A Farewell to Home

April 6, 2011 | 13 comments

Mom and Dad are moving. Before long the movers will show up, emptying the place that held almost every memory of my growing-up life.

How does a family leave a home where they learned to laugh and love and live? How do you say goodbye to a house that is so much a part of the family that you can barely distinguish the dwelling from the people who lived there?

Before we pack up that old house where I took my first teetering steps, I’d love to introduce you to her. She’s a vast vault of this one child’s memories. I’m telling the story over at The High Calling today , where we are walking down memory lane. Will you join me there to hear the whispers of home? Maybe you’d share your own memories of home? (I’m also sharing a few photos here.)

The letters here spell out our family name, DUKES, with photos snapped inside the house.

by | April 6, 2011 | 13 comments


  1. Glynn

    What a beautiful place, Jennifer. My mother is still in the home I was raised in (she's lived there 56 years). Every time I visit, I'm reminded of solidness and substance, and the "protectedness" I was raised in.

  2. David Rupert

    I really liked this piece. The idea of a long-loving couple is a child's best memory of their parents

  3. Candy

    This is a beautiful home, Jennifer, but your words and photos will preserve it's precious memory forever.

  4. Billy Coffey

    I think one of the great tragedies of these times is that a sense of home is now missing. I'm glad you have that sense, Jennifer.

    Beautiful house, beautiful pictures.

  5. Karen Kyle Ericson

    Beautiful! I like how you spelled the name "Dukes." What a wonderful place to grow up in.

  6. Marci @ All Things Wonderful

    Your parents home is beautiful! We moved so often with my Dad's job that I memories of several different homes in different cities. However, I am thankful that my mom made each house…a home.

  7. A Simple Country Girl

    Oh Jennifer. I read the story at THC. You know my heart on the whole moving and relocating saga. I am sad for you, but happy for the stability and love you had in that home. What a grande place you had to grow into the woman you are today.


  8. Mariel

    beautiful beautiful!! What a great place to grow up!! I love the letter pics…I may use that idea in my own home!! love it 🙂

  9. Wendy Paine Miller

    Loved seeing your face over on my blog today!

    As an adult, I've moved so many times I forgot to count.

    But there's something special about that childhood home!
    ~ Wendy

  10. Patricia

    I'll be heading over to The High Calling to walk with you down memory lane, but I just had to comment here first. Beautiful home – beautiful photos, Jennifer…and the letters!!! So very creative.

  11. Jeanne Damoff

    Gaaah! I didn't even live there and I don't want them to move! It looks like a house that would be filled with friendly ghosts and even friendlier memories. And stained glass windows even! Wowsers. (I'm not helping. Sorry.) Okay, heading over to HC now . . .

  12. Jen

    I cannot imagine the process you must be going through. I love your pictures.

  13. Megan Willome

    That stained glass is incredible, as is the DUKES thing you did. So talented!


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