A (New) High Calling

January 14, 2009 | 15 comments

Today, this farm wife, former news-hound and chief tucker-inner of two girls added a new title to her resume: Adjunct Professor.

In typical God fashion, this wasn’t my idea. If I believed in coincidences, I’d call it one. But I don’t, so I won’t.

I do, however, believe in “God-incidences.” This is one of those.

Let me tell you how it went down:

A few months back, I joined High Calling Blogs, a great network that connects people in the “high calling” of their work and daily lives. In joining HCB, members are encouraged to read other blogs in the network and comment as often as they can.

So that’s what I did. I started down the list of bloggers and found several favorites, including Stuff in the Basement.

I read his blog several times before commenting. Then, on Nov. 6, I noticed that this exceptional writer lived a mere 33 miles from my front door. (A photo on the lefthand rail of the blog indicated that the author, Jim Schaap, was a professor at Dordt College.)

In the whole realm of the World Wide Web, this was a huge God-incidence. I mean, hello, there aren’t that many people in northwest Iowa. We live in a part of the world where pigs outnumber people by a wide margin.

So that day, I commented on one of Jim’s posts, signing off as “a Lyon County reader.”

A few days later, I received a phone call from a Dordt College dean. (Jim had done some snooping around of his own — fancy that — and discovered that I was a journalist and a committed follower of Christ. Being a Christian is sort of a big deal at Dordt, seeing how it’s a Christian college and all.)

A few weeks later, a contract was signed. And today, I started work as a part-time instructor of Comm 242, an advanced journalism class.

This is my new high calling.

Now, to be clear, I already have the highest calling on Earth: Mom. But this is another high calling, neither replacing nor minimizing my highest calling.

Part of the reason I’m telling you all of this is because we’ve been talking a bit over at High Calling Blogs about the importance of community, and making sure that readers feel connected there. It’s more than a place that links one blog to another. It’s a place where we’re engaged in the lives of others.

I’ve been a part of HCB for only three months, and in that time, I’ve been blessed in ways I would not have expected from an online community. I have received personal emails from people who have been praying for my family. I have cyber-laughed with new friends. I have been challenged to think in new ways.

And today, I came face-to-face with part of that High Calling Blogs community. I shook hands with my new colleague: Mr. Stuff in the Basement, Jim Schaap.


Now is that story a “God-incidence” or what?

Tell me: If you’re a High Calling Blog member, how have you been blessed through your participation?

If you’re not a member, what are you waiting for? Click here and join the party. (P.S. It’s free!)

by | January 14, 2009 | 15 comments


  1. John Dennis

    All the best with this new calling, Jennifer!

  2. God's Not Finished With Us Yet...

    I’ve joined High Calling as well and I have been blessed by the blogs and posts I have read, the many lessons I have learned, and the new friends God has given me.

    I’m glad that High Calling has joined you and your friend in this way; and you’re so right! HA! That is a ‘God-incidence’!!! How awesome is that??

  3. Rick D.

    How many ways have I been blessed by being a part of HCB? The number is the same as the sand on the shore (wait, that’s a borrowed lyric!)

  4. Steph

    Congratulations! I am very excited for you!

  5. Billy Coffey

    God-incidence. I love that.

    High Calling Blogs pretty much saved my blogging, since the only people who were reading mine were my wife and my mother. I’ve met some wonderful people through HCB, and I hope to meet many more.

    Congratulations on your new career, Professor!

  6. Jennifer

    Thank you John and Steph. We never know what great new calling awaits us.

    Sarah — I too have learned valuable lessons.

    Hey Rick — you and me both!

    And Billy, humble Billy. It was only a matter of time before readers “found” you — so gifted in expressing self through writing. You bless…

    As a matter of fact, you ALL bless.

  7. lynnrush

    Congrats, Jennifer.

    Now, I call this a “small world” instance.

    My husband was raised in Sioux Center, IA. That’s where Dordt is, right? Holy Cow…….

  8. Minister Mamie L. Pack


    This is just wonderful. Think how many other lives are going to be impacted by Christ through you in the classroom. It is wonderful to see how God brings people together. I always say that God is the greatest matchmaker of all. He always knows who and when to connect us to another. I pray that you have much success and support in this new chapter of your life.

    with blessings,

    Minister Mamie

  9. girlforgod

    Great Testimomny!!! I belong to Higher Calling Blogs too, and really need to get more involved in it. Thanks for the encouragement. I’ll be heading over today to navigate some more.

  10. janelle

    I was privileged enough to be part of a Bible study that Jim and his wife helped lead. I’ve read a couple of his books; he is a gifted writer as well as you.

    Dordt is in my old neighborhood you know – I know lots of people there. Good place but I prefer our little corner of (heaven) Iowa!

  11. Chrissy

    What a great post, and how cool to connect to someone so close and not even know it. And to find some other high calling from it!! Cool cool. I joined the highcallingblog site too. Should be fun!

  12. Pam at beyondjustmom

    Congratulations, Jennifer!
    As a newbie, I too have been amazed at the supportive community at High Calling and in the blogosphere in general. Another writer I follow, Spiritual Wanderer, calls coincidences “Post-It notes from our creator.” If we just pay attention, the post-its tell a story or send a message. You connected the post-its and look at the story you’ve told.

  13. Carol

    You go, girlfriend! You are an amazing journalist, and I am sure your job as “Mom” will not go by the wayside. Enjoy your moments too! Love, Carol

  14. editer

    Congrats, Jennifer.

    And if you haven’t read Jim’s collection of essays you are missing out. N’West Iowa is blessed to have such a fine writer (actually, two, including you) living in its midst. Dordt is fortunate to have both of you.

  15. Dena Dyer

    Well, just ONE of the ways I've been blessed by HCB? Meeting you! 🙂 This past weekend was so incredible. I can't wait until we can do it again!


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