Why We Blog

May 11, 2009 | 15 comments

This is the first in a series of posts about “Why We Blog.” If you would like to participate by writing your own “Why We Blog” post, see the instructions below. I’ll link to you here at Getting Down With Jesus.


Every once in a while, I have wondered what purpose this whole blogging thing serves. At times, it has felt a bit self-indulgent — and a bit risky — to lay my life out on a page for the world (or at least my mom, sisters, and best friend’s mother’s aunt Clara) to read.

And then comes a day like the one last week, when I stood behind the camera and snapped this picture:

Artistically, it’s a horrible photo. But I treasure it.

It’s a picture of providence.

It’s a picture that never would have been taken, were it not for God at work in Blogger-ville.

Pictured are the six journalism students I taught this spring at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. (The seventh person is my daughter, Anna, who joined me in the classroom on our last day.)

Together, my students and I have explored the craft of writing, wrestling with words, uncovering beauty in a turned phrase, exploring the responsibility we carry as journalists. We have also prayed together, shared some frustrations, discussed what it means to have a Christian worldview in the news business.

We were brought together because of God, no doubt — God working through a little ol’ blog here at Getting Down With Jesus.

So I look at that picture and see seven answers to the question: “Why do I blog?”

Today, I’ll share with you this story of providence, with a rerun of a post originally published Jan. 13:

A (New) High Calling
(Post originally written Jan. 13, 2009)

Today, this farm wife, former news-hound and chief tucker-inner of two girls added a new title to her resume: Adjunct Professor.

In typical God fashion, this wasn’t my idea. If I believed in coincidences, I’d call it one. But I don’t, so I won’t. I do, however, believe in “God-incidences.” This is one of those.

Let me tell you how it went down: A few months back, I joined High Calling Blogs, a great network that connects people in the “high calling” of their work and daily lives. In joining HCB, members are encouraged to read other blogs in the network and comment as often as they can.

So that’s what I did. I started down the list of bloggers and found several favorites, including Stuff in the Basement. I read his blog several times before commenting. Then, on Nov. 6, I noticed that this exceptional writer lived a mere 33 miles from my front door. (A photo on the lefthand rail of the blog indicated that the author, Jim Schaap, was a professor at Dordt College.)

In the whole realm of the World Wide Web, this was a huge God-incidence. I mean, hello, there aren’t that many people in northwest Iowa. We live in a part of the world where pigs outnumber people by a wide margin.

So that day, I commented on one of Jim’s posts, signing off as “a Lyon County reader.”A few days later, I received a phone call from a Dordt College dean. (Jim had come to my blog and discovered that I was a journalist and a committed follower of Christ. Being a Christian is sort of a big deal at Dordt, seeing how it’s a Christian college and all.)

A few weeks later, a contract was signed. And today, I started work as a part-time instructor of Comm 242, an advanced journalism class. …

… We’ve been talking a bit over at High Calling Blogs about the importance of community, and making sure readers feel connected there. It’s more than a place that links one blog to another. It’s a place where we’re engaged in the lives of others.

… And today, I came face-to-face with part of that High Calling Blogs community. I shook hands with my new colleague: Mr. Stuff in the Basement, Jim Schaap.


I’ll write more in the series, “Why We Blog,” this week. I would love to hear why you blog. Comment here, or write your own post on “Why We Blog.” Then, let me know you’ve published your post by emailing me through the “Contact Me” link, above left.

I will then link to your post here at Getting Down With Jesus.

Participating so far:

Valerie at Simply 4 God. In her post, It’s My Blogoversary, Valerie writes: “I may never know until the day I go home to be with my Lord if I indeed touched someone with my words, but that is okay. … I know that HE has been and will continue to be GLORIFIED!”

isumom at ISU and Other Life Details. In her post, Why I Blog…, isumom writes: “Sometimes I get so busy in my day to day life that the little things get forgotten, and sometimes it is the little things that matter the most.”

by | May 11, 2009 | 15 comments


  1. Prairie Chick

    Well… that was just a God encounter! Wonderful!!!

  2. christy rose

    God does work in mysterious ways!

  3. Billy Coffey

    We seldom get to see just how far our words reach into the lives of others and just how many people rest in our tiny shadows. Which is how I know that picture will always be special to you.

