Why We Wonder Y

May 30, 2010 | 11 comments

But now, Lord, what do I look for?
My hope is in you.
~Psalm 39:7

We do not seek in vain. For our hope is in the LORD, in YHVH.

In Yahweh.

You are the One was,
and is,
and is to come.

And we find evidence of You, Yahweh, all around us. You’ve marked Your world and Your people with your initial: Y.

(Thank you, kind friends, for sharing where you’ve seen Him!)

Y, as seen and photographed by Kelly Langner Sauer.

Y, as seen and photographed by Carol of Choose Joy.

He is in the mighty wind … and in the calm still voice. Photographed by Carol of Choose Joy.

I snapped this shot of a Y on the rooftop of our lake cabin shortly before the cabin was torn down. (Mold destroyed our cabin this spring.)

Reader and friend Tiffany of Canton, South Dakota, used her cell phone to photograph this Y-marked seashell.)

This weekend, we spotted this Y in the branches, on the shores of Minnesota, where we are vacationing with my parents.

No matter where we go, there He is.
Grace abounds. יהוה is here.* And we wonder at the wonder of Y.

* יהוה is Hebrew for LORD, or YHVH (Yahweh).

RELATED POSTS: The Y Scar ; Y is for Yahweh

by | May 30, 2010 | 11 comments


  1. Lyla Lindquist

    Keep thinking of Pooh's Rabbit and the constant "Why, oh why, oh why?"

    He's why. And Y.

    And I always love your Y posts. They give me hope.

  2. Linda

    Just found your blog and have enjoyed my visit here.
    Love your posts and I have been encouraged.
    Look forward to following you here.
    Do vist my blogs when you can:
    Simple Blessings and Days Touched By Grace.
    Have a good evening!

  3. RCUBEs

    Seeing those amazing photos, God surely left His fingerprints all over. I don't know why this came to mind: how men are created in His image. Then, there is generation "x" and generation "y". The latter being radical, more liberal…I think heaven is asking "why?"

  4. Wendy Paine Miller

    That was so cool. I'm such a believer that God leaves evidence of Himself all around us.
    ~ Wendy

  5. Missie

    Completely beautiful!

  6. mom2six

    I was taking a walk in the woods several weeks ago and came home with a camera full of Y's. Because He is everywhere. Thanks.

  7. Karen

    Awesome reminders of our awesome God!

  8. sharilyn

    good stuff!! love seeing God in these ways! 🙂

    word verification: "curies" as in… "we see these things and ask 'y' because we are curies." 🙂 how appropriate! (it's all about the pronunciation, you know!) 🙂

  9. Jennifer

    I always love the Y stories and pictures. God is.

  10. Prairie Chick

    this post just gave me goosebumps. How beautiful to be seeing Him wherever we look and belonging to a fellowship of Those Who See.

    It has been so long since I have been able to make the rounds to visit my beloved blogging buddies. I have missed your beautiful spirit. I am glad to be "home".

  11. Anne Lang Bundy

    My very favorite Y is the child of God who lifts up arms in praise.

    And now, I expect I'll be seeing that Y everywhere, His name all over my life and world.


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