Featured #TellHisStory Writer: Lynn D. Morrissey (And a Book Giveaway!)

September 10, 2013 | 57 comments


During 2013, dozens of talented writers are joining me to cheer you on in your storytelling. These guest-writers will share a few helpful words with you right here every Tuesday night, to encourage you as you #TellHisStory. (Come back after midnight to link up your story by clicking here.) And now, I’m delighted to introduce you to my friend Lynn D. Morrissey. 

Squelch the Naysayers
by Lynn D. Morrissey

So, the naysayers have told you that you can’t write? that your words are pedestrian, because rejection letters don’t lie? that you’ll never find an agent, much less a publisher? that writing isn’t a real job? that there’s more to life than just sitting around in your pajamas all day, popping bonbons and pecking away at a keyboard?  that you’re just wasting your time—ergo, your life?

Then let me be your yaysayer. Let me encourage you to dust yourself off, pick up your pen, and pour out your soul, because you are an author, created in the image of the one, true, mighty Author-of- life God. God is a writer, so you are a writer—period. And you are His ambassador.

Did you catch that? His Ambassador. Words are important to God, and He has given you the gifts of language and story and the sacred mission of crafting and sharing them. Word-shapers are world-shapers (quote me), and you have the awesome (please disregard the trivialization of this powerful word by wielding it)—I repeat: the awesome privilege and responsibility to shapechange your world by writing truth about the Word, Jesus Christ. Oh my powerful writing friend, He has authorized and commissioned you to write.

How can you not?

You are wasting your life if you don’t write. Writing is your birthright. Words are continually building in your bones, beating in your heart, pulsing in your brain, coursing through your blood, whirling in your breath. Words are bubbling up from your artesian-well soul, and they cannot help but overflow to others, unless you stop the well and stop the writing.

Oh, but you won’t. I know you won’t. You’re a passionate Jeremiah who proclaims, “His word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.”

Indeed, you must not. You cannot not write!

Squelch the naysayers, be they loved ones, not-so-loved ones, strangers, professionals, or your own inner demons (translation: fear, failure, famine of words dubbed writer’s block). Send them all packing—all! I’d tell you to jam your fingers in your ears to block their doomsday prophesying about your calling, but you need your fingers to write.

Write to tell God’s truth. Write to tell your truth. Write to glorify and dignify, clarify and justify, beautify and satisfy. Write to evaluate and investigate, elevate and liberate. Write to express and bless, question and inform, challenge and prod, comfort and cheer. Write to smash mediocrity and mundanity. Write to stash meaning and memories. Write to wake up or calm down, to fume or have fun. Write to dream and to imagine, to hope and to help.

God is your agent and publisher, and He will get your words into print. Just write. Write anywhere and everywhere (except walls.) Write on napkins, on bulletins, in margins, on paper (I’ve even written on toilet paper for goodness’ sake!) Write on screens and in journals. Write lists and post-its. Write letters and emails. Write articles and newsletters. Write poetry and blogs.

Write books and E-books.

Write to write; it’s fun. Write to right; it’s rewarding.

Just write! Write like time is running out, because it is. Write like you have something to say,  because you do. Write like you’ve been gifted to write, because you have. Write like God has called you to write, because He has. Write like He wants you to obey, because He does.

Come out from the shadows and let your light shimmer on the page and simmer on the screen.

Write because the Holy Spirit Himself has lit a fire in your soul, in your sinews, in your bones, in your brain. Write the fire. Write the fervor. Write the freedom.

Write because He is worthy. And because He is and because He has gifted you to write, your writing is worthy too. And remember that a life worth living is worth recording (quote me).

Writing is life. Writing is your life. And I daresay that no naysayers can say otherwise.

Just let them try, because God is your ultimate yaysayer. And He won’t take no for an answer.

Lynn D. Morrissey possesses the rare ability to probe beneath the surface, striking the heart of a subject, while sharing transparently from her own heart. She is passionate about journaling, through which God has healed her of suicidal depression, alcoholism, and abortion guilt. She empathizes greatly with those who endure pain. A poetic stylist, Lynn is the author of Love Letters to God: Deeper Intimacy through Written Prayer and other books, contributor to numerous bestsellers, Certified Journal Facilitator (CJF) for her ministry, Heartsight Journaling, AWSA speaker, soloist, and member of the American Kantorei, a professional Bach chorus. She, her husband Michael, and daughter Sheridan live in St. Louis, Missouri, along with their incorrigible substandard poodle, Chevy.

