When the World Says No Way, We Say Yahweh.

September 10, 2010 | 28 comments

My favorite farmer steps in through the back door, weaves past hills of dirty jeans and groceries still in bags. He says nothing of the paper-strewn countertops or the breakfast dishes still standing sentry at the sink, where water’s turned cold.

He disappears into the office, and then back out again. He finds me, still bent over in the hallway where I’m picking up scraps of construction paper and yarn left by little artists who make the whole world their studio.

He winks, and woos me with this: “I left something for you at your computer.”

I stand up, tuck stray hairs behind ears, and ask: “What is it?”

He doesn’t answer. Just walks straight out the back door and leaves me to discover.

I come ’round the corner, to find a scrap of glossy paper torn from a farm magazine, laying on my computer keys.

I cup my hand to my mouth, laugh at the thought of it, and you’d think I just struck gold.

My favorite farmer knows what Y means to me. Knows how I see Ys everywhere these days. Yahweh marks our world with His initial. Now, some people might call me crazy, but I think He marked me that way, too. The farmer tells me later that, for all he knows, those bins were Photoshopped into a Y configuration.

He knew I’d like it anyway.

I lay the scrap of paper over top of the stacks of paperwork to my left. For when Yahweh is first, everything else is in its proper order.

LORD, Before I do anything else this day,
let me wonder at the wonder of You,

But now, Lord, what do I look for?
My hope is in you.
~Psalm 39:7

RELATED POSTS: The Y Scar ; Y is for Yahweh

Photo of T-shirt: I found this shirt at LifeLight music festival over Labor Day weekend. Perfect!

by | September 10, 2010 | 28 comments


  1. Nancy

    Love this post,Jennifer… your words and your life have sent many of us on a "search for Yahweh". Blessings to you, today.

  2. Nancy

    What a good man you've got there, to look past the dirty dishes and into your heart. Very cool that you collect Y's. This post made me smile.

  3. Red Letter Believers

    Great title. great T shirt.

    Hey, did you see Everfound at LifeLight? Look at their website and you just might see some of my writing…

  4. Chris Godfredsen

    Yeah, yeah!

  5. Chris Godfredsen

    Yeah, yeah!

  6. Dan King

    Sweet! I also think that it's really cool that your favorite farmer is noticing things that he knows are important to you…

    Kinda like Y does.

  7. Angel

    How thoughtful of your wonderful farmer husband! I will now see "Y's" in a whole new light. Thank you for sharing this. God bless you!

  8. Melissa Runcie | Madabella

    Amen! A beautiful reminder to say Yes to Yahweh…He is our peace, our hope!!! What an awesome way to start my morning!

  9. S. Etole

    priceless …

  10. Amy

    Wonderful! I was going to ask if you got that at Lifelight. 🙂 I hadn't thought of taking note of Y's before, so great post!

  11. Dionna

    That is so neat! I love that you see "Y's" everywhere!

  12. Sara

    I love the shirt … and the truth it screams. You always bring a smile to my face. That's why I love dropping in.

    happY daY,

  13. Rosario

    This reminds me of the song, "I'm Trading my Sorrows", Yes Lord! Yes Lord! You can do the impossible!

  14. Deidra

    Your farmer is something else.

  15. jasons

    Aww, that's so sweet. Great story, and the greater point is pretty fantastic too. 🙂

  16. thesavingmomparents

    Love this. One of my most favorite words is Yeshua. Amazing how we can look and see our Creator and Savior everywhere. The magnificence of His design. Thanks! ~Jessica

  17. Charity Singleton

    I'd like to think my life is Y-shaped, too. I hope so.

  18. Kelly Langner Sauer

    so special… thank you for sharing this with us!

  19. Jennifer @ Getting Down With Jesus

    Nancy, I love the photos you've taken of Yahweh's initial. You continually help me keep my eyes fixed on Jesus.

    Nancy Number II and Dan King: Yep. That favorite farmer is as keeper.

    David @ RLB — I didn't see Everfound but am familiar with them. I'm headed over now to see your writing there. Way cool….

  20. Healthified to the Max

    Beautiful my friend!! I have closed my blog, for now, due to other things I wish to do but will still be around commmenting…

  21. Catherine

    Love this post!

    Catherine 🙂

  22. Karen

    I am always blessed when I visit here….

  23. Lyla Lindquist

    How do you do that, every time?

  24. Carey

    Love it! Love the "Y"s, love that you look for them, and love the connection between you and Scott. Blessings!

  25. Graceful

    Your post, I love it! Love the way you describe your little artist and the whole world as her studio — isn't that the truth! And the Y…very cool. I am writing about signs on the blog this week, so this Y sign makes me smile.

  26. Amy Sullivan

    The "Y" is AMAZING!

  27. Jennifer

    Awesome farmer husband to see you and God in a magazine. 🙂

  28. Disciple

    Just loved this. It reminded me of when I started going back to learning Hebrew and pasted Psalm 121 in Hebrew in my journal. Then found the only word I recognized was Yahweh. In all the muddle and the confusion of words I did not understand the Lord was telling me He was still to be found. It so helped my life at that time.



  1. #TellHisStory: If You’re Feeling a Little Lost and Unseen | Jennifer Dukes Lee - […] was Spirit, and it was Yahweh, and it was surviving what didn’t seem survivable when the steel of my own van came…

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