Say What You Need to Say … Today.

November 12, 2018 | 0 comments

The other day, I randomly texted a friend who consistently goes out of her way to bless other people. It was a lengthy text, in which I told her how much I appreciated her, and saw the love of Jesus shining through her.

A few seconds later, my iPhone beeped with her response: “Well thanks, but where did that come from?!? We love and appreciate you too!”

In another season of my life, I might have felt ridiculous for gushing so profusely in my text to her. But I have learned that I never want to withhold my love and appreciation for people in my life. Here’s what I told her in response:

“I sent it to you ‘just because.’ I believe that if you see something good in someone, you shouldn’t withhold it. I don’t like waiting for funerals to say nice things about people. I rather enjoy telling the living. Love you, girl!”

I have learned the hard way, how it can feel like a punch in the gut, when it’s too late to tell someone how you feel. I have stood over too many caskets, at too many graveside services, and beside too many hospital beds regretting that I hadn’t said more.

We always think we’ll have more time, but if you’ve ever lost someone tragically, out of the blue, you know that we don’t always have that luxury.

I don’t want to wait until tomorrow to say what needs to be said today.

Let’s not wait.

What words do you need to say? Find the strength to say them, today.

Let someone know you love them, now.

Make amends, now.

Send that letter, now.

Stand up for what you believe in, now.

Speak your dreams aloud, now. 

Take the challenge: Don’t wait until tomorrow to say what needs to be said today.

by | November 12, 2018 | 0 comments


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