What You Need to Know as You Head Back to Work Tomorrow

January 4, 2015 | 16 comments

So, here we are, on the front edge of a brand new year. For many of us, tomorrow begins a new year at work — whether that work happens in an office, on the road, on the farm, at a school, or right in your home.

Here’s what we need to know about our work this year:

God doesn’t send us out the door with our briefcases in the morning, wave goodbye, and say to us: “Well, have a great day at work. I’ll see you around supper time!”

God literally goes with us. He promised in Scripture never to leave us or forsake us. We have a Helper. And He is saying to us today, “I am with you always.”

I believe so deeply that God is in our work — and that’s why I’ve spent the last five years as a part of The High Calling ministry team, helping spread that message worldwide.

Do you need a fresh reminder that God goes with you in your work, in 2015? Join me here today. (Click here).



Where do you spend most of your work hours? How can I pray for your work this year?

by | January 4, 2015 | 16 comments


  1. David Rupert

    We tend to put things in drawers, pull them out when we are ready and put them away when we are done. Not so with God. The same Lord of the Sabbath is the Lord of the Monday. And he’s always ready. Where do I work? In a small office in a downtown building. No windows, but i’m very blessed. You can pray for clarity of mind and impact.

    • dukeslee

      “The same Lord of the Sabbath is the Lord of the Monday.” I love that, David. Thanks so much. And yes, I am praying for you — for clarity of mind and impact. You do #goodwork, good sir!

  2. Lynn D. Morrissey

    Hi Jennifer,
    I tried to comment at THC, but somehow, coudln’t find the comment box; but it’s *always* a pleasure to communicate with you right here, at the home of your beautiful writing and wonderful insights. I spend most hours of my workweek at home. There was a time when I thought that that would be depressing. God had led me to exciting (and sometimes exasperating) work in the workforce as executive director of the USO (in St. Louis). Work-life was exciting and rewarding as our agency helped America’s military and their families, offering them a “home away from home,” when they desperately needed it. We met their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. The job, itself, was also fascinating….a limelight kind of place at times. I will tell you that when I was promoted to head of the agency at just 34, I was shaking in my high-heels. But the Lord was with me. I, a college vocal major, had had no training for this demanding position, but the Lord provided my every need so that I could meet the needs of our military. It was difficult to leave my career when I had our daughter. And talking about shaking in my tennies and flying by the seat of my pantyhose…..wow! To paraphrase a well-known quote: “I knew nothin’ ’bout birthin’ no babies, and nothin’ about raising them either!” But once again, God was with me. Our daughter is a stunning, God-loving young woman. And God also was with me when He called me to write and speak for Him, from home base. So, God went to the USO, and He came back to our home. He never forsakes us, Jennifer. And when He calls us to a ministry, a career (it’s all the same to Him), as you say, He promises to go with us. I pray He will continue to manifest Himself to you this year in ways great and small in this wonderful writing-and-speaking minsitry He has given you. He is with you, Jennifer!!
    Happy New Year!

    • dukeslee

      Lynn… What a beautiful testimony to God’s faithfulness and His presence in the workplace. I didn’t know your history is the USO! So fascinating, Lynn. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I’m sorry that you had trouble finding the comment box at The High Calling. If you scroll all the way down to the end of the post, you should be able to find it. Thanks again!

  3. Yewande

    So what I needed to hear. I start a new clinical rotation tomorrow
    in a new town and I am nervous but I know God is with me.

    • dukeslee

      Yewande … sounds like the devotion was in God’s perfect timing. Know that a writer up in the northwest corner of Iowa is praying for you tonight!

  4. dw

    Back to work after two weeks vacation tomorrow and dreading it. Thanks for the reminder

    • dukeslee

      I hear ya, dw. Praying that you feel the good Lord walking you into your workplace, and knowing that He sticks by your side all the day through. You glorify Him through your work.

  5. Lisa Tindal

    As the Director of a non-profit: suicide prevention, mental health advocacy and awareness, shelter for homeless moms…I have lost my “fire” and energy for my work. I am praying that God will either motivate me or move me.
    Thanks for the reminder of God’s presence.

    • dukeslee

      Lisa, I prayed for you this morning. I prayed that a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit would fan the flame within you, that He would sustain you and provide the energy you need for your work. Furthermore, I prayed as you said — that God would either motivate you or move you. Your work matters to people, and it matters to God.

  6. Trisha Mugo

    Jennifer, I work at home and we begin our homeschool spring semester today. Pray for my patience and sanity. Thank you so much!

    • dukeslee

      Hi Trisha! I’m sure you’re already busily sharpening pencils and making assignments this morning. I’m lifting you all up in prayer as you begin this important work. God bless you.

  7. Marcus Goodyear

    Beautiful post here and on The High Calling. Thanks for everything you do, Jennifer. How has it been 5 years??!

    I spend most of my hours sitting and typing at a screen. This means that my work and many of my work relationships are almost entirely mediated by technology. I pray that God will help me remember the people on the other side of my screen, receiving emails and newsletters, reading articles and Facebook posts, checking calendars and milestones and comment threads.

    How can I pray for YOU, Jennifer?

    • dukeslee

      Five years, yes! I know! My first Laity Lodge retreat was in the fall of 2010, and I had already been serving at The High Calling for most of that year.

      I join you in praying, even now as I type, that God would help you and sustain you in your work — which daily helps the rest of us remember the core principles of this blog post!

      Thank you for asking how you can pray for me, Marcus. I’m in a state of transition now, working on a couple of new projects. I am needing a push to get going on them, however, I find myself staring down some old demons that creep up on me when faced with something new. So, I could use prayers to step out in confidence.

      • Marcus Goodyear

        Jennifer, you of all people should be confident. I pray that God will help you see yourself as he sees you. What greater confidence could you have than that?

  8. Lynn D. Morrissey

    Thanks for your comments and direx to THC. But I”ve never had an issue before. I left anotehr comment for you over there. =]
    love you!



  1. » What You Need to Know as You Head Back to Work Tomorrow - […] So, here we are, on the front edge of a brand new year. For many of us, tomorrow begins…

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