New Clothes for “Getting Down With Jesus”

January 7, 2011 | 31 comments

I remember gazing in the dressing-room mirror of the J.C. Penneys while Mom shoved argyle vests and corduroy pants through the crack in the curtain.

I slipped on cable-knit sweaters and stirrup pants, and Mom asked if I was ever coming out of there.

“Not yet, Mom,” I told her. Because the clothes were too itchy, or too bright, or too baggy, or too tight … or too not-me.

But then, I would slip something over top of my head, and I would look back at the girl in the mirror, and I would twirl and I would know the way that you know.

This one. Yes … this one. This is me …

And then, at last, I would open the curtain and clap my hands together and tell Mom I’d found something that fit just right. And she’d smile, and I knew that she it knew, too.

I’ve been spending some time in the dressing room this week, and at last now, I peel back the curtains. Because I think, maybe, this one fits?


I started blogging back in July 2008. The talented Weis duo from Tekeme Studios designed my first blog. And they gave me the exact look that I asked for, with the smiling Jesus because I wanted all joy. But a writer can’t help but write her way into the voice that’s really hers. It’s still joy, and it’s still Jesus here, but sometimes the stirrup pants just don’t fit anymore.

So like my mama, the Weis duo went shopping with me. They slipped new clothes through the dressing-room curtain. And I tried a few things. Almost right away, we found the one that fit. And I really know it fits, the way that you just know. Well … I think so anyhow. (You know how I am.)

I asked the designers for warmth and light and roots, because we’re putting down roots — roots that give us strength. Our roots here on the Lee Farm are in family, crops, a legacy of generations, words rooted in the Word … Root of David.

Roots hold us steady, keep us grounded.

And I wanted you, dear friend, to really know what I mean when I talk about “Getting Down With Jesus.”

I’m still the same ol’ Jennifer Dukes Lee — the girl whose spiritual journey looks more like a stumble than a faith walk. I still limp down this path. I’m still the one with toilet paper stuck to her shoe. And I am being changed, day by day.

I’ve wrestled with God. And now, I walk with a spiritual limp.

The only way I know how to find my life, is to lay it all down. To Get Down With Jesus. Because the Only Way Up is Down.

Along the journey, it has been a joy — pure JOY! — to walk with you. Have I told you lately that I am so glad you’re here? You make me a better me.

(Email and RSS subscribers: If you’re wondering what this is all about, I have a blog redesign that you can’t see in your feed. If you want to check out the new digs, pop on over by clicking here!)

Photos of my hand-crafted cross, a Studio JRU original.

by | January 7, 2011 | 31 comments


  1. elizabeth

    The blog is beautiful Jennifer. I'm so bless that when I first started blogging I found you, or you foumd me, or something like that…whatever! The point is you are always a blessing!

  2. Duane Scott

    It's beautiful. And it just makes me love this blog more. I love your catch phrase. And just so you know, your walk doesn't look like a stumble to me. To me, it often is all I have. I look up to you. Keep blogging!

  3. Melissa Runcie | Madabella

    BEAUTIFUL!!! And I love the visual of roots…God is teaching me so much about that as I prepare a study called, planted.

  4. ~*Michelle*~

    Wow…I just love it! A sense of peace and comfort as soon as the page opens…….

  5. Dawn

    It's warm and beautiful, like you, Jennifer.

    Happy house (blog) warming.

  6. Nancy

    Love your new look, love your words, love your heart. I especially love that you have toilet paper stuck to your shoe, oh sister of the stirrup pants! (Wait, is that the title of a movie?)

  7. Lyla Lindquist

    As one whose legs always stretched longer than the stirrup pants, let me tell you: you want them to fit.

    Just ask my college racquetball partners who saw firsthand what happens when the stirrups pants legs are too short, waist is too big, and, well, I may as well have had toilet paper on my shoe.

    I loved the argyle. I love the cable knit. This place is you. But you already know what I think… I'll let everybody else convince you.

  8. Joan Davis

    Your blog is beautiful! I was exploring it yesterday just because it "felt so right" here…that's why I came back today. Congrats on the new layout!

    Living for Him, Joan

  9. Kelly Sauer

    I love, love, love, love it! It is so much more you, and so inviting!

  10. Ashley Weis

    I happen to love it too! 🙂 So glad you like it. One of our best clients. 🙂

  11. Peggy Arteberry

    I love it! And, do you want to know what I really love? It's SO easy on the eye! Very simple, refined, bright and inviting! Great job!

  12. Melinda

    I love the new look Jennifer… you're right, it is the perfect fit!!

  13. Amy Sullivan

    Beutiful! Love it, girl. The new look fits you perfectly.

  14. Linda

    I think this fits you very well Jennifer. It is beautiful. My eyes were drawn to the roots and I thought, "Yes. I want to put down roots that go so deep they can withstand whatever life brings my way. Roots in Him, in family, in home, in relationships.
    You always say it so well.

  15. Diana

    I am new to this blogging thing and I happened to stumble upon your blog. I really enjoyed it and will begin to follow it. Beautiful layout! God bless you and keep spreading the word.

  16. S. Etole

    Great new outfit that you have chosen!

  17. Kay @ Off the Beaten Path

    I love your new look. It's smashing dahling! As are you!

  18. Jennifer @ Getting Down With Jesus

    I've been gone all day, and just got home to this wonderful housewarming present: All of *you* in the comment box!

    Yay! Such fun … The best part of any home — including a blogging home — is the people in it. Thanks for making this place a REAL home…

  19. Debra

    Jennifer, the new blog is simply breath-taking and beautiful … just like the writer who lives and breathes and shares and is so real on it! Wow!

  20. Graceful

    I LOVE it. And I LOVE you, too!

  21. nance marie

    give it a twirl!

  22. Monica Sharman

    Ahhh…yes! Those mountains on the left—I want to go there.

    It's perfect.

    Oh, and when you mentioned argyle vests, I immediately pictured a pink and light gray one! 🙂

  23. thesavingmomparents

    LOVE the new look. It's so warm and inviting. I loved the old look too, but a new season is stirring and this vibe is great! ~Jessica

  24. Thoughts for the day

    I LOVE the soft inviting look of the blog. Good job.

  25. Jeanne Damoff

    I love your new look! And I especially love the tree with the roots and how that image fits with the idea of "getting down." Great design, Tekeme. Great choice, Jennifer.

  26. Rebecca

    The new look is beautiful!

    I keep searching for just the perfect look on mine too. Still haven't found it. 🙂

  27. Sarah

    You continue to inspire! I love the new look. I got a new one this week too (not my blog, although it may be next) I cut off all my hair, fresh, spunk to match me.

    Happy day friend,

  28. Runner Mom

    Hey, Jennifer! I love, love this new blog look! Just thankful that you are still here and blogging what He whispers to your heart! Y'all have a great weekend!

  29. Jennifer

    I'm loving the new look. It does have you written all over it.

  30. Kathy S.

    It's beautiful Jennifer! And it loads quicker! I love the photo and love your writing!


  31. Jennifer @ Studio JRU

    Oh my goodness… it is gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!! Love it!
    ♥ Jennifer


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