How To See in the Dark

December 8, 2012 | 17 comments

The people walking in darkness
have seen a great light;
on those living in the land of the shadow of death
a light has dawned.
~ Isaiah 9:2

(Cradle to the Cross Wreath available here)

by | December 8, 2012 | 17 comments


  1. Linda Stoll

    … the glow in her eyes says it all …

  2. Sylvia R

    Yes, what a beautiful picture!

  3. Rachel Lundy

    Beautiful. I never cease to be amazed at what God has done for us. A great light has indeed dawned!

  4. Lynn Morrissey

    This is one of my favorite Scriptures, Jennifer, probably because I walked in darkness for so long. Isn’t it amazing, that just the tiniest pinprick of light dispels darkness? And what did God do?! He sent JESUS THE LIGHT OF THE WHOLE WORLD to dispel our darkness. How can we not see what He did for us? Thank you for always pointing us to the Light! And I love your photo of lights. It seems to me that the lights most bright and sparkling here are the eyes of your precious daughter! They glisten for God.

  5. Pam

    Oh what a phenomenal photo… especially with these words. Absolutely the light of the world on your daughter’s sweet face, and I can feel the candlelight…

  6. Shawna from MO

    “By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.” ~Luke 1:78-79
    This was my devotional verse this morning. For the first time I’m captured by the way Zechariah & Isaiah speak of the same dawning! Oh how marvelous the Word of God!

  7. Marty

    So sweet!

  8. Cheri

    Thank you Father for sending Jesus to be our Light. Where would we be without Him? How could we have ever lived in the darkness?

  9. floyd

    Beautiful picture and lesson… That’s a keeper!

  10. Shelly Miller

    LOVE this photo, it’s radiant with His glory in her eyes. I’m so inspired by the way you love your girls Jennifer.

  11. sonyamacdesigns

    How beautiful is this … and darkness has yet to be recreated as an older gentleman reminded us in BF Class … the thing most created is to block out the light!

  12. Rona

    Even in the darkness I could see the light.

  13. Joanne Norton

    And He is my everyday/every moment/every instant/every million-second LIGHT!!

    Thank you, Dear Friend.

    Wonderful photo and Word.

  14. kendal


  15. Lisa @ SLP

    Wow, this is lovely… everything about it! Visiting from Jumping Tandem: The Sunday Community.

  16. Sharon O

    I really love this photo and hope you make it into a nice picture and frame it. Really special.

  17. Daniel Farrow

    What is so amazing to me is that not only does a tiny bit of light immediately dispel all of our darkness but then God makes us a lighthouse to reflect that very same light to the world and bring others out of their own personal darkness. What a great God we serve! (Psalm 95:3)


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