I have a new book coming out! It’s All Under Control.
Confession: I have loved the steady comfort of control—even though it was only an illusion.
I have believed that I needed to be reliable, responsible, … on top of everything.
I’ve generally been able to handle a lot of tasks at once, and I learned early on how to hide the fractured debris of my overworked life. I rarely confessed my anxiety, because then I would appear too needy.
I kept saying I was fine.
But I wasn’t fine.
I wanted help but didn’t know how to ask for it. I said I trusted God but had reached the point where I realized I actually didn’t.
I turned around to face my life and realized that the woman I’d become wasn’t someone I wanted to be around, and no matter what I did, it never seemed enough.
I began to ask myself questions like:
If I’m doing so much for others, why do I feel so distant from them?
How can I begin to truly trust a God whom I cannot see?
What is surrender anyway?
When do I let go, and when do I hang on tighter than ever before?
The answers to those questions changed my life — and they also became a book.
Let me introduce you to It’s All Under Control: A Journey of Letting Go, Hanging On, and Finding a Peace You Almost Forgot was Possible. The book releases September 18, and today I get to show you the cover!
This book is an invitation into a journey of true freedom. And I’ll go with you! Together, we’ll discover a God who is wooing us into a beautiful surrender. This is what’s waiting: a peace that we almost forgot was possible.
Preorders are now open!
If you think you might like to read this book when it comes out, I’d so appreciate your preorders.
Preordering a book makes a huge difference for authors. It ensures that bookstores and online booksellers have the book adequately stocked when it actually releases — because it signals early on that people want this book. (My first book went out of stock in the first week, and it was so frustrating for me as a new author, and especially frustrating for readers who wanted the book!)
If you think you’d like to read It’s All Under Control, you can already preorder it here:
It’s also available in hardcover!
Be sure to save your online receipts because I’ll be offering some fun preorder bonuses later on!
I hope you love this book. Here’s a bit more about it:
Jennifer discovered what happens when you try to wrap your arms around everything, thinking it’s all on you: You get burned out on hustle. You toss and turn more at night, and you laugh less during the day. And you’re so busy—caring, serving, working, and trying so hard—that you can’t even hear God’s voice anymore.
It’s All under Control is a book for every woman who is hanging on tight and trying to get each day right—yet finding that life often feels out of control and chaotic. Join Jennifer on the journey of learning how to:
– Overcome the anxieties and worries that burden your heart
– Prioritize your busy life so you can make choices that align with God’s best for you
– Find freedom through a new “Do, Delegate, or Dismiss” approach to your daily tasks
– Let go of what God has not asked you to do, so you can shine at what he has
Discover a new way of living that will free you to be you, and finally experience the peace of knowing a God who truly has it all under control.
I’m excited to share more as we get closer to the release of the book. Thank you for supporting me with your preorders. You are helping me to continue doing work that I love so much. In turn, I pray that the words I’ve written will be a great encouragement to you.
Much love,
P.S. — Here’s a sneak peek at one of the pretty interior pages, with a call-out quote!
Each week, I host an encouraging community of bloggers who are telling their stories around the web and across the world. The linkup goes live each Tuesday at 4 p.m. (CT) on my blog. If you are a blogger who loves to encourage others with stories of faith and hope, you are welcome to link up with us.
Each week, I feature one of the writers in our #TellHisStory community. Our featured writer this week is Mary Carver. I’m so grateful she talked about insecurity and the power of being real. Find Mary here.
To be considered as our featured writer, be sure to use our badge or a link to my blog from your post. That badge can be found here. xo Jennifer
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Oh you know I love this news! And you’re always writing books my heart needs. I’m already excited about this one. xo
I adore you, friend. Thanks for cheering on this message! you’re the best.
Jennifer! Congratulations!! I knew a new book would be released, but just not what and when. This sounds wonderful! I’m sure I have had (and do) this difficulty of wanting to try to control everything in my life for a good outcome. And that has resulted in fear . . . fear that things won’t turn out the way I want or feel I need them to. But the fact of the matter is that I am *not* in control, and life is unpredictable, no matter how hard I try to arrange it otherwise. But you’re so right: I can follow the One who is sovereign and controls it all (and it Whom life is not unpredictable at all!), and to remember that He causes all things in my life to work together for my good. When I do that, when I surrender to my Shepherd (my Good Shepherd!), and let Him lead the way and follow where He takes me, He winnows my path, and ultimately leads me to safe pasture. I love all you write, as well you know, so it will be a joy to read this. Will you also be having a launch team? All the best on this, and I’m happy to share the good news. (And I’m unsure if what your family has experienced recently with your precious mom and dad and their tenuous, difficult health situations is mentioned in this book, but I can see by how they and you have lived through them, that God truly *has* been in control, and He has provided for you all every step of the way, as He has in my life in a similar situation now with my beloved mother).
Again, all my best w/ your new book.
Thank you so much for your early encouragement and support. This means a lot to me, as you well know since you are on author as well. Yes, we will be having a launch team. If you’d like to be a part of it, let me know. Otherwise, look for a notice to come out sometime this summer. I would imagine that the launch team will probably be established in August.
You’re most welcome, and of course!! Count me in. I’d love to help launch you and your book. Get ready for blast-off!!! Wheeee!!!!!!!!