Over the next two days, Lynn is sharing her reflections, in prose and poetry, about the horrendous tragedy which occurred in New York on September 11, 2001, in honor of those who lost their lives and in praise of God who works all things together for good. She posts her insights at Kel Rohlf’s blog,  Nourishment for the Soul: http://nourishsoul.blogspot.com/2013/09/part-two-poem-guest-post-lynn-d.html


A Giveaway

Book cover

Lynn is giving away two copies of her book Love Letters to God: Deeper Intimacy Through Written Prayer. Because Lynn’s book is about journaling, to have a chance to win, we invite you to leave a short entry in the comment box from one of your journals: a prayer, an observation, description, Bible verse, something God has shown you. If you don’t journal, just feel free to comment about Lynn’s post. The winners will be drawn at random by Friday at noon. We will notify the winners by email.

by | September 10, 2013 | 57 comments


  1. Shelly Miller

    wooooohoooo! I’m standing up and clapping and letting your words soak in. Thank you for this and all the ways you cheer me on personally. You are a gift Lynn Morrissey, a gift to all of us who write. And I already have her wonderful book Jennifer, so let someone else have my opportunity.

    • Lynn Morrissey

      Oh sweet, Shelly, to see you as a first commenter truly cheers my heart. I stand amazed at the ways *you* encourage *me*, and you know, right now, I am standing up and cheering God for the mysterious ways in which He connects and knits hearts (like all the way across the years in Jennings! And when I read “Flaming Pit” in your note to me–and for readers, it’s not what it sounds like, right Shelly?!), I had to smile all over again! God is so good! You honor me,dear one!

  2. mtrsummer

    So dang thankful for bone-strengthening, spine-lengthening encouragement. Thanks Lynn! Please O Please can I come back and read this daily? This summer I wasted weeks and weeks without a word, the vulnerability of writing too much for me during our move. Honestly, thanks…so…much!

    • Lynn Morrissey

      Dear Mtsummer,
      Talk about honesty. You’re wonderful! And I’ll be honest right back at you: I wrote that as much for me as anyone. I’ve wasted years. Take it from me, they slip by so silently, so surreptitiously, so speedily! So I see you now, brushing away those moments gone by with the stroke of your pen. It’s the starting that’s hard, but I can tell that God is giving you the momentum! So get up and go for it, precious one! Write your heart out.

  3. Laura Brown

    I love the part about the fingers.

    • Lynn Morrissey

      Sorry, Laura. My comment to you posted down below a ways……pls. scroll, and thanks again!

  4. Diana Trautwein

    PREACH IT!! Standing and clapping over here in CA. Beautiful words, great spirit. Thank you!

    • Lynn Morrissey

      Wow, thank you so much for your encouragement, Diana! It’s I who was standing and applauding for you at the JT retreat. What a gift you are. And what a preacher, BTW. I think you’ve rubbed off on all of us.
      God bless you!

  5. kelliwoodford

    Lynn!! How could I not pop over and read your words after all the times you’ve strengthened me with your encouragement about my own writing … ?

    And then I get here and BANG. Jennifer was right. You BROUGHT it, friend.

    Thank you for all your words do … to (mis-)quote the infamous Dr. Suess “You never know the places [your words] will go.” And these here? are sealing themselves to my heart.

    • Lynn Morrissey

      Well, any fan of Dr. Suess, Miss Kelli, is a friend of mine! You have a rare gift and you use it to the power and glory of God. I don’t think that the Lord could outline a map large enough to encompass the places He is going to take you and your writing, because you are letting Him chart your course. Thank you for your words, your heart, your transparency. You, yourself, are a chronicle of His grace!
      Bless and thank you for your kind words here. I’m so grateful!

