when all you need is one prayer away — #TellHisStory
My alarm didn’t go off this morning, so even before the day began, I was already running behind schedule.
In an effort to start my day out right, I tried to hold tight to my “quiet time.” It was the opposite of quiet. It consisted of me attempting to read a few verses while slapping deli meat between bread slices for the girls’ lunches, and then helping Anna understand the Doppler effect for her science test today. I made an Olympic sport of clearing the counter of last night’s dishes, rewashing the souring laundry in the washer, and then getting the girls to the bus – barely on time.
It was the ultimate in chaotic multitasking. So un-pretty.
But it’s only just begun. Soon, I have three out-of-the-house appintments. Plus, I’ve got two deadlines to meet before 10 a.m. One of those deadlines is self-imposed but important – I want to write this post for you before I walk out the door.
So here I sit, still in my pajamas, with my undisciplined hair stretching out into its own zip code.
The house is quiet, save for the clicking of zippers against the dryer wall. Right now, I feel the thump of anxiety receding inside of me. Here’s why: Just a few moments ago, I finished up my morning reading. I came across these words. “Give us today our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11).
And so I prayed like Jesus taught. I prayed for daily bread.
Jesus taught His disciples to pray like that, and the lesson stuck, big time. Millions of people have prayed that prayer for more than 2,000 years, as part of the Lord’s Prayer.
This morning, something important struck me about the meaning of “daily bread:” Our “bread” is more than what’s on the plate. It’s more than the two slices I wrapped around the deli meat. It’s not Wonder bread, but it’s definitely bread that is a true wonder.
Our wonder bread is what we need to get through everything – our valleys, our health problems, our finances, our crazy schedules, our future.
When I prayed to Jesus for daily bread this morning, it dawned on me how I was actually asking for more of Him –Bread of Life — in a day that will try its best to crowd Him out.
I don’t like hectic days. I am not a fan of over-hustle, but that’s where I found myself today. That’s where I find myself a lot of days.
Maybe you’re like me – in need of daily wonder bread. In need of daily Jesus, daily Spirit, daily peace, daily divine assistance – to keep you calm in the hustle. All of us need daily wonder bread to “un-hectic” us.
All that we need is one prayer away: “Give us today our daily bread.”
We can’t do this by ourselves. Thankfully, we don’t have to. Jesus taught us to pray for daily bread, so we can safely assume this is a prayer He will answer.
There’s something else I’m 100 percent sure of, as I type these words to you today: I’m going to have to pray that same prayer again tomorrow, and the day after that.
Jesus didn’t tell us to pray for yearly bread, or weekly bread, or even tomorrow’s bread. We are not called to be spiritual hoarders, like the Israelites (whose hoarded manna smelled worse than my souring laundry).
We will need to return to Jesus tomorrow for daily bread, so he can un-hectic us again, and so he can show himself faithful again, in everything that we need. Behold the wonder of it!
Praying for daily bread keeps us in a state of constant dependence on God. Yeah. I’d rather know I’m set for the whole week ahead, but if it’s all arranged in advance, what need do I have to meet with Him tomorrow?
Today, I will come to Jesus for today’s needs: for help in the busy-ness, for a needed miracle for a friend, for sustenance, for divine happiness, for order in the chaos, for the energy to get things done, for time to comb my hair, for sunshine, for grace, for bread. I will live in the present moment. I will stay needy for Jesus. I will ask for the bread I need on this day.
And tomorrow, I will do the same.
Your Turn:
Where are you in need of daily wonder bread today? Let’s pray for one another in the comments. (My prayers for you will come this evening, as I am a few minutes away from heading out the door! Love to you all!)
Hey Tell His Story crew! It is a joy to gather here every week with you. The linkup goes live each Tuesday at 4 p.m. (CT). If you would use the badge on your blog, found here, that would be great! And if you would visit at least one other blogger in the link-up and encourage them with a comment, that would be beautiful! Be sure to check the sidebar later. I’ll be featuring one of you over there! Our featured writer this week is Liz Giertz. Trust me, this is one story you won’t want to miss! The title? What I Learned Dancing with My Daddy. Find Liz here. To be considered as our featured writer, be sure to use our badge or a link to my blog from your post. 🙂 xo Jennifer
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This is wonderful. It’s so true– those crazy busy days when we need Him most? Those are the days that it’s easy to relegate Him to the end of the “to-do” list.
Love your perspective, and a great reminder today!
Thank you, Ally! So glad to be in community with you here!
“Give us today our daily bread.”
Beautiful post, Jennifer! Such an elegantly simple concept…yet so hard to remember in the chaos of living.
Yes, Lord…give us what we need from you, today.
Amen. Thanks for stopping by Joseph. I appreciate you.