Such fun news today, Jennifer! Congratulations…you know how this journey will make you crazy, tired, and thrilled usually at the same time. Praying this work blesses the control freaks lucky enough to read it. If/when you put a launch team together, count me in!
I loved your FB post. You are so fun. The book has a serious message, but believe me, we are having a lot of fun with it too. Lots of fun features and stories that hopefully make you laugh. 🙂
And I’d love to have you on the launch team! I’ll write your name down, and let you know. We will put the launch team together sometime this summer.
Congratulations!!! I’m so excited and will be preordering mine tonight!!!
That means more than I can say. Thanks for believing in the message. I loved writing this book, and it is such an encouragement to me to have friends walk with me in this.
Sounds wonderful!!
Thanks, Sharon!
Congrats on this news Jennifer! I was so excited to see this in my inbox. This is one I need for all the reasons mentioned above. I need direction more than ever because I am finding I can not do 1,000 for God as Beth Moore says. Thanks for writing this and I look forward to going on this journey with you into September!
OH Meghan, Thanks for being here today, helping me celebrate. I’m thrilled about this message. It changed me. I have wanted to write this book for a long time, and it finally was lived out to the point where I could sit down and tell the story. I’m grateful for the opportunity, and grateful for friends like you who are early cheerleaders and supporters, helping me and walking with me. I hope the words in this book encourage you, my dear friend.
Is it too late to join the launch team?
Hi Lorraine, I would love to have you on the launch team! I’ll be publicizing details about that sometime this summer, so stay in touch, ok? Thanks so much for wanting to be a part of this. xo
Do tell more about your “launch team”!
Ordered two – one for me & one for my daughter! Can’t wait to read it! Congratulations on another book!
I am so grateful, Bobbi. Thank you so much. I’ve wanted to write this book for a long time, but I had to live the lessons first. I hope that you and your daughter love the book. I’m not sure if you saw this, but there’s a companion Bible study workbook too! I will share more about that later, but it’s actually available for preorder now as well!
Oooo — just found the Bible study workbook for our group. Perfect!
This looks so good! I’m so excited for you. That sneak peak of the quote page says it all!
Thank you so much, Rebecca. Means so much to have you here, cheering me on. Grateful.
Oh my goodness! I pre ordered. I need this book!
Beyond grateful. Thank you for trusting the message. I had to live this one out before I wrote it, and it changed everything. I hope you love it!
Let me offer an AMEN to that!
I am sorry that you had to live it out, but I sure think it was necessary by viewing all of us who have already commented. Love and prayers,
I know I’m gonna love it and learn from it. Congrats friend! Would be happy to do a FB Live or blog interview with you about it, IF that’s helpful to you. 🙂
I would love that Katie! Thank you so much. That means a lot to me.
Sure thing!
Yay! I’m preordering 10 copies (to start!) for our moms group to read together this fall! We LOVED the online book group you led for “The Happiness Dare” last spring. Are you planning to do something wonderful like that again with this new book?!
Oh Lisa, I can’t begin to thank you enough. I have a very special event being planned for this fall, and I’m not ready to share it publicly, but if you email me at jdukeslee @ gmail dot com, I’ll give you all the details. I’m so excited to share with you!
This is such good news!
Really looking forward to this journey, and also wondering about using the book this fall with my wonderful women.
Oh what wonderful news! I know it will be amazing. Blessings as you release another part of your heart, it will definetly bless ours!
Great cover page!
Did someone say hardcover? Yes, please! And to think perhaps I had a little “wafting” on these pages!!
You already know how happy this makes me feel!!! The blessing is that this book is perfect for me at my current stage of life and it will be perfect for women at all the different stages. Praying for you as you put the finishing touches on this new book baby.
I’m so glad for you, Jennifer! Looking forward to supporting you through the launch of your new book.
How exciting! Congratulations! It looks amazing!!!
Congrats’ Jennifer!! Oh the myth of “control” looks like a great read for all of us recovering control freaks!! You inspire me as the “little engine that could”!!
Bev xx
So great and such a needed topic! Good for you and God will bless and lead and multiply because that’s what He does and we aren’t in control. It’s a good thing.
So excited for you!
So excited for you! It looks beautiful and will surely help us all to surrender to His control. Blessings!
I can’t wait for it to come out. It is a beautiful cover and a topic we all can use. I kept nodding my head up and down as I read your description. I shared your post everywhere.
You book sounds wonderful, Jennifer!!! Thank you for all the sneek peeks!!!
I’m looking forward to this book…the topic is something I’ll benefit from greatly!
Congratulations Jennifer on your soon to be released upcoming book! Yay, and I love the sneak peeks too. everything about it looks so beautiful. Blessings. and thanks for hosting.
Thanks for hosting!
‘Love that phrase, “beautiful surrender.” Too often “surrender” is viewed negatively–a sign of weakness, aquiescence, and subservience. Instead, it’s an opportunity to bring glory to God by obeying him and completing the tasks he gives us to do–just as Jesus did (John 17:4). THAT’s a supremely beautiful thing!! I look forward to your book, Jennifer, and your insights for: 1) availing ourselves of God’s control through beautiful surrender, and 2) experiencing his peace and contentment.
Congratulations, Jennifer! Sounds like you’ve written your heart out. I pray the Lord blesses all your hard work and this book touches the hearts of many for life-changing blessings. ❤