  6. hisfirefly

    oh my heart – shouted out here on the page! amen and amen dear Lynn.
    and here, a journal entry – what He shared with me, I share:

    Let your words
    be the song I sing
    Allow Me to set the rhythm
    and the melody will carry you
    back into My presence
    back into that resting place
    where all creation begins

    Do not step out ahead of Me
    Do not lag far behind
    Allow Me to set the rhythm
    and keep to the beat

    Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.
    Galatians 5:25 NIV

    • Lynn Morrissey

      Hello you–you, his beautiful, shining firefly! I wish I knew your name, but it’s ovious that *He* does! I cannot thank you enough for sharing this beautiful entry from your private journal. What a treasure. You are truly a wordsinger, and it’s apparent to me Who’s given you the notes! I’m a singer, so I especially appreciate this. It reminds me of a talk I gave once about God being our conductor, audience, composer, and fellow singer. If you’ll write to me at [email protected], and remind me, I’ll send you a CD of the talk. God bless you. Keep letting your melody sing off the screen and in your journal.

  7. Kelly Greer

    Wowzer….how can I ever not write now? I love you Lynni and your exuberant enthusiasm for story and your love for people and God. You have given me much encouragement as I stumble, bumble, and mumble along to get the story out! You have been an instrument in the fire that burns in my belly and the words that float in my head….Can I get an amen? How blessed am I to call you friend and mentor.
    I’m on it!

    • Lynn Morrissey

      Oh good gracious, Kelly!!! You are so amazing. Do you hear yourself? Your lyricism lilts and rocks and reels! Can you believe that our great God knit our hearts quite literally in five minutes in a bathroom line (or was that a book line?!…..or maybe both, knowing us!) You are an amazing author and even more amazing woman of God (and you know all my JT secrets, and I’ll kill you if you tell). Love you so, and thank you for all your generous words here!

  8. Lynn Morrissey

    Ha Laura! It’s a bit amusing to imagine, huh? Thanks for stopping by. Now go forth and write (and I love your writing, BTW)!

  9. Geri Manning, Lousville, Ky.

    I feel so thankful tonight that a friend of mine on Facebook introduced you to me! I just received the proof of my first book and the title is One Step Closer. My journaling experiences helped me add many stories to the chapters about my faith, friends and family. I had to learn to walk again after a near fatal car accident, therefore I have an abundance of thanksgiving prayers and thoughts…..my cup overflows. I can’t wait to read your books. Our thoughts are along the same lines for everyone has a story to tell of God’s goodness and redemption. May God bless your printed words and you life.

    • Lynn Morrissey

      Geri, your words here give me chills….of recognition and praise. God has used journaling absolutely to transform my life! I can’t even begin to tell you. And I truly understand how you, an avid journal-keeper, find the fodder of life and faith written across the pages of your own journals. I’m so grateful to God that you were faithful to write down your life before Him, because it gives you something genuine and life-transforming to share. In my book, I share experiences of how God transformed my life through journnaling, so I completely understand what you’re saying. Interestingly, while I was not in a life-threatening accident like you, I never thought I’d walk without excruciating pain again after botched surgery. But God is so gracious and faithful, isn’t He, Geri? How we praise Him for healing mercies.Thank you for letting your cup overflow here. You are truly a blessing.

