A Thanksgiving Day Prayer (A November to Remember — 11.27.2014)

November 27, 2014 | 4 comments

Today’s Scripture — 11.27.2014

 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. ~ Romans 5:8

Dear God,

You see that verse up there at the top of this blog post? That’s the one I assigned for our reading today. And yeah. I know. That’s the same verse we had the day before yesterday.

I was about ready to apologize for the mistake.

But maybe it wasn’t a mistake after all. Maybe on this day — of all days — we need to remember how far you came to save us. Maybe we need a repeat. Maybe we need to say thank you again for the greatest gift of PreApproval known in the history of mankind:

You demonstrated Your love for us in this: While we were still sinners, You died for us. (Romans 5:8)

I’m thankful for a lot of things, but that is at the top of the list.

I chronically forget to thank You for what You’ve already done.

And I chronically forget to thank you for all the good in my life. I also forget to thank You for carrying me through the scary parts, and for dragging me out of the dangerous parts–especially those times where my fingernails left deep, stubborn marks in the dirt.

I forget to thank You for doing the unasked-for things. I don’t even know the half of it.

Lord, I don’t always know — until I’m looking in the rear-view mirror — about Your behind-the-scenes coordination of the best decisions that I never made — but that came to pass anyway.

I space off the fact that every good thing is a gift from above and You saved a wretch like me. I forget that in entering Your courts, I might just want to have a little thanksgiving in my heart. Your Book says You make Your Big Self comfortable on the praises of Your people. You are enthroned on our praise!

And when I get to Heaven someday, I hope that You will take me by the hand, straight into the throne room, and ’round the back side of that throne. I pray that You’ll point a holy finger toward a whole set of tags sewn right into that throne. And I want to see the tag that says this: “This Section Made by Jennifer.”

Yeah, God. I want to praise you, today and forevermore.


This post is part of our month-long series, “A November to Remember: Seeing Yourself Through God’s Eyes.

Find all the posts in the November to Remember series by clicking here.  


by | November 27, 2014 | 4 comments


  1. Jillie

    AMEN and AMEN Sister Jennifer. While we were yet sinners…..

    “Happiest Thanksgiving” to you and yours from your neighbour up here.

  2. Lynn D. Morrissey

    God is amazing. “And when I think that God His Son not sparing, sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in. While on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing, He bled and died to take away my sin. Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee, how great Thou art, how GREAT Thou art.”
    Happy Thanksgiving Jennifer!

  3. Heather @ My Overflowing Cup

    Beautiful tribute to the creator of all things and the God who loves us beyond measure! Many blessings to you and yours this Thanksgiving, Jennifer!

  4. Leanne

    I had missed just one day of Pin God First and so I went back and did that day. Now I have to figure out the readings for December! I think I need to be organized, otherwise the habit may not stick.


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