How To Make A Person — A Guest Post by Miss Lydia Lee

November 5, 2010 | 20 comments

She asked for a pair of Daddy’s socks because she wanted to make a sock-girl. And he had just the pair for her.

He slipped into the bedroom, to find labor-weary socks with threadbare gray toes and cotton pilling.

The socks had been washed and dried and pulled up the calves of a farmer 500 times … or more? Who counts these things? They had traveled from home to dusty pickup to smelly hog barn to tractor and back again — hoarding dirt and miles.

They had rightfully earned retirement, a place in the rag bag hiding under the laundry sink.

But these were the socks the father handed the daughter.

She made her craft — a resurrected sock with a face and a name: Toe-ni. Because socks have toes, of course!

And she asked, “Mom, can I tell about Toe-ni on your blog?”

And how do you say no to a girl who just wants to tell her story?

And I’m so very glad she’s telling her story here.

May I introduce you to Miss Lydia Lee, age 8?

Photo: Lydia dressed up as a news reporter for Halloween.


How To Make a Person by Lydia Lee

I named her Toe-ni. I made her from my Dad’s old socks.

I made her hair out of yarn. Drew a brain, cut it out, put it inside her head. I used old plastic bags from Mom’s drawer by the kitchen sink, and stuffed the sock full.

I glued googly eyes that move when you shake her, and I taped yarn at her sides for arms.

But my favorite thing I made was the heart.

I drew a heart, colored it red, cut it out and stuck it in one of the bags inside her fragile body.

This is kind of like how God makes us. Aren’t we something out of nothing?

It was like God made us hair,
so our heads would be warm.

He made us a brain,
so we could think.

He gave us eyes,
so we could see.

God gave us arms,
so we could hold things.

But most importantly he gave us a heart, a heart so we could love.

But I know it would take WAY longer to make a real person than it took to make Toe-ni.


Thank you, Lydia, for joining us at Getting Down With Jesus today. I’m so glad that God took the time to make you — and I’m so glad He gave you to us.

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” — Psalm 139:13-14

by | November 5, 2010 | 20 comments


  1. Carol

    Wonderful post Miss Lydia Lee! I love your doll and I love your heart (maybe you got that from your mama)! Have a wonderful day off today and enjoy the weekend! God gave us sunshine for our day! Oh, and you looked wonderful in the Halloween parade!

  2. patty

    Thank you for sharing, Lydia! Toe-ni is unique and beautiful and carefully crafted with love just like you! 🙂

  3. Doug Spurling

    Wow how precious. Miss Lydia Lee (that's my middle name you know – Lee.)

    You have the creativity of your Father God. And the making of your doll was similar to Him making you and me, all of us actually.

    Your doll is the only one in the world just like that…just like you. Unique – You-nique.

    Thank you.

  4. Julie

    Miss Lydia…your beautiful heart brings tears to my eyes this morning! Thank you so much for sharing…you and your momma are much alike!


  5. Verna

    Thank you Lydia for sharing Toe-ni with us.

    She is one of a kind and very special!

  6. Yaya Yarns

    Thank you so much for sharing Toe-ni with us! It was a wonderful blessing indeed!

  7. Lyla Lindquist

    Lydia! I love how you make a person.

    You pay as much attention to what goes inside as what goes out. Even though we can't see it, you crafted a heart and a brain and tucked them away in their places

    Of course, it comes as no surprise to me that someone like you would include both a heart and a brain.

    (Thanks again for the singing phone call last night.)

  8. Amy Sullivan

    Sweet, sweet Lydia,
    First of all, I love your name! Second, I think you are very creative and such a gifted writer (just like your mom!). Thank you for thinking of all of us bloggers, and thank you for wanting to share something special.
    Toe-ni is amazing.

  9. mari mayborn

    *heart…melting…as I read this post*

    Oh, Lydia–Thank you for sharing the tale of Toe-ni. I think it's cool that you used your daddy's sock since Our heavenly Father "was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in" skin like ours for a while, too. What a great joy Toe-ni must have knowing her heart has been fashioned by a very special creator!

    Btw, I love the reporter costumes. Looks like you girls had a lot of fun!

  10. Brock S. Henning

    Dear Lydia, thank you for sharing Toe-ni with us! Your writing is so good that I didn't even need the pictures to see Toe-ni, but I'm still glad you showed us her smile and her heart. 🙂

  11. Jennifer @ Getting Down With Jesus

    Hi Everyone … Lydia has a message for you in the comment box. She's standing beside me, beaming, and wants a turn at these computer keys. Here's Lydia:

    Thank you! I loved making Toe-ni. Thanks for making these notes for me. :]

    I espesially liked Lyla's thingy.

    I loved everybody's notes a lot too!


  12. Shaunie Friday @ Up the Sunbeam

    I see a very bright future for the lovely Miss Lydia Lee!!


  13. Jeanne Damoff

    Adorable! All of it. Lydia Lee. Toe-ni. And the dear heart that loves the dolly heart most of all. Thanks for letting Lydia share.

  14. Lea

    Just too sweet and I'd say, very profound for an 8 year old. Bet she gets her writing skills from her Mommy.

    Blessings to you both for a great week-end!

  15. Beth E.

    I enjoyed your story so much! You are a wonderful writer, just like your mom. 🙂

    Toe-ni is really cute! You are very creative, and did a good job making such a cute sock-girl.

    Sending you and your mom BIG HUGS…

  16. Linda

    Hi Lydia,
    I just love the story about your doll. I never would have though of putting in a brain and a heart. What a clever girl you are. Of course the heart is the most important part. I'm so glad you made such a wonderful doll.
    Thank you for sharing your story. It made my heart glad!

  17. lynnmosher

    Hey, sweet Lydia! I love your friend Toe-ni! And love the name. Just as you gave Toe-ni a brain and a heart, God has given you a special brain, a precious heart, and one day, He will bring forth a wonderful gift in you to use for Him. Use them all to follow His purpose and you will always do well in life. Give Toe-ni a hug for me! Be blessed, dear one.

  18. Jennifer

    I loved your story, Lydia. God made us out of dust, so it's fitting for you to create a person with a sock I'm sure has been through a lot of dust. I especially love the reporter picture of you in the hat–your heart for God is beautiful.

  19. Amy DeTrempe

    Great Post. Loved the sock puppet. I vaguely remember making one when I was a child. Have a good weekend.

  20. alicia

    Miss Lydia has the gift of writing and making us think, just like her mama. Great post! Toe-Ni is a beautiful creation- just like you!


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