  10. Jacqueline Myers

    “…Go into yourself. Find out the reason that commands you to write; see whether it has spread its roots into the very depths of your heart; confess to yourself whether you would have to die if you were forbidden to write. This most of all: ask yourself in the most silent hour of your night: must I write? Dig into yourself for a deep answer. And if this answer rings out in assent, if you meet this solemn question with a strong, simple “I must”, then build your life in accordance with this necessity; your whole life, even into its humblest and most indifferent hour, must become a sign and witness to this impulse. Then come close to Nature. Then, as if no one had ever tried before, try to say what you see and feel and love and lose. Don’t write love poems; avoid those forms that are too facile and ordinary: they are the hardest to work with, and it takes a great, fully ripened power to create something individual where good, even glorious, traditions exist in abundance. So rescue yourself from these general themes and write about what your everyday life offers you; describe your sorrows and desires, the thoughts that pass through your mind and your belief in some kind of beauty Describe all these with heartfelt, silent, humble sincerity and, when you express yourself, use the Things around you, the images from your dreams, and the objects that you remember. If your everyday life seems poor, don’t blame it; blame yourself; admit to yourself that you are not enough of a poet to call forth its riches; because for the creator there is no poverty and no poor, indifferent place. And even if you found yourself in some prison, whose walls let in none of the world’s sound – wouldn’t you still have your childhood, that jewel beyond all price, that treasure house of memories? Turn your attention to it. Try to raise up the sunken feelings of this enormous past; your personality will grow stronger, your solitude will expand and become a place where you can live in the twilight, where the noise of other people passes by, far in the distance. And if out of , this turning within, out of this immersion in your own world, poems come, then you will not think of asking anyone whether they are good or not. Nor will you try to interest magazines in these works: for you will see them as your dear natural possession, a piece of your life, a voice from it. A work of art is good if it has arisen out of necessity. That is the only way one can judge it. So, dear Sir, I can’t give you any advice but this: to go into yourself and see how deep the place is from which your life flows; at its source you will find the answer to, the question of whether you must create. Accept that answer, just as it is given to you, without trying to interpret it. Perhaps you will discover that you are called to be an artist. Then take that destiny upon yourself, and bear it, its burden and its greatness, without ever asking what reward might come from outside. For the creator must be a world for himself and must find everything in himself and in Nature, to whom his whole life is devoted.” Rainer Maria Rilke, Letter To A Young Poet.

    Everyone and everything has a song to be sung. It is when we stop to truly listen and not just hear, when truly see instead of only looking, then with His Grace we are truly able to feel and live.

    • Lynn Morrissey

      Jacqueline, I immediately recognized these words as Rilke’s, and God has used them more than once to encourage me not to give up. I thank you for taking all the time to so carefully transcribe them here. May they encourage others as much as they have you and me. God has obviously blessed you with what I call heartsight…..the ability to see beyond the surface to His grace which abounds. YOu really only truly see with the eyes of your heart, don’t you? I have a feeling it’s from this deep place that you write and live.
      God bless you!

  11. Dolly@Soulstops

    Your post felt like a pep talk from a beloved friend…Thank you 🙂

    This morning, I wrote in my journal: “Help me [God] to trust You with my writing. Help me to trust nothing is wasted.”

    Your post feels like a pep talk from God.


    • Lynn Morrissey

      Oh Dolly (which name I love)!~
      What a sweet, generous thing to say. THank you. It sounds as if the Lord privileged me to echo back to you an answer from Him….to encourage you that you are indeed on the right track as an author–to encourage you. I can assure you that He will waste nothing that you put down on paper! It’s all from Him and to Him and for Him, permanently recorded! Thank you so much for such a sweet note!

  12. Denise M

    Wow! What encouraging words about words! I am slowly gathering info to write stories from my life about myself and family – for my children and grand children. I want them to know about what happened, how we lived, and God was in control even though it appeared that things were a mess when I was growing up. “A life worth living is a life worth recording” – And, to quote the song, “And life is worth the living just because He lives.” Thank you for sharing your words and encouraging us to share ours.

    • Lynn Morrissey

      Denise, whenever I learn that someone is going to record her life for her progeny, I praise God yet again for this permanent gift of writing. Your written gift about God’s faithfulness and your walk with Him is such an incredible legacy to your children and grandchildren–far more meaningful than any material thing you could bestow. Yours is a holy undertaking. I stand in awe of how God will use this in your life and theirs. Yes, my personal quote and motto is, “A life worth living is worth recording!” Not only that, but I believe that if we know we are going to record our life, this act will make us more conscious of *how* we are living–we’ll make an effort to live more meaningfully. And thank you so much for sharing the Gaither lyric! It’s one of my favorites!!

      • Denise M

        Thank you!

  13. ro elliott

    Oh Lynn…joy joy joy….my heart is thrilled to seen you here….see you writing in the blog world…even if it’s not your own…yet :). Great words of encouragement here…and I have come to know that pens have eyes…eyes that can probe into the deepest places of our soul and draw truths out. Journaling is a sweet communion with God. Jennifer….so thankful you invited Lynn’s gifted writing and heart to your space….and Lynn…if I could still do one…I would do a cartwheel of joy for you. Blessings to both you dear sisters!!!

