Join the Revolt Against “Crazy Busy”

August 9, 2018 | 0 comments

For as long as I can remember, if people asked me how I was doing, I responded with these words:  “I’m crazy busy.”

I kept saying yes to every request that came in. I rarely asked for help. I piled more and more stuff onto my already full plates. I found myself trapped behind a series of urgent obligations, and I was spiritually drained.

I began to ask myself questions like:

If I’m so busy, why don’t I feel more productive at the end of the day?
If I’m serving and loving people the way that Jesus commanded, then why do I feel so drained and empty?

Something needed to change … and FAST.

That’s why I took a challenge to move from busy to best. It worked! It renewed my mind, body, and spirit. It refreshed my faith and refocused my priorities so I knew what to hang on to, and what to let go of.

And now, I’m offering that challenge to you so you can find more peace and purpose in the things that God is actually calling you to do.

It’s called The Busy to Best Challenge.

One Week Only

This is a limited time offer and runs for one week only – September 24-October 1. So reserve your place today, and join women all over the nation who are making a move against the tyranny of a crazy busy life.

This is the event to kick off your fall study group! I have everything ready for you, and I’m going to walk with you every step of the way.

Here’s what you’ll get:

Yep! You get all this:

+ my brand new book, It’s All Under Control
+ live training with me in a private Facebook group for the whole week
+ an exclusive journal
+ notepad
+ worksheets
+ videos

That’s a $50 value, but I’m offering it ALL for as low as $18.

Let me tell you more.

Bring Your Friends with You

I created this challenge especially for women’s groups: your Bible study, book club, your besties.

So many of you have told me that women in your own churches and communities are burned out, overwhelmed, and stressed out by all the things that keep them feeling “crazy busy.” You have told me that women are spinning so many plates, and the one plate that keeps dropping is their relationship with Jesus. They want to reclaim the peace that is theirs through Christ.

The Busy to Best Challenge gives you the tools you need to lead them back to a place of true peace.

It will be a GREAT way to kick off your fall women’s group! I’ve taken out all the guesswork. You just have to show up!

How to Join

Here are the first steps:

1. Figure out how many women will take the challenge with you. I have some fantastic group discounts available!

2. Head over to for details and pricing.

3. Let me know if you’ll be joining me! I already have a special Facebook group set up for women like you, who are spearheading this challenge in their communities. I’ll send you the link to the group immediately after you place your order. I’ll be waiting there for you!

Grateful for you,

by | August 9, 2018 | 0 comments


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