If I’d …

October 29, 2010 | 14 comments

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” — Romans 8:18

If I’d never known an emptiness,
then how could
You have filled me?
If I’d never felt so fretful,
then how could
You have stilled me?
If I’d never crashed to pieces,
how could
You make me whole?
If I’d never been a sinner,
Who’d need to
save this soul?

Because I’ve cried myself to sleep,
I know Your warm embrace.
Because I know the sting of sin,
I’ve felt
extravagance of grace.
Because I’ve sailed on savage seas,
I know it’s
You who stilled them.
Because I’ve walked on broken streets,
I know that
You rebuilt them.

Because I’ve know the stench of death,
I know
Your sweet perfume.
Because I know the cross of Christ,
I know the
empty tomb.

Lord Jesus, Yes, I can rejoice in my sufferings. For if I’d never felt the sting of sin and pain and sorrow, I wouldn’t know what it was for you to overwhelm me with your love and grace. I love you. Amen.

(Highlighted words link to some of my favorite Biblical passages, over at www.biblegateway.com.)

An edited repost from the archives on this day, when I still my soul and reflect.

by | October 29, 2010 | 14 comments


  1. Warren Baldwin

    Good thoughts and pictures.

  2. A Simple Country Girl

    Lovely, Jennifer. I did some scripture talking today. Isn't it amazing that He is right here? With you. With me. With all who whisper His name.


  3. n. davis rosback

    thanks for putting this together.
    i would like to spend some time clicking on the pink lines.

  4. Beth.. One Blessed Nana

    so beautiful. i am so thankful that we have such a wonderful, merciful Savior.

  5. KJ

    very nice…thanks!

  6. patty

    beautiful words…
    beautiful heart…
    True words…
    true heart…
    love you my friend.

  7. S. Etole

    we don't always recognize the timing do we?

  8. Lyla Lindquist

    Hmm. You're messing in Romans 8…

  9. Beth E.

    This is beautiful, Jennifer. Thank you for sharing your heart and God's word with us all.


  10. Amy Sullivan

    I'm sure I've heard Romans 8:18 before, but it has never stuck. Perfect for me right now. I love your poem and how you tied it all to verses. Isn't that how it should be?

  11. Darlene

    this is just beautiful. and so true…
    I often feel closest to the Lord in a trial. I definitely grow closer to Him as a result of the trials in my life.

  12. Sandra Heska King

    Oh, Jennifer. You have a beautiful heart.

  13. That Crazy Family

    This post brought tears to my eyes, I needed to read these words this morning, thank you!

  14. Jenny

    Thank you for the repost. I missed it the first time around.


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