    • Lynn Morrissey

      Ro, truly what a delight to see your words!!!! How I miss them. I loved your blog. And I recall meeting you via Ann Voskamp’s blog, where you had left a comment. I traveled over to your place and learned that you were a journaling afionado, and I was smitten! =] I can’t tell you how personally encouraging you have been to me, and I thank you for your loving, generous spirit. I’m so grateful for your gracious words here. You know you really *are* a cheerleader, so doing a cartwheel would be perfect! And I? I’d break my neck for certain! And what can I say about Jennifer Dukes Lee! WHat a spirit. What a talent. What a Jesus lover! And may I say ditto for you!
      God bless you, Ro!! Let’s always stay in touch!

  14. Dea Moore

    Oh Lynn, you got me! Have you been reading my mail?? I just published a piece about my writing life on my blog and then I read this. I wondered why I wrote it the way I did. I realized I am starting to embrace that I am a writer. It’s been a slow process but I am getting there day by day, fat over lean. I hope you’ll come and read. I will link to #TellHisStory. Thank you so much for being a cheerleader for writers who love God and want others to know He loves them.

  15. Lynn Morrissey

    Dea, what a lovely thing to say. I’ve never really thought of myself as a cheerleader, and if what I wrote affirmed and confirmed you as a writer, then I thank the Lord. This piece is not what I had originally written for Jennifer. My first submission was far more professional and tame. But God nudged and tugged until I knew that something was bursting forth that needed to be shared, because I kept reading the eloquent words of authors on the Net who were either discouraged or reticent to acknowledge that, indeed, they *were* writers. So I just praise God that you are a nudgee!!! 🙂 God wanted me to write this for you. I would be completely delighted to read your blog and will head over tomorrow. I have read a number of your blog comments, and yes, ma’am, you have THE GIFT!!!! Onward, Miss Dea! Onward and upward, and keep lifting up your words!

  16. Dolly

    I’m a day behind, but oh my what an encouraging post! Adding you to my “must read” list 😉

    I started a prayer journal years ago, & it’s still my favorite way to pray! Several of the things I come back to again & again – You are my Alpha & Omega, where I begin & end. I put my hope in you, Lord. A recent edition; I place my trust fully in you.

    After chasing the desire to live an abiding life for many years, the Lord finally showed me that I must surrender the past, present & future to Him believing with my whole heart that what He has for me is the very best!

    • Lynn Morrissey

      Dear Dolly, Thank you so much for *your* most encouraging words, and I always love meeting a fellow prayer-journaler! I can’t begin to tell you how the Lord has transformed my life through this simple process. I know you understand. What better desire could you have than to abide in HIm? Surely He placed this desire in your heart and will grant it. When you talked about God as our Alpha and Omega, I smiled, because in journaling classes, I love to teach participants how to write Alpha Poems. You write the alphabet, A to Z, vertically on the page, then go back and horizontally wrap each line of your poem around the next letter. Each letter starts the word of the next line. It would be so neat if you would write an Alpha Poem, indicating from A to Z, all the reasons that you are grateful to God! I hope you will try it.

  17. Pam@Writing...Apples of Gold

    Well, I feel ready to get up and write and paint with words and get out those post it notes (for when I am not near a computer!)… Thanks for the super-nudge, Lynn! You are like that wind I described the other day… and I hear His Spirit in it! I love the reference to Jeremiah… one of the verses that has spoken to me so much when writing (especially when writing to share Him with someone I may feel inadequate to share with) is Jeremiah 1:4… Do not say you are too young(or too old), for I have put my words on your lips… Blessings on all you write too, Lynn! (And Jen, I already have her beautiful book too, so you don’t need to enter me for this one… 🙂

    • Lynn Morrissey

      Pam you are such an encouragerr and God, too, has used you as wind beneath my wings, as He has so many at your beautiful blog! We always seem to think alike Scripturally, and I love Jeremiah 1, too! God has used that a number of times to give me courage when I try to back out of my call. We really have no excuse, do we? Still, it helps when others come alongside to cheer us on. You’ve done that for me, and I publically thank you here!
      God bless you, dear one.

