You Know You Need a Break When …

August 9, 2012 | 23 comments

Last night, while fast asleep, I had the craziest dream.

In my mind, a person who looked just like me interrupted my happy little dream. She barged onto the set like a movie director, waving her arms around and shouting: “Cut! Cut! This simply won’t work!! Your dream needs more active verbs! We’ve got far too much passive-voice going on here!”

I awoke, startled.

This was my cue to step away from writing for a few days. I might just need a wee bit of a break. 🙂

For the last several days, except when sleeping or eating, my face has been about two feet away from the computer screen. The finger I use to roll the mouse thingy up and down? It looks calloused. My eyes have begun to glaze over.

But oh my, thanks be to God … What a productive week! The girls have been away at “city camp” with their Aunt Lisa and Uncle John, and I have been at home on the farm, writing stories for my upcoming book. And, … I have officially crossed the half-way mark on this manuscript! A modern-day miracle, I tell you. (I am the slowest.writer.ever.)

But it’s time to step away for a few days, to live my story, instead of write it. I’m going to go out and live some active verbs: to play, to laugh, to love.

I’ll see you Sunday or Monday or whenever that crazy movie-director lady disappears.

Thank you for your love and encouragement, friend. You are absolutely cherished.

Love, Jennifer

by | August 9, 2012 | 23 comments


    • dukeslee

      Thank you for you’re prayers. Love, love, love you!!

  1. SimplyDarlene

    An empty house and a pre-determined time of rest calls for a mid-day bubble bath, popcorn and a movie for lunch or dinner, and a nap in the shade outside.


  2. SimplyDarlene

    i reckon i shoulda used “;” up there so you don’t think i’m telling you to eat popcorn and watch a movie whilst in the tub.

    please, keep your grammatical police lady to your very own self. she’s so annoying. feed her popcorn – maybe that will help.

  3. Wynnegraceappears

    Enjoy your living of your life, friend. Wishing you Joy scattered everywhere.

  4. Linda

    I think that crazy lady had a good idea. Rest, relax, live joyfully. I’m praying for the writing – and for you. Half way is so great!!

  5. Barbara Thayer

    Great for you! It is a good thing to take breaks now and then…we all need them in order to allow life to go on. Be blessed, rest, be refreshed and refill!! In His love!!! Barbara

  6. Joan

    Enjoy your time off! Blessings to you!

  7. ro.ellott

    Blessings as you go and rest in the vine…abiding and letting Him nourish your soul.

  8. Jody Lee Collins

    Life….great material. We’ll be here when you get back!

  9. Dena Dyer

    Over halfway…time to celebrate! 🙂 Love and hugs, friend.

  10. Megan Willome

    The book will be the better for it.

    By the way that dream is too funny (although I know it wasn’t when you were in it). Your “director” is more of an editor.

  11. Ann Kroeker

    What a vivid and marvelous dream!!

  12. happygirl

    I’ve been thinking about doing the same thing. But, instead of me telling me in a dream, I’m afraid my boss may tell me at my evaluation next week. 🙂

  13. Carol J. Garvin

    Half way is a great accomplishment. Enjoy your break and return refreshed and enthused to get the other half done, too. “Finished” is an awesome feeling. I highly recommend it. 🙂

  14. Lynn Morrissey

    Boy can I empathize as a painfully, ploddingly eeking-it-out-letter-by-letter-by-letter-agonizingly slow author!!! And wow! Half a manuscript?! I’m thinking that maybe you do not know the definition of slow!! That’s exceptional, Jennifer! Congratulations! Thankfully, you *do* know better than to listen to your alter-editor-self and to know when you have just about had enough of her–thank you!–and that you need and deserve a break. Do you think maybe you misheard her about that passive voice, and that she really meant to say, “Dear, Sweet, diligent Jennifer, you have worked so hard that now it is time to *be* passive, make a tall, frosty glass of iced tea, sit on your chaise longue in the shade, and read a good book? You deserve a break today!” Maybe that is what she meant! Anyway, you had the dream, so you get to interpret any way you like. Tell Miss Movie-Director Editor to take a break herself. Cut! 🙂 All the best on your wonderful new book, Jennifer!

  15. Leslie McNeil

    Oh my gosh; do we ever need to STEP AWAY from the keyboard, the computer… the tv, and the world. Take a breath. Be quiet. and be Still. Loved your story… thank you!

  16. Jillie

    All these comments sum up what I am thinking. “You deserve a break today…” as the old familiar commercial jingle goes. Yes, step back. Step away. Live some life. And write about it afterwards. ENJOY your mini-staycation with your family and yourself…and the good Lord. Will miss you though.

  17. Monica Sharman

    More than halfway? Don’t they call that “over the hill”? 🙂

    Rejoicing with you, both for the alone time to work hard and well, and for the break time to step away from it for a bit. Praying for refreshment, joy, encouragement, sanity, good nutrition, good sleep…and thanking God for you, a good friend.

  18. floyd

    I can relate. About a month ago my family was on vacation and I had to come home for business. I had a Sunday that I got up, got coffee, went to my office and spent close to sixteen hours there. I literally got about 30% of a manuscript done that I’ve been working on since last year… Now if I could finish it and find someone who wants to read it!

    Wise choice. Rest. God gives us signs. Enjoy your time.

  19. Dolly@Soulstops

    Congrats on your progress and go be active 🙂 away from your laptop 🙂

  20. michelle derusha

    Your dream made me laugh, even though I know I shouldn’t have!

    Hope your respite has been rejuvinating. And a big, big high-five on passing the halfway mark!!!

  21. Sheila Seiler Lagrand

    I’m glad you got a crazy movie-director type.

    I got a storm trooper. 🙂


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