if you’re feeling a little messy & imperfect as the week begins
It’s the start of a new week, and if it’s anything like last week, this one will have its own brand of messy.
I am so grateful that I am not defined by the piles of laundry, the dust on the coffee table, the ring in the bathtub, the expired sour cream in the refrigerator, or the dumb things I will surely say.
Nope — I am not defined by my messes, thanks be to God. But I am also not defined by my successes.
Even if I meet every deadline, exceed someone’s expectations, hit the target, and cross everything off the list.
I am not the sum of my ambition, nor the accumulation of my mistakes.
I am simply this — me. Child of God. Daughter of the King. Person, indwelt by the Spirit of Christ.
Amazing, isn’t it? We are all flawed, but fiercely loved. Messy, but miraculously made. A little quirky, but eternally cared for.
Sit in that truth for a minute, as the week begins. Let God’s love for one-of-a-kind YOU wash over your beautiful spirit today.
Yeah, you are an imperfect person. But you are LOVED by a perfect God.
What a wonderful reminder for the start of a new week. My Monday post is along the same line. It is all about stumbles and how we are not defined by them. Have a lovely week, Jennifer. You are a blessing to me!
Wonderful, Leah. Thanks so much for stopping by tonight. xo
Oh, what a perfect way to start my week, Jennifer! Thank you for reminding us flawed, imperfect creatures how much we are loved by the Father. Blessings!
Love this post, thanks for speaking these oh so important truths to me this week!! <3
What a breath of fresh air, to sweep away the dust of discouragement! Praise God for his perfect love, in spite of our flaws. Thank you, Jennifer.