  18. robin reister

    I was just trying to write a blog post….twice in fact. I am in a block…. in a transition…. Just moved my large family from big city, Alberta, to very small town, Manitoba. My children are all in full-time school, this is the first time in 18 years that I have had all day monday-Friday on my own…
    This post speaks my heart, I am even studying the book of Jeremiah, which has so resonated with my heart since I was in my youth! Pray for me… feeling so discouraged and trying to muster up the words, but just falling flat. Maybe I am just running into something and not allowing myself a transition period? I needed to hear this today! I am just not sure how to get there……

    • Lynn Morrissey

      Dear Robin, I’m so very glad that you felt comfortable in sharing your heart so transparently here today. That takes courage, and you’ve come to the right place. I think you will find that Jennifer heaps up big doses of encouragement with every stroke on her keyboard. So please keep coming back!! Ah, transitions……what is there about them? Surely they can be disorienting and disequilibrating. It sounds as if you are attempting balance on a teeter-totter between past and present. Despite this tension you feel, may it encourage you to know that this is perfectly normal. Maybe if at present you would think of your blog as your journal, it could help. Perhaps if you just poured out your feelings (negative and positive) about your transition, you would have plenty to say. Maybe this is what you should write about. I also writing alpha poems, as I said in a response above, and maybe you could write an alpha with the “spine” NEW BEGINNINGS. Just write these words (with no break) vertically down the left side of the page, and then wrap each new line around to the left, with each new phrase beginning with the next letter. This can help you quickly access, before the Lord, what you are thinking and feeling. I think you will be surprised at how quickly you can do this, evoking thoughts you didn’t even know you were thinking. Here’s one I wrote when navigating a difficult transition:

      Now, as I
      Emerge from my chrysalis,
      Wings still wet and weighted, still needing to be primed and pumped and filled with
      life and
      Blood and strength, before I rise air-borne, I
      Envision possibilities–what shape dried wings will take when lifted up with air,
      what horizons eyes will see when searching high above the
      Ground, high above outmoded patterns, ways of being.
      I take time now to picture and plan, practice and prepare,
      Not taking to the skies before my time,
      Not aborting my flight through over-eagerness, unsteadiness. Only
      In patience, in measured waiting and pulsed stillness, my
      New beginning will come–suddenly,
      with a rush of wind, a whirl of wonder, in God’s own
      Good and perfect time. And because I will be ready, I will

      I shared this first to show you how to write an alpha poem off an acrostic–in this case, NEW BEGINNINGS. I can’t seem to make the letters bold here on the screen, but if I were typing this on the page, then NEW BEGINNINGS would be in bold lettering vertically down the page, so one could easily see it. But I also share this as counsel for transition. See this in-between time as preparation and allow God to use it to stretch you into the writer He is creating. Keep journaling your prayers and reading His Word; then share what He shows you on the screen on your blog. Ask HIM to break through with breakthrough, and He will! I’ll be praying for Him to break that block. God can do all things!
      Be encouraged, Robin!
      Oh and some other things you could write about your new beginning are things you look forward to, write an entry as you would imagine your life to be one year from today with God leading the way. I know He will give you the words!

      • robin reister

        Lynn, Thank you so much for your reply! I love the NEW BEGINNINGS idea! I am definitely going to work on that. I receive your prayers and encouragement! I am going to start in my art journal with that and just see where the Spirit leads. Thank you so much. <3

  19. Kris Camealy

    Thank you for this wonderful encouragement. I may need to print this out and re-read it daily. While I am an avid journaler, today is a difficult day for me and I cannot manage to share from my private pages. I will however be seeking out your book 🙂

    • Lynn Morrissey

      Kris, we’ve emailed before, and it’s wonderful to learn that you love to journal! Actually, you bring up a wonderful point. Sometimes it is not appropriate to share from one’s journal. Sometimes what we write to the Lord is just between Him and us, and is just for His eyes alone. Sharing one’s journal can encourage others, but it should always be invitational and optional. But I’m so glad that you found encouragement here at Jennifer’s today (as I so often do!!!). You prove another wonderful truth–that our writing can be used powerfully by God to encourage each other. So, I feel so privileged that He allowed me to help you today; and I have no doubt, He will use *your* writing multiple times in the future to inspire me–and SO many others!
      God bless you,

  20. Katrina Veenstra

    What a great encouragement. I am just starting my writing journey and don’t know where it is leading me, it is discouraging a lot of times, and this helps put my focus in place, writing for him.
    Thank you!