    Congratulations, Jennifer. God works wonders, doesn’t He?

  4. valerie lynn

    Jennifer God does move in mysterious ways. Wow, what a blessing for you. There is one reason why I blog. I blog for the glory of the Lord. I pray that as I pour my heart out on a small piece of the vast internet that someone who has lost all hope and feel that they are alone in what they are going through will be lead by God to Simply 4 God and read that yes there is indeed hope. This hope comes through Jesus Christ. I pray that they will read the post on my life and see that they are not alone. I pray that they will come to know God as I have come to know Him. This is the sole reason for my writings.

    God bless you my friend!

  5. Red Letter Believers

    I do love this blog…and your reflection of life in middle america. This blog is a slice of joy. You blog to bless…and you are blessing me.


  6. James Oh

    I believe that there is not by accidence that I drop by at your blog.

    I am very pleased to see lots of people are using blog to share their experiences and knowledge for the benefits of others. So do I. I believe through sharing, we are not only able to strengthen our faith, but also to enlighten other lives.

    I will be more than happy if you could link to my post at Getting Down With Jesus. Thank you in advance.

  7. marilyn moser

    I am so happy for you to be able to have the opportunity to teach journalism class at the college level all because of someone seeing your blog site! You weren’t actively “seeking” for this…but yet you were “found” to teach this class. I feel that is a GOD thing for sure! You are a marvelous of example of “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and ALL things will be added to you”…and let me tell you you ADD lots to so many lives!! Thanks for being a light to me and so many in the blog o sphere!!
    Bless you dear sister!
    I get a kick about your farm wife experiences as I can relate to so many of them!

  8. Chris Godfredsen

    I rather like that photo, too, as one of the “God-incidences” of which you write has landed one of those students a news gig in my little organization.

    Total God thing and I praise him for the connection.

    Looking forward to jumping into the fray as to why I blog. Will let you know when I am finished!

  9. Chris Godfredsen

    I rather like that photo, too, as one of the “God-incidences” of which you write has landed one of those students a news gig in my little organization.

    Total God thing and I praise him for the connection.

    Looking forward to jumping into the fray as to why I blog. Will let you know when I am finished!

  10. Jennifer

    Chris — I’m looking forward to hearing what you have to say. It always moves me …

    James — Nice to “see” you here. Welcome. I’m looking forward to your post as well.

  11. LisaShaw

    Jennifer your message over at my Sharing Life with Lisa blog was so sweet. I came back over to love on you and so enjoyed reading this message!!!

    I’ll just share here. Blogging is a part of the ongoing Ministry work done unto the GLORY of GOD. I have 3 blogs that serve 3 different areas of ministry and all to prayerfully draw people back to Abba Father through our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Sharing Life is my most intimate blog that ministers to the whole person. Living a fit life ministers more to the body and seeing ourselves via GOD’s eyes and Marriage Flavor ministers to those who are married or considering marriage. I think it’s the toughest blog I do because I receive the most confidential emails on that one expressing a lot of pain people are in.

    I hope that with His grace and wisdom leading me that I’m helpful to others in some small way and if so then TO GOD BE EVERY BIT OF THE GLORY!

    I wish I was in that class learning from you as well! I’m glad the Lord has crossed our paths. You’re a precious soul. The photo is beautiful!

    Love ya!

  12. deb

    I feel overwhelmed with all of this blogging stuff, a typical confusion with others no doubt, nudged to write and share and feel blessed.
    I am just starting to learn about links and labels , and all the rest , but know true joy and community in the good words and faithful hearts found through this medium, especially through the HCB.
    I will write a post and, let you know, so that others might be inclined or renewed or not, but thanks for being you, in thanks for being.

  13. Sarah G.

    Hi, Jennifer! I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. I’m really starting to miss our journalism class and all the fun we had. I learned a lot from it. Thanks for being such a great professor, and I look forward to seeing you around campus next semester.

  14. Sarah G.

    Hi, Jennifer! I hope you’re having a wonderful summer. I’m really starting to miss our journalism class and all the fun we had. I learned a lot from it. Thanks for being such a great professor, and I look forward to seeing you around campus next semester.

  15. Monica

    Umm…did you ever give extensions?
    I know it's >1 month late, but I did want to participate. (No need to link!)
    Meekly yours,
    Monica 🙂


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