Hello all, I am traveling in Chile on a year long mission adventure called the World Race. This month is different, as we are searching for new contacts in the country for future teams to work with. We don’t know where we will sleep every night, so it’s very stretching and teaching us to trust God. Praise God- He has provided so far every night since we arrived in Chile at the beginning of the month. Please pray God provides a good, safe, warm place that blesses us tonight and tomorrow night, as we will stay at a church later in the week. Please pray God equips us to bless those we serve and minister to. Thank you!
Dear Lord,
I lift Jen S up to you tonight. I lift up her whole team, and the future teams she will work with. I pray that you would provide good, safe, and warm places for them in the coming days and nights. I pray that would give them daily bread today, and praise you in advance for answering that prayer again tomorrow! Thank you Jen’s service to the Kingdom. Sustain her for your work, done unto your glory! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
There is something so nourishing and satisfying about bread so the fact that you came across the words “Give us today our daily bread” is just like God to get our attention. I am needing daily bread in receiving peace into my heart as I pray with some anxiety for my dad’s follow up doctor’s appointment tomorrow. So as I seek to receive the daily bread of peace today, I will revisit it again before his appointment. Thank you for words that nourish and point us right back to where we need to be- Jesus!
Dear Lord, I bring to you my dear friend, Mary. Calm her anxious heart. Give her the daily bread of your perfect peace, surpassing all human understanding. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Thank you for these words tonight. Knowing that others are praying for me and my quest for peace means so much. Blessings and hugs!
Thank you Jennifer! I had these similar thoughts this morning as I rushed out the door early in the morning and was feeling very nervous about the group I was about to speak to. I started to calm myself, by praying for peace and then reciting Psalm 23 to myself. Then I remembered I hadn’t texted my closest prayer warriors asking for them to lift me up, so I quickly did that too. God’s peace replaced my nervousness. Prayer makes such a difference!
That’s a great testimony of prayer and the Body of Christ! How did it go?
It is a continual challenge, being responsible for a non-profit ministry, trusting that God will provide today’s manna ( not tomorrow’s or next month’s) but today’s. I’m a planner and sometimes we’ve wondered if we’d make the next month’s rent on the school building, but God in His sovereignty has not let us down. This is definitely stretching my trust and patience muscles!! Thanks for the encouragement and prayers today for Redeemer Christian Foundation.
Oh Bev. I’m so much like you. A total planner. I want to know that I’ve got yearly bread. That verse has really been teaching me something new today. Thanks for sharing your heart. Praying for you tonight!
Sometimes I most need Christ to be my bread and nourishment in the parts of me afraid to speak up… with a loved one, a friend, a reader… I find myself asking for His nourishing wisdom so very often… you’re right – each day. Ha, who am I kidding? Each minute is more like.
And today, I feel like I need more of His rest and shelter… it’s the type of day that my thoughts keep getting away from me in the day-to-day chaos if that makes sense.
So thankful for a post like this, Jennifer, keeping it very real, and encouraging all of us that we’re not the only ones starting or ending our days like this 😉 Blessings bigger than big for you and your family this week.
Thank you for the blessings, Christine. I am so grateful that God provided daily bread for me today — just like He promised. I’ll head to bed soon, and I won’t forget to ask for his daily bread come morning.
Being busy is a continual struggle for me Jennifer. There is so much that is important like substitute teaching, volunteer team leader for Bible studies on-line, blogging, doing things for a MIL next door who is 84, and watching my grandsons. I love the mornings about once a week I get to get up and relax with a cup of coffee and His daily bread.
It’s so good to hear that you’ve carved out time to relax with that coffee and His daily bread. Thank you for sharing!
I love this reminder that God gives us all we need and that we have to turn to him to receive it each day. I’m tempted to be a “spiritual hoarder” and I’d like to know in advance how things will work out but he designed it this way so that we continually depend on him. I am grateful today that God has provided what I need- peace to a greater degree than I have known over the past few weeks- and your post encourages me not to look ahead and worry about tomorrow but to be grateful for his provision today.
So glad that these words found there way to you today, Carly.
Daily waiting for them Manna of Heaven… Jesus always completing us, always filling us, always being the binding that preserves us in our goings. Such a beautiful word of grace, Jennifer. I love this.
Praying for you today, in the hectic and the quiet waiting.
Thank you so much, Dawn. He provided daily bread — just like He promised!
Such pure gifts in the words of the Lord’s Prayer. So much THIS: “Our “bread” is more than what’s on the plate. It’s more than the two slices I wrapped around the deli meat. It’s not Wonder bread, but it’s definitely bread that is a true wonder.”
So glad those words spoke to you, Tara.
Needy for Jesus! I am so there right now. In every second. Grieving is exhausting. And yet He shows up to provide for me and sustain me in each situation He has ordained for me. I’ll pray you find some calm in the chaos today. I’m so honored to have my post featured here. That is such a sweet memory for me that has been such an encouraging lesson in these past weeks. Thanks for this sweet bit of encouragment.