    • Lynn Morrissey

      Dear Katrina,
      Oh yes, you are definitely writing FOR HIM! I think when we forget that, it is so easy to become discouraged. Oh dear one, write to Him, for Him, about Him, because of Him. If you do, then He will give you truths to share, words to write, insights to glean. You won’t get discouraged if your eyes are on Jesus, because all else will pale by comparison (numbers of readers, comments, numbers of publications or where your writing is published). You will place your heart directly in His care, and He will keep you safe. Your life, your heart, your writing will be so at one with the Lord that He will be all that matters. So how to start? By dedicating your heart and writing to Him, willing to write what He tells you and where. Let Him lead you. All you have to do is follow, Katrina. He will make the way!!! God bless you, dear one.

  21. Karrilee Aggett

    This was so inspiring… filled with both equipping, encouraging, and just a hint of daring…

    Pulled from a random journal laying around… turned to a random page (because how does one really pick?), praying and believing that the post above is true – and the entry below is for whomever He leads to read…

    “Let’s purpose to Mother… and be mothered. Let’s risk the breaking of our own hearts in order to help build up someone else’s. Let’s count on – knowing that because we love Him – we are called to love each other. Let’s look for open doors, hurting hearts, lonely eyes… Reach out, knowing that no matter the age of our children, ‘mother’ is not just who we are, but it’s what we do…” (April 2013)


    • Lynn Morrissey

      Sweet Karrilee (what a lovely name, BTW)!
      Oh, how true! How can we pick?! How can we pick a journal entry when God has used them all to imprint HIs will and His heart onto ours? I’m so glad He has used journaling in a powerful way in your life. And just think, Miss Mother, with every stroke of your pen, you are leaving an invaluable legacy for your beloved children. I just LOVED what you shared from your journal. It’s beautiful. You remind us all of the utter importance of motherhood–truly a holy calling. And yes, you risk it breaking your heart, but God has a way of using broken things to become vessels through which His light shines! I tell you, Karrilee, you are shining here! Keep writing for Him and those beautiful children.

  22. Mary

    Oh, we all need this. So much. Thank you so much for sharing this, Lynn . . . and most especially for forwarding the tip. God bless!

    • Lynn Morrissey

      Mary, what an encourager YOU are!! Thank you so much for these generous words. It was my prayer that anything I could share would help someone to keep writing. Thank you very much for this affirmation!

      • Lynn Morrissey

        Mary, I also wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading your lovely, poetic blog. God is using you, my friend!

  23. floyd

    This is the finest piece of encouragement to write that I’ve ever encountered. God has used you as His vessel in so many ways, Lynn. May He continue to bless your heart and writing. What a blessing and honor you’ve been in my life and your book, “Love Letters To God,” is a life changer. I know, mine is changed from having read it.

    Awesome piece of writing, sister!!!!! You never cease to amaze me…

    • Lynn Morrissey

      Oh Floyd, what can I say?! Honestly, you are always just too kind to me. I really appreciate this powerful shot in the arm and in my spirit. Thank you so much! I just wasn’t sure what to write about when Jennifer (a great writer!) so generously invited me. But my heart kept going back to writers ready to give up. So if this encouraged even one writer not to, Im grateful beyond words! I can’t believe how God connected us, and I am so excited to meet a guy who journals! Not all do, and I’m so touched by how God is using this method of prayer to change your life. I love your writing too BTW! You’re terrific, Floyd.
      May the Lord continue to bless your writing for His glory!’

