A Monday Manifesto for the Battle-Weary

May 16, 2016 | 18 comments

Like some of you, I step into this week feeling fragile. Like you, I am carrying heavy demands and hurt feelings. But before I take one step ahead, into this week ahead, I will need to let go of ALL of that, by giving it to God.

A Monday Manifesto for the week ahead (say it with me!):

Today, I refuse to be held back, chained down, worked up, or shoved ahead. I am committed to God’s agenda, God’s purposes, and ask for God’s peace, so I can pursue God’s glory.

I don’t want to waste any more time on useless brooding, worrisome thinking, purposeless living, or negative talking. I want the mind of Christ, not the mind of chaos.

I come to my Lord weak. And in this weakness, I know that I can borrow His strength. I understand that the strength He gives was costly for Him, but free for me, bought at the cross. But He didn’t stop with the gift of His strength. He also purchased with His blood the following: forgiveness, grace, hope, and forever love. All of the above are renewable resources, available each day to ANYONE in need. (Which is pretty much all of us.)

I believe in strength for today, and bright hope for tomorrow. I am confident that — based on God’s unbroken promises since the beginning of time — He will provide both.

Today, I stand on those promises. I refuse to be motivated by revenge, intimidated by critics, compromised by culture, or manipulated by the enemy. I am God’s, and He is mine.

I’m counting on the Lord Jesus Christ to come through this week. I’m counting on Him alone to keep me moving forward. I will keep my eyes fixed ahead, instead of diverting my focus to the following distractions: my circumstances, my problems, my critics or my own good works.

I submit myself to Jesus — for God’s great purposes, and for His great glory.



by | May 16, 2016 | 18 comments


  1. Trudy Den Hoed

    Jennifer, I am so sorry about the heavy demands and hurt feelings that weigh you down. With you, my cry is “I submit myself to Jesus — for God’s great purposes, and for His great glory.” It’s hard to let go, but it’s His glory that matters, not what people may say. Hugs!

    • dukeslee

      Trudy, You are a blessing to me. Thanks for reading. I’m so glad these words spoke to you. Hugs, right back at ya.

  2. karen

    YES! Thank you…especially for the last 2 paragraphs!!!

  3. Lily

    This was so perfect and timely for me. Thank you!

    • dukeslee

      So glad to hear that the words found you at just the right time, Lily. xo

  4. Joy Lenton

    Heavy demands and hurt feelings are a worrying drain and a discouraging way to start a new week. Praise God for giving you words to express how you would prefer to begin it! They inspire and fire all who are feeling weak and weary, and help us focus on God’s Truth instead of any lies we may have bought into or spoken to ourselves. Thank you, Jennifer! I pray your load would lift and your heart become lighter as the week progresses. Blessings and love. <3

    • dukeslee

      You are so kind. I love you, Joy. Thanks for your words today.

  5. Alisa Nicaud

    You have no idea how much I needed this today! Thank you so much for your encouraging words. 💗

    • dukeslee

      Oh, I’m so glad, Alisa.

  6. Angela Howard

    ” I am committed to God’s agenda, God’s purposes, and ask for God’s peace, so I can pursue God’s glory.” Submitted to Jesus! Amen!

    • dukeslee

      Amen, sister. Glad these words spoke to you.

  7. Shannon Bradbury

    Needed to hear this today!!
    I had way to many irons in the fire today and was a little frustrated!! Thank you!

    • dukeslee

      I hope tomorrow is a little less stressful for you, Shannon.

  8. Meghan Weyerbacher

    This encouraging declaration is a great way to begin each day. I daily have to set my mind intentionally on His track, and sometimes I still get off, but He is oh so good and patient. God bless you, Jennifer ~ prayers and love!

    • dukeslee

      So glad these words spoke to you Meghan. Yes, I might just need to repeat them tomorrow, and the day after that.

  9. Michelle

    This. Is. Sooooo Good. For His Glory, Yes. For His Glory….. 💜

    Thank you, Jennifer… h u g !

    • dukeslee

      Hugs to you as well, Michelle!


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