through you. Deirdre’s book intrigues me. It’ll be on my list to look into further. Thanks Jennifer!

  15. Ellen Chauvin

    Oh, I love this: You get to be terrified so God can be glorified! Amen!

  16. Marisa Slusarcyk

    I may need this book!! Great for the authors bad for the wallet 😛 Thanks for sharing these words!

  17. Leah Adams

    I love that….asking ourselves what the lie is that we are believing. When we begin asking that question, satan’s scheme begin to fall apart. How powerful! Sounds like Deidra has hit a home run with this book. I’m going to have to order it!!!

  18. Elizabeth Stewart

    You are an amazing communicator, and a kind, encouragement to so many of us. I guess we accept the lies too readily for ourselves but then look at others and think, “how could she believe that about herself?”

  19. Dolly @

    Love this: ”

    “You get to be terrified, so God can be glorified.”
    Thanks for sharing Deidra’s wise words and yours 🙂

  20. Shelly Miller

    I’m late to the link-up but echo so many about your gift to communicate the truth in such a loving way. I will never forget that little conversation or Deidra’s response. So glad I get to do this writing life with both of you!

  21. Jolene Underwood

    Oh Jennifer, I love this. I haven’t linked up in some time because I felt God telling me not to. To just write, at least for now. However, I opened your post up yesterday AM & finally read it nearly 24 hours later. Then I realized; this is so God speaking to His people. Both Tammy H & I posted similarly, on the same day. So, I’m sharing that link. Mostly because sister, I am so with you. Praying for revelation daily from the Spirit, what lie might I be believing right now? What freedom and peace is found when the lie is revealed and up rooted so that truth grows instead.

  22. Dawn

    This is another soul stop on the journey that I need to pause and read a few times, Jennifer. I read this the other day and had to come back.I couldn’t respond for a few reasons, one of them was that I was stuck, right there in that place you are writing about. I see it now,a glaring red push pin right on the road, there in the middle of America where self-doubt enforced by lies of the wicked non-bilingual enemy of our soul speaking through who are supposed to love deep but when the words come out are more wounding than binding…<<< and that has the ability to freeze me close to that road for a bit. I don't like that place. It is not a place of grace. And the truth is I know that I really don't have to stay there, nor does it have a stronger power than the TRUTH which tears apart every attack of the wicked one, where principalities and powers have no authority, and were eternal grace is a part of the scenery.
    I can't wait to start reading Deidra's words. The book is on my list of must have's. Thanks for pointing us that direction.
    Bless you!

  23. Lori Schumaker

    Oh, Jennifer, straight to the heart today. Those lies have been swirling around me and even though I keep acknowledging them as lies, I have those weak moments that make me feel just as you – as though I am not smart enough or capable enough to write blog posts or a book someday. And can I tell you, that if someone like you who I admire in her ability, intelligence, and heart can feel that way, then I will be okay and I can keep calling the lies for exactly what they are! The lies of the monolingual enemy! Thank you so very much for this today. You have ministered to my heart through your heart of obedience to God! Hugs!


  24. Deidra

    Jennifer! Thanks so much for sharing about the book! And, as always, thanks for helping us see through the haze to every little thing that matters most of all.

  25. Amanda Jones

    Your article (and what you shared of your friend’s book) goes right along with what I shared today. It is such a strong message. I know I battled depression for years until God delivered me and reminded me there is a Liar in our midst. My oldest daughter began to struggle with the same thing so I shared my secret with her: to recognize the LIE and shout it back with Truth. Your message here is so powerful, I plan to share it on FB, I pray many women will be encouraged by your words here… just imagine the Power of believing the truths over the lies… we just might send the enemy cowering! Blessings to you and your wonderful ministry.

  26. Katie Reid

    What a great reminder to be aware of his schemes and stand on the promises of what God says is true. Thank you both Jennifer and Deidra. Just started reading Every Little Thing!



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