Oh Liz…. You are on my heart. Praying for God to provide you daily bread in abundance. Sending you love across the miles! It was a joy to feature your beautiful post.
Jennifer, I’m praying for you and that all sufficient Daily Bread. My area? Parenting teenagers.
Whispering prayers right this moment for you, Kristi, as you parent teenagers. xo
Great reminder to depend on Jesus anew, each day. Praying for peace amidst the busy and joy in the difficult.
Praying with you, for you, Katie. I am so glad you’re here.
Having read each prayer request the each gift of prayer offered, my heart is blessed. Thank you, Lord, for the ties that bind, for the truth that where we gather, even via technology, You are present — very present.
I love this, and it’s one of the reasons why the name of my blog is what it is :). When I was in Geneva years ago, I could hardly afford any food, but breakfast came with the stay at the youth hostel – I used to take slices of bread and small pack of butter in my bag and then eat it for lunch.. and thank God for my daily bread…and butter. I used to cling to every word of his in the Bible in those weeks because it really sustained me.. and the bread and butter, too :). Thanks for bringing back those special memories.
I love reading this, Devi. God is so faithful when our needs are physical nourishment or sustaining grace through other kinds of trials and hardships. Love your blog and the bread and butter you offer there for your readers. xoxo
Very timely because within the past 24 hours I’ve been thinking about Jesus being the bread of Life. “Our “bread” is more than what’s on the plate.” Amen. Great post, Jennifer. I’m always drawn to teachings on the Lord’s Prayer. Praying now for the ladies who have visited before me and for you….
Loved this post, it really spoke to me. Like you, I prefer an uncluttered, unhurried day, but they seem few and far between at the moment! Every day I have to remember to pray to the Lord to give me whatever I need to get through the day. It really is a case of ‘one day at a time’, that seems to be a theme that I am noticing lately, could it be God is trying to tell me to stop worrying about the future and focus on the present? Praying that everyone below gets a little (or a whole lot!) more Jesus in their lives, and that God gives them the tools they need to thrive everyday, including some rest in Him. Love to all x
So thankful that Jesus is accessible to us always, every single moment of our lives, we have only to call on Him,. Amen! Praying for you Jennifer, and for the lovely ladies who link up here. May God’s will be done in each life today. Amen.
You just described my own morning! This was such a great reminder for me to recieve my daily bread from Jesus! Thank you for sharing Jennifer! xoxo
Jennifer, with 5 kids to get schooling every day, the mornings can get a little wild. I love how you referred to Jesus as our daily bread. As many times as I’ve read that scripture and know that He is the Bread of Life, I’ve never connected the two. It is absolutely true though… I need Jesus as my daily Bread each and every day. Thanks for sharing this encouragement in the midst of your busy morning! It was certainly a blessing to me!
Jennifer, I feel your pain, today! I awoke at 4:30 am to the tune of my daughter gagging and yelling, “Mommy!” Afraid of getting barfed all over, I quickly guided her back to the bathroom she had passed on the way to get to me. And thus started my morning of trying to sneak in a little sleep, and then my “quiet time” in between lurching cues to fly into my daughters room and hold her hair back. Some days are complete chaos, aren’t they?
Lately, I have changed the way I pray in these moments. “Elohim, Creator of all… You created time …can you stretch my minutes for me today? In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” It’s really helped me calm down in those crazy moments when everything hits the fan all at once. And, sometimes, He blows me away with His answer.
Happy Wednesday, sweet mamma! Keep going!
God is definitely into the “daily” principle. Daily manna, which molded if left overnight. Whew, now there’s got to be a lesson in THAT!!! Hope your day ends on a peaceful note.
I love it that we have an Abba Father who wants to stay connected to us in “the daily.” Praying for you and your man, the girls, and your folks today, Jennifer. Hugs
Thank you for this encouragement, Jennifer. We so need the Bread of Life every day. I’m so glad your morning calmed down with sustenance from Jesus. Blessings and hugs to you!
I’m just getting to my emails, apparently for two days. My day has not been so busy in some ways, but in others, I still needed my daily bread.
I have had so much chemotherapy treatments that I am exhausted, and it has provoked fibromyalgia attacks or something in my legs, that I get extreme pain. I had time for only a few psalms this morning, but when I went to the doctor’s office, I had time to read Psalm 103, “Forget not all his benefits” It’s a wonderful psalm!
I prayed for doctor’s wisdom, and shared with the friend who gave me a ride, so I know she was praying as well.
I mentioned my concerns to the nurse, and to make a long story short, I will be changing doctors to a woman doctor who I believe will be a better fit for me.
Sometimes I remember that “Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst.”
Thank you for the reminder!
A much needed reminder to me! (I don’t do hectic and hurried well, either.)
“Today I will come to Jesus for today’s needs” – simple yet profound. I think we can all use this reminder!
I loved this post. Read it the other day but wasn’t able to respond on here. I love how God always puts what I need in front of me when I need it!