Y is for Yahweh

March 12, 2010 | 21 comments

She’s seven years old, and lives half-a-country away but she sees what I see. They’re all around our world, these Ys that remind us of Yahweh. Her mama wrote to tell me so:

“I told her one day that I learned from you about seeing a Y within our everyday life and how we can always see God with these Y’s and remember how much He loves us and how He creates it all. Now she just loves finding Ys….and pointing them out to me every time. And now I find myself searching for those Ys. … Yesterday was yard clean up and she has a row of Y sticks along our fence.”

The little girl’s name is Nevaeh –Heaven spelled backward. (And Nevaeh is every bit Heaven!) Like my daughters, Nevaeh looks for the Ys all around her. With Soul-Eyes, they see the Ys in the clouds, and in the trees, and in the cracked sidewalks, and in the snow-tracks on the ground. When we see the Y-shaped lines on the palms of our hands, we remember that our names are engraved on His.

We see the Ys for Yahweh in Iowa. Nevaeh sees Ys for Yahweh in Connecticut.

Wherever we go, there Yahweh is also. Someone might call it coincidence or crazy, but we rather think He marks our world with his first initial: Y.

This weekend, may we all have Soul-Eyes like Nevaeh, who sees Yahweh at work all around her.

“If I go up to the heavens, you are there. If I lie down in the deepest parts of the earth, you are also there. Suppose I were to rise with the sun in the east and then cross over to the west where it sinks into the ocean. Your hand would always be there to guide me. Your right hand would still be holding me close.”
— Psalm 139: 8-10

PHOTOS: Nevaeh’s Y sticks, all lined up in Connecticut. Nevaeh is the daughter of Michelle, over at ~Psalm 104:24~ .

RELATED POST: The Y Scar. (The story of where I first began to see Y for Yahweh, after a car accident that left a Y-shaped scar on my left leg.)

While we’re at it, let’s look for Js for Jesus, S for Savior, M for Messiah, K for King of Kings, A for Abba, C for Christ, E for Emmanuel, and on and on …. Oh, the reminders of God’s omnipresence are everywhere, aren’t they?

by | March 12, 2010 | 21 comments


  1. Claire

    Jennifer He is absolutely everywhere.

    Thank you… my eyes will be open this weekend.


  2. elizabeth

    Big smiles 🙂 Love the Y's lined up along the fence.

  3. mom2six

    Everywhere, all the time, God with us.

  4. ~*Michelle*~

    OH Jennifer…..as my eyes well up, I must thank you for sharing Nev, her story…..and all that she sees. It is such a blessing to have "met" you….so thankful to call you friend.


  5. Kelly Langner Sauer

    The same God, here, there – Alpha and Omega, the Living God. wonderful to know Him with you…

  6. lynnrush

    Yep. He IS everywhere, isn't he?

    Thanks for this post. Have a great weekend.

  7. RCUBEs

    The Alpha and the Omega!!! No wonder, we can find Him in all of the letters of the alphabet…if only our hearts are willing to…

    Your Y scar's meaning was also etched in my heart since I read that post! God bless.

    Those are awesome pics from sister Michelle's…

  8. Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife

    I love this! What a beautiful name that little girl has!

  9. Karen

    Awesome post…and the pictures really told the story!

  10. Stephani

    That is so neat! I'll never look at a Y in the same way. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Jennifer

    Sorry Jennifer–I somehow clicked the wrong "comments" link and put the comment for this post on your post from a few days ago. 🙂 Human and flawed is my only excuse. Thanks for sharing your heart (and the hearts of your friends).

  12. Beth E.

    I'll be watching for the Y's….a great post, Jennifer!

  13. Rose

    I think it's wonderful a child has joined in on looking for the "y's. Praise God she will become more aware on her quest. Simple things can point children to God when we give them the ideas and encouragement to do it.

  14. Deborah Ann

    Awwww….I have goosebumps! When I first saw Nevaeh's name, I thought of Michelle. How cool that it really was Michelle's daughter! I just love her…and you too, of course! Awesome Yahweh pictures!

  15. elaine @ peace for the journey

    Thank you, Nevaeh & Jennifer, I'll be looking for my "Y" this weekend.


  16. Beth.. One Blessed Nana

    That is great Jennifer!

    I will start keeping my eyes open for "y's" !

  17. Shirl

    Now I know I'll be looking for Y's everywhere! How cool is this!

  18. hope42day

    Maybe it is appropriate that Easter falls in April this year. I looked up what the name April means. It means to open…interesting…

  19. Pfeiffer Photos

    So beautiful, thanks, Jen. We just experienced a big disappointment in our life and this gave me a big boost.

    Love to you, a friend I've never met and will spend eternity with someday. oxo

  20. Laura

    I am opening these soul-eyes, Jennifer. Trying to see. Yes, He is there, though sometimes I am too weak to see.

    Thank you for your encouragement recently. You bless.

  21. Red Letter Believers

    An alphabet Jesus — A to Z!


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