Farewell, Summer

August 20, 2010 | 19 comments

Look. Quick! Before she disappears!

She’s flapping in the breeze, waving her farewell.

Summer …

Didn’t she just rise up under the curve of that blue sky, wearing her welcome in tulips and lilacs?

And now, Earth tilts, and we keep spinning our orbit, and we remember all that Summer was. We grasp for a few bits of her warmth before we leave her on this side of the sun.

As for us?

We’re diving into summer a few more times before we altogether say goodbye.

One …

Two …


So long, summer. We smile over you. For you’ve been good to us.

by | August 20, 2010 | 19 comments


  1. Sara

    Jennifer, I found your blog on Angie Vik's site. This is a beautiful tribute to summer! I will be back soon!

  2. Megan Willome

    Thanks, Jennifer. We're wrapping up by going out on my brother's boat tomorrow.

    But just between you, me, and everyone, I can't wait for summer to be over.

  3. Nancy

    No…no…please, no. I don't want her to end. I will drink summer down to her dregs!

  4. alicia

    Where DID this summer go?! Enjoy your last few days… 😉

  5. Angel

    A beautiful farewell and lovely photos too. Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend!

  6. lynnrush

    Beautiful!!! Can't believe summer has come and gone. It seems each one goes faster and faster.

  7. jasonS

    Love it! Thanks.

  8. Craig Finnestad

    My son started school last Wednesday – nine days ago. It goes by so fast! Nice pictures.

  9. Red Letter Believers

    Summer is far too short…I just want to hold on to every moment. Here in Denver, there are too many concerts to attend, barbques to eat at, lakes to visit and mountains to explore.

    So I must prioritize, which i absolutely hate!

  10. Charity Singleton

    I am going to miss her. Summer. But she has left me tired with all her parties and weddings and bike rides. Fall is usually not so high maintenance. I hope she comes soon.

  11. Cassandra Frear

    Still sweltering over here…when did you say it was over?

  12. Karen

    Awesome pictures!

  13. Sandra Heska King

    But I don't want to let her go.

  14. Ann Voskamp @Holy Experience

    Just lovely this… and that last photo?

    All's grace,

  15. Amy Sullivan


    I love the picture at the carnival. That truly represents the summer I knew growing up.

  16. Lea

    What a cute entry! Love the pictures and we're more than ready to say good bye to summer here in NE Louisiana. Blessings to you for a beautiful week!

  17. Deidra

    Oh…not so fast! Please linger just a bit longer.

  18. Janis@Open My Ears Lord

    It does seem like summer just began. You have captured her beautiful moments in your photos and your words, Jennifer.

    I especially like the ones of your daughter's face, the carnival ride, the butterfly on flower, and the moon reflected on the lake. Stunning. (My husband is from Minnesota and I can almost picture that lake or one of 10,000 that bear its resemblance).

    Summer in Arizona, unfortunately, will still be with us long into fall.


  19. Carey

    Good-bye summer. Farewell till next year. Till then…you'll be missed.


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