{unto the glory} How to Catch Joy

June 16, 2012 | 18 comments

Joy is certain proof of a God in heaven, undeniable proof that an imaginative, playful, loving God fashioned people and a planet.

And I don’t want to miss it. I want to live a life catching joy, even if I don’t catch a single fish. I want to take more nature walks, eat another s’more, and make my girls laugh at dumb knock-knock jokes. I don’t want to breathe my last, and look back upon my life to realize that it was a string of conference calls, to-do lists, and blog posts. I will ban from my small world those moments of quiet fretting, hand-wringing worry, unhealthy comparisons with others and too-careful planning for my life. I want to climb another tree, bait another hook and eat cherry tomatoes straight from the garden.

I will catch joy, and I want to be the one who doesn’t forget to go back and thank the One who gave it.

Linking with Deidra and Sandra this weekend…

by | June 16, 2012 | 18 comments


  1. elizabeth

    Happy Weekend, wishing you Joy as you go out to catch IT. Bless you and I share in your JOY and celebration re your book news. Happy times. Love your photo’s above. They are happy to look on.

    • Jennifer@GDWJ

      Thank you, Elizabeth! You are a joy carrier. On my Facebook page, someone said that Joy isn’t just something to catch, but also to RELEASE.

      Like catch-and-release fishing, I want to catch and release joy.

      Have a blessed weekend.

  2. elizabeth

    Oh my and I almost failed to comment on the lovely lady made from natural findings. She is sooooo fun. And quite beautiful too.

    • Jennifer@GDWJ

      The girls and I make “nature people” out of sticks, leaves, pinecones, etc. Thank you…

  3. SimplyDarlene

    Ah, I keep reading and hearing about and seeing images of summer fun — it feels like autumn around here with 30’s at night and rain all day. Blech!

    (I don’t know about joy apart from the SonShine…)


    • Jennifer@GDWJ

      Oh bummer, Darlene! Glad you can sit in the light of the Son, even when the sun is hidden.

  4. Carol J. Garvin

    Joy is found in many places, some quite unexpected… like in our daily work. I thank Him for those moments of realization.

    Love that photo of the iris. Irises are one of my very favourite flowers.

  5. Lynn Morrissey

    As always, Jennifer, you write such lovely posts and illustrate them beautifully w/ your picturesque photography. How *do* you do it?! I know this one should not necessarily evoke a giggle, but I thought: “Oh, joy is in the eye of the beholder. I can’t imagine catching a fish. Ick. I like to ‘fish’ with my husband, but that translates into he fishes while I read a book in a boat.” I also smiled, because he is always throwing whatever fish he catches right back into the water. Go figure! I never can understand that. Maybe that is that catching-releasing concept which your reader expressed. Joy is too big to hold and, paradoxically, it grows when you give it away. I truly understand your deep meaning and agree with it, but there is another aspect of joy, of which I am reminded in this quote by Nathaniel Hawthorne. He calls it “happiness,” but one could substitute the word, “joy.” Here ’tis: “Happiness is a butterfly, which, when pursued, is just beyond our grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.” I’m not sure if joy can always be caught, per se, but surely what you *are* saying is that you are luxuriating in the time it takes to appreciate all that is beautiful and meaningful in this world and releasing what steals joy. What a wonderful example you set. And, interestingly, when you fish, you must sit still (so says my husband). Wow, just think of all that joy alighting on you this weekend! Beautiful post!

  6. Lynn Morrissey

    Jennifer, this is not about your post, but I was just reading the NLB and found this. I thought it was so appropos with your blog title and “roots” header. Thanks for reminding us to “get down” with Jesus!
    “Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.” ~Colossians 2:7

  7. Joanne Norton

    We could go play and have a good time, Gal. Climbing a tree would be so much fun… but, OH WELL, at my age it ain’t possible. You sound like a “pouring out blessings mamma.”

  8. S. Etole

    Climbing trees was one of my favorite activities as a child. That, and playing in the creek. May the joy of the Lord be your strength for the summer days and beyond.

  9. Deidra

    Me too! Me too! Man, I haven’t climbed a tree in years. I’ll have to fix that, soon.

    Thanks so much for you, Jennifer!

  10. Megan Willome

    Your words remind me of my nephew, who is 10, and the time he was out fishing all day and didn’t catch a single thing and told my dad, “That was a great day, Buddy!”

  11. Donna

    Joyful and lovely. How cute is your leaf lady?

  12. floyd

    I’m guilty too often of not choosing the perspective provided by God of this fact; He is joy and grants us that peace and joy through HImself. “The universe declares Your majesty.”

    Thanks for the reminder. Great pictures…

  13. Sandra Heska King

    Oh how you do this! You bring me joy. And I’m going to go climb a tree!

  14. tammy

    I see joy in the laughter of my children, when my husband smiles at me, having lunch with a friend, getting rain in the middle of a drought, a breath taking sunset, a star filled night, the glow of the moon, a walk on a sunny day, my favorite music, bountiful produce from our garden, the freedom to worship God with other Christians who are dear to my heart…these… and so much more are all blessings of a loving God, and I realize how very blessed I am every day:)


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