  24. Lynn Morrissey

    Well, then let me just say YAY, MICHELLE! You go girl. And you do! =]

  25. Lynn Morrissey

    May I say a heartfelt thank you to the incredibly generous and loving (and TALENTED!) Jennifer Lee for sharing your blog with so many in an effort to encourage the writer (and just to encourage anyone fortunate enough to be reading here)? Jennifer, what a source of encouragement this series has been to me, personally; but to be invited to share takes your graciousness to a whole other level. I am indebted. Just reading your beautifully crafted stories here on a regular basis is inspiration in itself–that incentive to read, to write, to try one’s hand at emulation, but always to retain one’s own voice. because as a teacher of writers, this is your goal. You show us by how you live and by the story you write–God’s story lived through yours, through ours–that writing is important and life-giving. You make such a difference in our world, and I wanted you to know that I notice, I appreicate, and I tip my hat to the lady who packed up her typewriter back in the day in the bustling newsroom and took it home to the pastoral farm, where you would raise blessed children to become loving adults and beautiful word-seeds to sprout a lavish harvest. God is blessing what you plant here, Jennifer, a thousand-, thousand-fold. And I bless you, too, as do all your readers. We love you, we cherish your words, and we honor your example, because we have tasted the sweet fruit you serve here, the fruit, I daresay, that is a glimpse of what we’ll eat at a wedding feast being planned for a perfect future.

    I love and thank you! And by the way, I love your readers too! What gracious, intelligent, and gifted followers of Christ!

  26. Shereen Lynn

    God of Mercy,
    I am NOT; but I want so desperately to BE.
    Coax my true self out of hiding.
    Sing me into being.
    Write my name where I can read it.
    Teach me the language of Your love.
    Oh yes!

  27. Lynn Morrissey

    Dear Shereen,
    Oh my! You are such a significant wordsinger, and I am awed by your beautiful expressions of HIs mercy and grace. My dear, He HAS sung you into being by the melody of the gift of language He has given you. Truly, this is so lovely. But it’s more than notes on the page or lilting lyrics of your lifesong–what you sing here is a heartfelt expression of your deep desire to be known by Him, to be loved by Him, and to share His love with others. He’s already answering, I can assure you. I can *hear* it!
    God bless you!

  28. Karmen M.

    Your words popped up on my blog reader just moments after I had posted on facebook that I was questioning my ability to write and how I felt towards my writing. Reading your words was just what I needed in that moment. Thank you.

    • Lynn Morrissey

      Oh my goodness, Karmen! What a thrill this is for me to read your comment right here, right now, knowing that we serve a sovereign God and that you were meant to read something encouraging. And I know that I was meant to write it–even if it were for only one: You! I had previously written a “writing tip” for Jennifer’s blog some months ago. But something kept gnawing at me, and I felt led to write a piece to encourage writers ready to give up. I sensed this was what God was impressing upon me. Jennifer graciously accepted the change, and voila! So doubt no more, dear one. You were meant to read this, and now you are meant to continue your writing. Don’t give up, because God isn’t! He’ll show you the next steps! I’m so excited for you!

  29. Lynn Morrissey

    Well, yay! I’m glad you like the word. Thanks, Deb. I think “wordweaver” is wonderful too. May God continue to give you His words to weave in this tapestery called life, as you add your own threads of color and interest to make His world a better place. I’m going to check out your site!

  30. Tim Inman Sr.

    I watched the movie The Hiding Place, the autobiography of Corrie Ten
    Boom who was sent to a Nazi Concentration camp with her sister to do
    hard labor under harsh conditions. Her sister died but on her deathbed
    she prophesied that both of them were going to be free before the end of
    the year and that she was not going to die. Her prophecy came true that
    year because her sister went home to be with the Lord and Corrie was
    released from the Nazi camp due to a clerical error. She learned a year after her release that everyone her age and above were to be killed. At the end of the movie, the 86 year old explained how she

    went to 60 countries to tell anyone to listen that “no pit is so deep
    that he is deeper still, with Jesus. Even in our darkest moments the
    best remains and the very best is yet to be. I promised my sister I
    would tell it,and I tell you.”

  31. Jennifer

    okay.. so this totally resounded with me. I write to breathe. Sometimes i cannot breathe well, unless i write. i am thankful for this message of truth, that God was/IS a writer. The revelation of that, alone, just says something mighty powerful to me That He has a voice and HE SPEAKS, languages of many.. and desires to communicate intimately to us all. I really CAN write anywhere and everywhere.. i can. And I always want to. Why Me? I dunno.. I haven’t quite figured that out yet. Thanks for the clarity. Amen.



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