Born to Die

December 29, 2009 | 15 comments

My children get it — sometimes better than I get it. Christmas, they know, starts in that dirty, smelly stable but doesn’t end there. The manger would mean little without the stench and grime of the cross.

They know, too, that the gift that cost Jesus everything is free for us.

We. Pay. Nothing.

That’s the message Lydia, 8, wanted to share with this poem she wrote and placed under our Christmas tree. She has given me permission to share it with you today. It’s got a little bit of Santa mixed in with her second-grade theology, but I don’t mind. She sees the big picture; she knows the Giver of all Good Gifts.

Christmas Day
by Lydia Lee

Is it true? Is Christmas day for you?
My Lord. How may I afford?
It’s free? (: He he!
Look! Look a thing, Is it for me?
I think, It’s called a present. From Santa who sent it.
From thee to me.

Anna, our 5-year-old, has taught us a few things about Jesus as well. Today, I share a life lesson from Anna over at Connecting to Impact, where I’m guest-blogging for my friend, Jason Stasyszen.

Jason is the pastor of Breakthrough Church in Juneau, Alaska. He is a terrific writer, a songwriter, a blogger, and enjoys “engaging in great community no matter what form it takes.” He has a passion for worship, the Church, and seeing technology used effectively for Kingdom purposes.

To read more about what Anna taught me — and to meet Jason — would you join us there today?

PHOTO: Cross plate and Banquet photo from my parents’ home.

by | December 29, 2009 | 15 comments


  1. Julie

    Oh Jennifer! Your little ones brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much for your posts throughout this year…you have blessed me beyond measure!

  2. David Rupert


    My kids are engineers, not poets. So I dont have these kinds of memories.

    but regardless of how they express, they do have the concept down. "Nothing comes without a price"


  3. RCUBEs

    To understand Jesus' ultimate sacrifice by young hearts and minds of your daughters are precious! We know things of God because His Spirit tells us! They are in-tuned! Beautiful poem, tell her! But the most beautiful thing is that she believes! God bless you abundantly sister as another year comes, you and your family!

  4. Lyla Lindquist

    Once again your girls leave me, as you so often do yourself, without words to respond.

    Thank you. I always like how that feels.

  5. Graceful

    That was so sweet! My kids always "get it" so much more clearly than I do — they teach me lessons about faith every day.

  6. jasonS

    Thank you again for the guest post! Also thank you for your heart and beautiful observations. Blessings to you in the coming year!

  7. Deborah Ann

    Beautiful Jen. I posted my comments at the other blog…

  8. optigrl987

    Here in Michigan, there is a place known as Cross in the Woods. Erected there is a huge cross with a larger than life Jesus. And no matter what angle you walk, His face forever follows. One of my favorite places to go and visit.
    Here is for continued blessings, Christ's love, God's will, peace and hugs as 2009 says goodbye and welcomes in 2010.

  9. Rose

    Sometimes all I can say is amen, and this is one of those times! Hugs, Rose

  10. Wylie

    How WONDERFUL!!!! I love when the Lord uses our children in these amazing ways to speak to us & remind us to come to Him like a child. We make it so hard! And it is easy & yes, FREE!!! I have been out of town & just wanted to stop by to wish you & yours & VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Blessings to you!

  11. bluecottonmemory

    What a beautiful poem – what great word choice – afford! I love how she has God and Santa intertwined – Santa – a person who gives – God who gave us the greatest gift of all – Maybe Christmas has not become so secular after all – the message and imagery of our Father can be found everywhere!

    I'm glad she gave you permission to share:)

  12. Doug Spurling

    My Lord. How may I afford?
    It's free? (: He he!

    Thanks Jennifer. Beautiful.

    Salvation : Free (: He he!
    Disciple : Everything

  13. PJ

    Hey jennifer! YOu have an award waiting for you on my blog.

    Love & Prayers,


  14. PJ

    My eyes are so bad sorry about the typos! Let me retype that. LOL!

    Hey Jennifer! I have awarded you an Angel Award. Please pick it up at my blog.

    thank you!

    Love & Prayers,


  15. PJ

    Hi Jennifer! I don't know if you've been to my blog to get yor award, but I had been having trouble placing the links. I didn't realize it til this afternoon. They're all fixed now. Please come get your award. Thank you for your uplifting words.



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