A Blessing for You, for Your Week Ahead

October 28, 2012 | 9 comments

What does your “mission field” look like this week? Mine has dirty socks; a sink full of dishes; two giggling girls (one with a wiggly, but stubborn baby tooth); some words that need to be written, and some Words that need to be lived; and one good man with work boots and calloused hands who lets us know we’re loved.

A blessing for you in your very own mission field this week:
May you find peace, so you can pass it it;
hope, so you can share it,
beauty, so you can reflect it.
joy, so you can scatter it,
and love, so you can live it.
In Jesus’ name …

by | October 28, 2012 | 9 comments


  1. Kristin

    Oh, you may be sorry you asked. Mine is filled with alcoholics, mentally ill, a registered sex offender. . .all in the homeless community. The homeless outreach ministry is not a glamorous one, but it is filled with blessings of many kinds. As Jeff Goins says, “I’m wrecked and I wouldn’t have it any other way” 🙂

  2. Jennifer@GDWJ

    Kristin … I am very glad you shared this. Thank you. I am praying for you in your ministry. I’m inspired by your work, your life of pouring-out for others. God bless you.

  3. Jody Lee Collins

    Jennifer–I receive that prayer in Jesus’ name. Yes! And my mission field? A new weekly outreach after school twice a week at a downtown drop in center where I get to tutor and hang out with teenagers, mostly non-white teenagers. They have welcomed me with open arms.
    I look forward to what God is up to…

    • dukeslee

      This sounds fascinating, Jody! I look forward to hearing more …

  4. Leah Adams

    Mine is filled with a mom who is aging, pharmacy customers who are seeking the wrong kind of drugs, a room full of college students coming to hear me talk about Legacy at their Bible study meeting, a group of ladies who have met together for 12 years to drink in God’s Word, some writing on a new series for my blog (stop by and visit…I’d love to have you contribute), and some deep pondering on life through which God is growing me.

    • dukeslee

      Hey Leah … Praying for you today as you enter your mission field. You’ve got some amazing things going on. Take care, my friend! xo

  5. floyd

    A blessed mission field and a word that needs to be lived out. Inspiring. Thanks.

  6. Sharon O

    Yes we all have a mission field I have often said ‘I don’t need to go far’ to see people in need or in need of prayer.


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