{through the lens} The Best Story Ever

June 2, 2012 | 12 comments

best story in heart


What’s the best story you’ve heard or read … or TOLD this week? Share in the comments! (Links welcome.)

Jennifer Lee

♥ ♥ ♥

Here are a few of my favorite things,
found out on the Web this week:



♥ TheHighCalling.org is hosting a writing project about vacations.

high calling logo
You can link up your summer vacation story over at Charity Singleton’s blog, until June 4.

Charity is hosting The High Calling project. Charity writes, ” Whether your stories are funny or heartbreaking, nostalgic or philosophical, we want to hear what you think about vacations.”

The Gypsy Mama shared her annual post entitled, “You are More than Your Swimsuit.” If you’re dreading swimsuit season, you’ll appreciate this thoughtful, truth-filled post by The Gypsy Mama.

♥ I’m so excited to share this one with you. My dear friend, Emily Wierenga, has written a book entitled Chasing Silhouettes: How to Help a Loved One Battling an Eating DisorderMaybe you haven’t struggled with an eating disorder, but chances are, you know someone who has. This is a soon-to-be-released book written by someone who wasn’t a mere bystander or spectator, but an overcomer. She is a dear sister in Christ, who is a gifted writer and artist. There is a solution to the struggle with eating disorders, and the solution has a name: Jesus Christ. Emily takes you on her own journey, and you can read the beginning of her gripping story over on her blog, imperfect prose.  (There, you can also read how to pre-order the book.)

♥ And this, a prayer for the broken-hearted, by Ann Voskamp at (in)courage. Praying this today for any of you who’ve been wounded.



Linking with Deidra and Sandra today.


by | June 2, 2012 | 12 comments


  1. Karen

    I adore that picture and the caption goes right along with what has been on my heart this week…just love confirmations like that!

    The best story I read this week was on FaceBook…on old friend shared:
    “I have good news to bring,
    And that is why I sing,
    My procedure this morning showed no cancer!”

    Always love stories about the Great Physician….

  2. laura

    I just love what you see through the lens.

    I heard a good story this afternoon when my boys returned from a service project with their youth group. They served lunch at one of the local shelters and then played board games with some of the children staying there. It made me sad to think of these homeless children, but glad they could be there for them.

    Praying for you, my friend. Love you.

  3. S. Etole

    Great photo and storyline.

  4. Sandra Heska King

    Our Compassion girl wrote that she had a new baby sister. Her name? Mercy. Is that beautiful or what?

  5. Shelly Miller

    Enjoying your post of finds for the week. I hope to get my act together and share my vacation story. Love the photo with the reminder. And I have heard many personal stories in emails this week that make me realize we all need each other.

  6. Sharon O

    Great posts, my story this week was the miracle that half of my family survived a serious car wreck. The car is totalled but the Angels were very busy keeping my daughter and her three daughters SAFE.

    • Jennifer@GDWJ


      My word. I am so glad your loved ones are safe. Praying now for all of you…

  7. Deidra

    I keep hearing stories about you talking people off the ledge. We need you. And you’re good at that. 🙂

  8. Sharon O

    thank you for sharing this list, some I have already read… others are new to me.


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